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Private Parking Ticket Megathread (Part 3)

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I have yet to hear of even one case that has proceeded to court where the driver has had no contact with the parking companies.


Hmm, I just googled "ignored parking letter summoned to court" and lo and behold......


---------- Post added 13-07-2018 at 09:35 ----------


If you are going to stalk me at least have the decency to read my posts properly. I have never advised people to ignore court proceedings. What I have said is that if you ignore the series of threatening letters you are MUCH LESS LIKELY to be pursued through the courts. The vast majority of legal action is against those who have corresponded with the parking companies. And the vast majority of these actions are successful because they are defended on the grounds of 'I think the amount charged is a bit harsh' which won't wash in a court where you have already acknowledged the parking company's right to levy any charge they see fit.


This is not opinion, it is fact. The vast majority of cases where the motorist appeals the invoice result in successful action by the parking companies. The vast majority of cases where the motorists ignore the threatening letters end in no further action.


It's a no brainier, as they say.


How many times can you get "the vast majority" into a post without any references to back up your claims!

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Haha, I have a stalker lol!


If you are going to stalk me at least have the decency to read my posts properly.

It's a no brainier, as they say.


Stalker, no nothing so melodramatic, a simple click on 'view person's posts' reveals page after page, in your case, of someone who sees themself as a keyboard politician. You and indeed everyone else that opines on that dreary thread are entitled to your opinions, where they bounce round the echo chamber and will not make an iota of difference to the Brexit process- in other words, they can't do any harm.


On the subject of private parking tickets there is no place for ill-informed opinions, only facts. I would say again that SF should shut all private parking threads and any future attempts to start them up should be pointed in the direction of pepipoo or MSE forums where the advice will be consistently current, valid and well-informed, not, as is the case here, liable to the input of armchair lawyers.

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The companies will always win if you respond to their threatening letters as the very act of doing so is an admission that they have a right to levy a charge on you for parking.


I have yet to hear of even one case that has proceeded to court where the driver has had no contact with the parking companies. Why would they waste money chasing a debt they will almost certainly never recover when there are thousands of people offering themselves on a plate to their enforcement sections?


Here's a few for starters;







If you're going to give advice, please back it up with some verifiable source, so as not to mislead folks with personal opinion.


All that the current discussion on here seems to have done, is to push the genuine advice further back in the thread, so someone coming here seeking good advice is less likely to see it.


Like Zoco, I say again, if you want advice on legal matters, please go to somewhere that has specialist legal experts, rather than armchair lawyers; in the case of PPC tickets/invoices, MSE or Pepipoo are good places to start.


I'm no expert or armchair lawyer, but I do know enough to appreciate how poor is my technical knowledge on the subject of PPCs.


---------- Post added 13-07-2018 at 10:56 ----------


I appealed a ticket via the POPLA process and won.


In which case, your ticket must have come from a BPA member, rather than an IPC one.

At least the former has some semblance of a genuine independent appeal process. i.e. POPLA


Many folks believe that the "appeal process" for IPC members i.e. The IAS, is somewhat of a kangaroo court. Last I saw, and I haven't got time to look for the link at the moment, they claim to reject a minimum of 80% of all appeals as a matter of business as usual.

Edited by peak4
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It does happen.


I ignored all correspondence from them for 5 years or so, until it got to the stage where court proceedings were initiated. At that point, you HAVE to respond (to the court, and also send copies to the claimant).


One the six-year point passes, however, one's defence should be the Limitation Act 1980: that the claim, even if valid, becomes statute-barred.

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One the six-year point passes, however, one's defence should be the Limitation Act 1980: that the claim, even if valid, becomes statute-barred.


Unless they are issuing under the Railways bylaws for a railway car park which some of them like Indigo Parking are doing now.. They only have six months to lay before magistrates although I've seen them try and claim that they can laucha civil action as well...:roll:

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  • 2 months later...
Has anyone had parking charges from parkingeye, for parking in chapletown working men's club? I was sat in the car never left the car, as was waiting for someone & got a parking fine (didn't even know this was happening in chap)


Assuming you were waiting for one of the club's customers, contact the club directly as they should be able to get it cancelled.

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