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Bus vs Tram from Hillsborough into City..

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I usually get the tram into town. Depending on the colour of the tram and the time it gets into town I'll either stay on until Nunnery Sq then walk, or get a 72 bus right to my doorstep.


This morning a tram had broken down at Shalesmoor so the whole system backed up. Luckily I was able to get on a bus to Dore and then switch to the 72 in town. It got me to Castle Sq a lot faster than the tram usually does.


A car pulled out in front of the tram and got smacked - hence the delays!

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If the trams are full and turning away passengers you should be asking why the service has not been enhanced by the use of the three extra train/ trams that were purchased with this very rationale


In addition to the Tram-Train service the project will also deliver a further three vehicles on the existing Sheffield Supertram tram system, which will help to meet demand at peak operating times. Source PTE press release 19 June 2013

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If the trams are full and turning away passengers you should be asking why the service has not been enhanced by the use of the three extra train/ trams that were purchased with this very rationale


In addition to the Tram-Train service the project will also deliver a further three vehicles on the existing Sheffield Supertram tram system, which will help to meet demand at peak operating times. Source PTE press release 19 June 2013


All seven trams purchased for the Tram Train trial are still part of the trial and so are available only when the trial managers say so. Their reliability is currently questionable as is their performance in adverse conditions.

Supertram can only set a service timetable based on their original fleet and their drivers.


Adding additional services is only undertaken when there is a path available for the whole of the journeys made by that tram. Pinch points such as crossovers, turnout, single track sections and terminus capacity have all to be considered and forward planning is essential.

In adverse weather conditions the timing will slip for several reasons. Adding more trams will make the situation for the whole system chaotic and worse for everybody. This is normal practice for Network Rail who operate to special timetables in bad weather, the idea being that a timetable can be recovered more quickly.


Blindly sending untested trams out when a "gap" appears is very silly.

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All seven trams purchased for the Tram Train trial are still part of the trial and so are available only when the trial managers say so. Their reliability is currently questionable as is their performance in adverse conditions.

Supertram can only set a service timetable based on their original fleet and their drivers.


Adding additional services is only undertaken when there is a path available for the whole of the journeys made by that tram. Pinch points such as crossovers, turnout, single track sections and terminus capacity have all to be considered and forward planning is essential.

In adverse weather conditions the timing will slip for several reasons. Adding more trams will make the situation for the whole system chaotic and worse for everybody. This is normal practice for Network Rail who operate to special timetables in bad weather, the idea being that a timetable can be recovered more quickly.


Blindly sending untested trams out when a "gap" appears is very silly.


I am simply drawing attention to what we were told - that these trams would be used to enhance the peak services. I would imagine that someone would have therefore worked out a plan to place them and not to do so on an ad hoc basis. One assumes that someone in the last few years might have thought about the extra paths in the peak it would be a terrible waste of money if these trams are not to be used for their intended purpose


I fail to see what the weather has to do with this apart from perhaps a red herring as this was never a weather related point - Supertram have done great so far as far as the weather goes and as far as I am aware no one has criticised them or any changes to the timetable in the last few days.

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The buses start earlier than the trams so I would use them in preference at that time as there is no tram alternative.


I'd use the tram rather than bus if going out in town at night (or most times really) as West St/City Hall area is more likely to be where I want to be than Snig Hill. The buses don't serve that area until later in the route (if at all).


I'd use the bus to go to Ecclesall Rd (and back) as it's once again possible to sit on a bus that goes all the way round from S6 without changing in town. Though you'll often be sat waiting on Snig Hill for ages.

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If the trams are full and turning away passengers you should be asking why the service has not been enhanced by the use of the three extra train/ trams that were purchased with this very rationale


In addition to the Tram-Train service the project will also deliver a further three vehicles on the existing Sheffield Supertram tram system, which will help to meet demand at peak operating times. Source PTE press release 19 June 2013


The new timetable actually requires the new Citylink trams to operate as it requires more trams in service than the old one as a result in extra minutes running time and turn around time built in to improve service reliability. Without them the timetable can just about be achieved if none of the old trams are required on maintenance.

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The wording used in the SYPTE press release when the trams were delivered in December 2015 was:

.....being introduced on the Supertram network in Summer 2016 to provide extra services at busy times


Note the word extra services and I would suggest that coupled with the words in the previous press release about helping to meet demand would lead most people to expect to see an enhanced service with more trams for customers to catch not simply to provide the same 10 minute frequency

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The wording used in the SYPTE press release when the trams were delivered in December 2015 was:

.....being introduced on the Supertram network in Summer 2016 to provide extra services at busy times


Note the word extra services and I would suggest that coupled with the words in the previous press release about helping to meet demand would lead most people to expect to see an enhanced service with more trams for customers to catch not simply to provide the same 10 minute frequency


SYPTE are not in charge of this trial neither do they own the new tram trains or have any say in their operation or timetabling.

SYPTE can probably be charged with naïvety because they belived what they were being told by Network Rail and reported it in the media.




They cannot and are not to be held responsible for the delay and cost overrun of the trial yet you persist on at least two threads on blaming SYPTE when the National Audit Commission report puts the non-research blame on Network Rail.


Supertram and Network Rail have already written the timetable for the Tram Trains route to Parkgate. This impacts all other routes.

There is currently a twelve minute frequency on the Yellow route to Meadowhall. This will become a 7-8 minute frequency between Cathedral and Meadowhall South.


The three Tram Trains will probable be used to replace Supertrams undergoing heavy maintenance in rotation as they increasingly age.

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