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Excellent care from NHS

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Trouble with the Health Service is that there are too many penpushers and not enough hands on staff.


However, the NHS appears not to be over managed.


Research by the King's Fund shows that across the UK the proportion of managers in the workplace is 15.4%, but the NHS spends 1-2%on Managers. Recent figures show just over 30,000 managers in the NHS, around 400,000 nurses, therapeutic and scientific staff and about 45000 consultant level doctors.

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I don't think it is the envy of the world at all, in fact it's pretty second rate compared to many European countries - look at the statistics. Remember, in some parts of the country the NHS, no longer rountinely (yet another committee has to decide) carries-out non urgent surgery - how can that be right.

Yes, the nasty party are destroying the NHS, with PFI, ludicrous internal markets and partial privatisation. The object is to ready it for sale to one of the giant US, providers, after brexit.


Tony Blair started PFI, without being racist you can't have 1,000.000 extra people entering the country without putting a strain on the NHS/Housing/Schools.


Also too many highly paid managers who are not doing their job properly.

One example is Rotherham General where they took away the dropping off point for visitors/Outpatients to build an extension which just seems to house a coffee shop, must have cost thousands for something that just cause problems in ambulance waiting area. Sorry about the long post but I get tired of hearing about the "nasty party" when all governments whatever their politics have been the same.

I must add I have had wonderful treatment from the NHS for the last 16 years for a Stroke/Broken hip/Shoulder/Epilepsy, both from RGH/Hallamshire and In Dorset Poole.

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It's good to see positive comments. On the good side when my husband had stroke symptoms he was put through a series of tests and scans very promptly and efficiently - no unnecessary waiting around. On the other hand, another relative had a pacemaker fitted. The procedure itself went ahead but an X-ray was needed before she could go home. After several hours of waiting she eventually went for the X-ray - staff there said they hadn't been busy - the ward just hadn't made the arrangements.

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