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The Future. Good or Bad. What do you think?

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We seem to be facing so many unprecedented challenges in the near and not so near future, that changes are coing thick and fast, but the politicians seem to be burying their heads in the sand, or certainly don't seem to be moving quick enough to meet them.


Just for starters..


Online shopping is going to render the High Street irrelevant. What do we do with our Town centres? But is continuous consumerism sustainable anyway?


Automation and robotics is going to bring unemployment. What new jobs are going to take up the slack? Do we need a 'Citizen's income'?


Things like marriage and religion, arguably the foundations of community and family life for thousands of years, have gone out of fashion in little more than one generation. Is that important? The nature of relationships seems to be changing too, is that a good thing?


Science is achieving great things, but is ethics keeping up. Are the advances going to be affordable to the average person?


What do you think? What else should be taxing the minds of our long term planners?

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I know that things are a bit shakey at the moment but I still believe in "the west". The rise of the "BRICs" countries will be relatively short lived because the foundation they are built on is rotten.

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I know that things are a bit shakey at the moment but I still believe in "the west". The rise of the "BRICs" countries will be relatively short lived because the foundation they are built on is rotten.


Sorry, I can't agree with this. First I don't think the rise of the BRIC countries will be short lived, the foundations might not be good but they are slowly getting themselves sorted.


Nor do I think it should be short lived. Why do we assume we are entitled to a better standard of living than they are?

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I think we are heading for socio-economic disaster and will be right for the taking by the Americans who will see us as weak. The Americans idea of a trade deal is they sell it and we buy it. We will be a convenient Airbase for their european operations and a market place for their goods. The Yanks will achieve without firing a shot what The Nazis failed to do.

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I think we are heading for socio-economic disaster and will be right for the taking by the Americans who will see us as weak. The Americans idea of a trade deal is they sell it and we buy it. We will be a convenient Airbase for their european operations and a market place for their goods. The Yanks will achieve without firing a shot what The Nazis failed to do.


With the Americans on one side of the Atlantic and Germany (EU) on the other, do you ever wonder why we bothered to bankrupt ourselves fighting a second world war...

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Overall, bad, certainly long term. More and more of the planet will be changed irreversibly to allow as many humans as possible to populate it, up to the point it no longer can.


The rate of global population growth has already decreased quite significantly. The wealthier a country gets, the lower population growth tends to be.


Global population is expected to level off at about 11 billion by 2100.

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The rate of global population growth has already decreased quite significantly. The wealthier a country gets, the lower population growth tends to be.


Global population is expected to level off at about 11 billion by 2100.


Global warming however, once the tundra melts and releases massive quantities of CO2, isn't expected to stop anytime soon, and will render ever increasing areas of the world unliveable.

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