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Britain First Leaders Jailed for Hate Crimes

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Why don't they go around and do the same at white peoples houses when whites murder,rape and rob other white people?......is that OK with them?..........or is it the colour of the person who does the crime more important than the crime?


It's called politics lad, just like the reason they have been jailed, you get that right ;)

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The thing is, name calling while unpleasant, childish and unnecessary, is far less hateful than mowing people down in vehicles, bombing kids at a pop concert, bombing people on trains and buses or rampaging through bars and restaurants with knives and machetes.

I accept those examples are extreme but you don't have to go far to see examples of non white on white violent crime that seems to get far less attention in the media than when it's the other way round, don't mention all the knife and gun crime blighting young people in ethnic communities, it's clearly not as right on and trendy enough for most of the current mainstream media though eh, perhaps best if it's not mentioned at all :suspect:


But mowing people down, random attacks and murder are not solely the preserve of Islamic Fundamentalist nutters. There are plenty of white, right wing nutters doing the same thing.


Add to that the state sponsored terrorism that kills kids and hospital patients by the score.


But none of that has anything to do with the behaviour of these two oiks, so your argument doesn’t stack up.


The sentences that Golding and Fransen got are justified. We shouldn’t tolerate people who indulge in racist campaigns, regardless of their colour. This stuff is different to terrorism and we shouldn’t make a false equivalence. The country is a better place with those two behind bars. Let’s hope that the Nottingham Trent students who hit the news today get the same treatment.

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But mowing people down, random attacks and murder are not solely the preserve of Islamic Fundamentalist nutters. There are plenty of white, right wing nutters doing the same thing.


Add to that the state sponsored terrorism that kills kids and hospital patients by the score.


But none of that has anything to do with the behaviour of these two oiks, so your argument doesn’t stack up.


The sentences that Golding and Fransen got are justified. We shouldn’t tolerate people who indulge in racist campaigns, regardless of their colour. This stuff is different to terrorism and we shouldn’t make a false equivalence. The country is a better place with those two behind bars. Let’s hope that the Nottingham Trent students who hit the news today get the same treatment.


Agree with all that but I can see the students getting off lightly

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