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£11 for 15 minutes of Care..

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I suggest you all engage with Onewheeldave who has provided the highest quality evidence, but I doubt you will. You will instead pontificate on the nature of evidence, statistics et al, like you always do without addressing the argument at all.


Let's see.


What evidence has Onewheeldave provided? How do you assess that is the 'highest quality evidence'? Would that be evidence that you happen to agree with by any chance?


If you care to read back at this thread, you can see that I was one of the first who actually provided some evidence. It was intended to further the discussion, instead you said evidence generally is pointless. It is therefore a bit rich to say we pontificate about the nature of evidence without addressing the argument.


It was you who did that.

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I suggest you all engage with Onewheeldave who has provided the highest quality evidence, but I doubt you will. You will instead pontificate on the nature of evidence, statistics et al, like you always do without addressing the argument at all.


Let's see.




I gave you a world in action video from the 1970's


So far you havent address that at all - just bleated about statitics and how how they are good/bad/indifferent/made up/good when you use them/bad when we use them.


Are you willing to engage in debate properly or not? When you are shall we go back to that WIA video then?

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Old people have paid into thesystem all their lives, longer than anyone else. The contract was that this money would be used to pay for them to be helped when they needed it. The government has reneged on that promise.


We can aford what we chose to afford. Money is not short. It can always be found for the government's pet projects, extortionate salaries, bungs and wars. The old and the sick however, are an easy target to ignore, they can't fight back.


Just reviving this a bit Anna..have a look here




The table shows what DCC spends it's money on (apart from education) you can see that nearly half goes to adult care...

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Back to the Original post.


The person mentioned needs to request an assessment from adult social care. Anyone can request an assessment for social care, this may intially be via the phone but as long as they meet the initial criteria they should be visited by a care manager or social worker.


Re the cost quoted - providers of complex support can be 2 or 3 times this price. what you have been told would be the average for private care provision.


Social care is in a total crisis and has been for years. it's underfunded, as a country we do everything backwards (wait for crisis instead of providing early intervention and preventing people needed care) The crux of the issue thousands and thousands more people every single year need support and there is no more money to pay for it.

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