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Should Corbyn ignore the smears against him?

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Corbyn won’t lose any sleep, in fact he would be concerned if the opposition party wasn’t having a go at him. All politicians never let the truth get in the way of a good rant, but the more they throw out the more is thrown back in, they expect it, it’s just part and parcel of the game.



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give over, just go make yourself a cuppa :)


---------- Post added 23-02-2018 at 15:26 ----------


i doubt that very much, he was there a long long time before momentum, they were only formed to help fight his corner against the Blairites

Your a nice bloke deano but you're also a devoted fanboy.


Hypothetically you'd still be praising Jezza while Momentum thugs dragged you off to the gulag.

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Is this a meeting place for Momentum or are you all just apologists for the IRA?


See here in lies the problem.


You don't like Jeremy Corbyn, we get it. But calling you out for spreading lies and half truths about him does not make us either IRA apologists or even Labour supporters. It could just be that we think that personal attacks and the spreading of lies and disinformation ultimately does a disservice to political debate.


If Corbyn is guilty of anything, it is of being 20 years ahead of the curve on what was happening in Ireland. All he said back then was 'Look, there are two sides to every conflict and we can either endlessly go on supporting the bloodshed on both sides or we can stop, look at the issues, sit down with all sides in the conflict and see if we can find some level of agreement that the majority of people can live with'. And that is exactly what happened in 1997. By and large, history has proved Corbyn (as well as John Major by the way), right. Apart from a few cranks on the far right, a hand full of dissident republicans and a small but significant number of loyalists, the vast majority of people both here and abroad think the peace process and the GFA were a good thing.

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See here in lies the problem.


You don't like Jeremy Corbyn, we get it. But calling you out for spreading lies and half truths about him .


Lets deal with that. Where did I lie?


You've been shown the evidence thanks to another poster that beat me to it. So all we have is your fervent adoration for him and therein lies the problem....:)

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So Corbyn has met someone who may or may not have been in the IRA?


I have met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. Andrew Neil has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. Every US president from Reagan to Obama has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. Teresa May has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. The pope has met people who may or may not have been in the IRA. In fact the Queen has actually met someone who very definitely was in the IRA.


Are you seriously claiming that all these people support the IRA?

The people in the article were in the IRA..you asked for proof that Corbyn had met people in the IRA..there it is..


---------- Post added 23-02-2018 at 16:21 ----------


If I was Corbyn I'd sue their collective arses off - he really needs to put a marker down with the right wing press. He cant spin it - certainly not like blair could - so he needs to do something to put this to bed. Whining about it won't stop it.


You have to wonder why he isn't...

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If I was Corbyn I'd sue their collective arses off - he really needs to put a marker dowuun with the right wing press.


I'm not so sure that he does. We the people are a lot wiser than we're given credit for. Most people can smell bull**** and this has been going on for such a long time now that it has become a bit of a joke. What next "Corbyn Ate My Hamster!!!"


The only harm the press could do him would be if they could find evidence that he was dishonest or disingenuous. Like him or loathe him, even his enemies agree that he is a man of principle who has for all his faults, stuck to his guns and not kept changing to court the current political fashion. He is excruciatingly boring. He has been an obsessed political animal all his life and it is hard to believe that anything 'saucy' would ever be found about his private life. In fact if it was I suspect his popularity would likely rise rather than fall.


No, I'd advise him to ignore it and not give it any credence by engaging with it. It will either blow itself out, switch it's focus to Momentum or annoy enough people to actually increase support for him in the country at large.


At the end of the day it is a massive testament to how fearful the establishment is of him.

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