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Fitzalan square regeneration

bus man

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Guest makapaka
3 hours ago, wornout53 said:

My son is due to visit in May after 18 years in the states...boy is he in for a shock. When he left town was somewhere lively vibrant and a good place to shop. Now it is a good place to avoid

If he hasn’t been since 2001 I don’t think he’ll be too disappointed  with the town centre.

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3 hours ago, wornout53 said:

My son is due to visit in May after 18 years in the states...boy is he in for a shock. When he left town was somewhere lively vibrant and a good place to shop. Now it is a good place to avoid

What a load of crap.      As far as shopping goes there is very little changed in the range and type of stores available than there was in 2001.  All that has happened at worst is that they have been moved around a bit.    You are not telling me that your son was some devotee and will be gutted at the loss of castle market and Coop is he?


As for a lack of being "lively" and "vibrant" - maybe you had better tell your son to explore properly.    There is a whole range of new venues, eating places, bars and leisure options which have been developed over the years. 


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There’s nothing wrong with Sheffield City Centre, I was there a few days before Christmas and there was I lively atmosphere in the centre of Sheffield.  Much prefer it to where I live now Newcastle.  The only thing thats good about living up here is the lovely Northumberland Coast.  I didn’t appreciate Sheffield when I lived there but I do now on my many visits.  

I noticed before my last visit there was new buildings near the Town Hall, one was Pitcher & Piano, which we have here.  There has been a lot of change in the 4 years since I moved from Sheffield, mostly for the better.

There is more work to be done where the old marker use to be but I’m sure the council will eventually do something with that area.  


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All these opinions are valid but why (as someone else asked above) is the work in Fitzalan Square proceeding at such a slow (at times seemingly non-existent) pace? 

Maybe Julie & her cohorts are still trying to negotiate suitable backhanders from the contractors concerned,

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Quite simply, because like all major projects there is a multitude of organistaitons to deal with, contracts to draw up, planning applications to be made, red tape to deal with and that's before you start with the practicalities of highway works, demolition works, construction, landscaping, safety operations, temporary re-routing of traffic, permanent re-routing of bus networks, dealing with leases and tenants, compulsory purchasing, corporate affairs and marketing. 


Before all that you have the even bigger issue of making sure that there is enough money in the pot (public and/or private) to ensure you can finish what gets started.     After being burned once after Hammerson crapped all over us, they dont want another situation like that.


Ultimately, all these things take time.  


Its not just a case of wipping up a few barriers and rolling in the diggers. 



Edited by ECCOnoob
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  • 1 month later...

Maybe one for Planner 1, but why has the scheme been designed to pedestrianise the eastern side (where the bookies/Cooplands is) of Fitzalan Square rather than the western side (where the taxi rank is)?


I ask, as now it seems to be causing more traffic congestion and problems since the road was closed last week. All vehicles now have to turn right, and then left rather than continuing straight across towards Flat Street. Sheffield City Council in their wisdom have repainted the white lines on Haymarket indicating that 2 lanes of traffic can turn right, but this just leads to 1 lane on Commercial Street. It will become even more fun when buses start using the western side and want to access Angel Street, as you are not going to be able to turn left and right immediately in a large vehicle without blocking Commercial Street and that's if the lights will be synched.


So my question would be, wouldn't it have been easier to pedestrianise the western side of Fitzalan Square where the current taxi rank is and the works to Esperanto Place will be taking place? That way Haymarket would remain 2 lanes of traffic and therefore not cause the amount of backlog and congestion that has been seen so far this week. Hopefully it is just teething troubles but the new road layout/markings on Haymarket are certainly an accident waiting to happen!

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  • 6 months later...
7 hours ago, John Street said:

Is the work on Fitzalan Square ever going to be finished ?

There is never much activity when I am in town !!

They're quite good at moving diggers in an d out of the work site during the daytime just when there's five buses approaching in each direction.

The work at Fitzalan Square  certainly seems to be being dragged out far in excess of any sort of reasonable time frame (unless of course there's technical issues found with the sub surface utilities infrastructure that no-one's prepared to  place in the public domain).

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