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Plumbers/electricians, a quick diy question.

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ha ha you are one of those know it alls that nobody wants to do a job for, crack on mate fit your electric or combi shower, hope it goes very well:roll::roll:


Call me that, if you wish, it's not my fault I actually go and learn things if I have a gap in my understanding of something. At no point would I call myself skilled in any subject discussed, except computers, I simply know little bits about lots of things. Again bringing me right back to point. I came here to ask people that knew, because I didn't. And as I've said more times than I care to count now, I already understand it's not a job I should do myself.


Which part of those two points are you people not understanding? I came to get knowledge, decided it's not a job for me and that there are two other paths to take to get the job done. 1. Get someone else to do it 2. Don't go electric.

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Well, firstly, that's assuming that the current wiring isn't already on it's own circuit, with it's own fuse. I haven't even tried checking yet, because even if I had bought the shower and was ready to install it, I still have too much crap in the cupboard because I've not finished unpacking. Ido however know tthere's an unused mcb on the board at present. Secondly, I suppose it depends on what kind of corrections your meaning, as there is little difference between a k and d curve mcb, mostly involving how long it takes for it to trip and forwhat reason. As for the pscc, no, I don't have a tester, which brings me straight <removed> back to my last point, to which I feel the need to quote myself from my last post, and numerous other times I've said this already;




I really do wish you people would read all of my post instead of choosing to get offended by a single statement. I mean hell, what are you, a grown man/woman or a millennial? Perhaps call it ignorance on my part if you so wish, but what's the point in getting offended? It only raises the blood pressure.




You said that most things are common sense.


I just demonstrated that the choice iof MCB, the choice of cable, the choice of method of protection (an MCB may not be appropriate) are anything but common sense which may get your killed.


Now - act annoyed if you like but if you havnt picked up on the fact that a D curve (or indeed a K) is not appropriate for the situation you are way in over your head and sinking fast.


Further more it's not just a case of adding a little more knowledge to you. If you want to know how to do it - theres a publication called IEEE 17th regs you need...


Plus all the tooling kit. IF you dont have a pscc or isolation tester you've no buisness putting in a new circuit or verifying an older on.

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you've no buisness putting in a new circuit or verifying an older on.


Pretty sure I already said that.


I came here to ask people that knew, because I didn't. .... I already understand it's not a job I should do myself. .


Plus, it ABSOLUTELY IS common sense that an amateur shouldn't mess with the main fuse board... I'm inquisitive, not retarded.


So, one last time I will say the following;


I already understand it's not a job I should do myself. .


For the record, I'm not annoyed, by of this, I'm just mildly irritated that you're deliberately ignoring that I've clearly and repeatedly admitted that this isn't a job I can do while interrogating me on matters relating to *doing* said job that

I'm not going to do.


I feel this whole thread has run it's course. And to end further argument I have asked a moderator to lock it.

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