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The Future. Good or Bad. What do you think?

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What do you think this catastrophic effect on society will be?


I think the internet is overall a very good thing, but as filters tend to feed supporting memes reinforcing existing beliefs to users, it could have the effect of polarising and dividing society further.

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Guest makapaka
I think the internet is overall a very good thing, but as filters tend to feed supporting memes reinforcing existing beliefs to users, it could have the effect of dividing society.


What are the good things that you feel outweigh the bad things?


I'll add a few more things in to the list of negatives;


Allowing easier distribution of illegal images.

Allowing easier distribution of banned materials / substances.

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What are the good things that you feel outweigh the bad things?


I'll add a few more things in to the list of negatives;


Allowing easier distribution of illegal images.

Allowing easier distribution of banned materials / substances.


But it's also a wonderful window on the world.


I can talk to someone in Nigeria as easily as I can talk to you. I can find out about people's lives in other countries from people on the ground.


I can find out about anything almost instantly without having to refer to a library of reference books. I can learn new things from lectures, talks and videos online, and learn new skills.


I can see News from many different sources to contrast and compare stories and see how it's being spun. I can dig around and find out anything, not just what I am supposed to find out.


I can follow hobbies and interests, discuss issues, find entertainment, work from home, talk to friends, post photographs and keep in touch with distant relatives, shop for anything, sell to people.... just about everything you can think of is covered one way or another. The list is endless. It's incredible.


However as I said before, everything comes at a price. Shopping online for instance, is having a detrimental effect on the High Street, all the unsavoury things you mentioned which help no one, and whether it will eventually affect people's communication skills / relationships is yet to be seen.

Edited by Anna B
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I can find out about anything almost instantly without having to refer to a library of reference books. I can learn new things from lectures, talks and videos online, and learn new skills.


I had to explain to my nephew at the age of 7 what the public library was for and how you used it. After learning about library cards and borrowing books and stamping the return date etc he though for a few moments and came up with a gem...


"So, it's like an Internet for poor people?"

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I had to explain to my nephew at the age of 7 what the public library was for and how you used it. After learning about library cards and borrowing books and stamping the return date etc he though for a few moments and came up with a gem...


"So, it's like an Internet for poor people?"

LOL yes :hihi:


---------- Post added 09-03-2018 at 17:11 ----------


some good news, flippy the burger flipping robot has been switched off for being too slow


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I totally agree. In 100 years they will wonder how we coped without technology.

I often hear stories from older relatives about life without central heating and the windows frozen up on the inside. I'm old, but not quite old enough to remember that. :)


I remember that,ice on the inside of the windows and going to bed with as many clothes on as i did during the day.:hihi::hihi:.Hot water bottles and electric blankets.We had central heating but it was expensive to use so was turned off during the night.the heating kept going off anyhow because of the electricity power cuts in the seventies.I still enjoyed growing up in the seventies though.

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LOL yes :hihi:


---------- Post added 09-03-2018 at 17:11 ----------


some good news, flippy the burger flipping robot has been switched off for being too slow



I believe this is down to the fact that the world's first burger flipping robot significantly increased the number of people going to the burger place (out of curiosity).


The robot wasn't able to meet the increased demand, it is capable of meeting the usual demand.

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Guest makapaka
But it's also a wonderful window on the world.


I can talk to someone in Nigeria as easily as I can talk to you. I can find out about people's lives in other countries from people on the ground.


I can find out about anything almost instantly without having to refer to a library of reference books. I can learn new things from lectures, talks and videos online, and learn new skills.


I can see News from many different sources to contrast and compare stories and see how it's being spun. I can dig around and find out anything, not just what I am supposed to find out.


I can follow hobbies and interests, discuss issues, find entertainment, work from home, talk to friends, post photographs and keep in touch with distant relatives, shop for anything, sell to people.... just about everything you can think of is covered one way or another. The list is endless. It's incredible.


However as I said before, everything comes at a price. Shopping online for instance, is having a detrimental effect on the High Street, all the unsavoury things you mentioned which help no one, and whether it will eventually affect people's communication skills / relationships is yet to be seen.


That’s all very well - but I still don’t believe that outweighs the bad points. It’s not given us anything new - just quicker and easier.


The bad points are new.

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That’s all very well - but I still don’t believe that outweighs the bad points. It’s not given us anything new - just quicker and easier.


The bad points are new.


No they are not. Lets use your own warped logic for a second shall we...


Those bad points you describe about earlier in the thread. Namely, the distribution of illegal images and illegal substances/goods.


Those crimes aren't new. Not even close to being new. Just because the internet in your language makes it "....quicker and easier...." you cannot purport them as new things just to flesh out your already weak argument.


As for your other post about the supposed negatives. I have hightlighted a very key word.


There's loads;


I think it is and will continue to erode meaningful human contact.

I think it is and will continue to be used to negatively influence peoples views to shape the interests of other groups / countries.

I think it is and will be used to cause economic and social damage to benefit other groups / countries.


As I said I could think of loads but haven't the time. Can you not think of any?


....Yes, you "THINK" xxxx. Well thats opinion not fact.


You could "think" of loads of others you say.... but for that pesky restriction of time.


Well perhaps if you want to seriously debate you should make time and actually provide some factual evidence as to these seemingly huge amounts of perceived "bad things" which in your opinon far far outweighs the very obvious and proven real good things.

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I remember that,ice on the inside of the windows and going to bed with as many clothes on as i did during the day.:hihi::hihi:.Hot water bottles and electric blankets.We had central heating but it was expensive to use so was turned off during the night.the heating kept going off anyhow because of the electricity power cuts in the seventies.I still enjoyed growing up in the seventies though.


Electric blankets :o Central heating :o Where were you brought up Dore and Totley ?

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