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What’s all this woman’s international day

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Well, most eastern Europeans just like to be different anyway, they even have their Christmas 12 days late .:hihi:



It's Christmas by Gregorian calendar on 7th of January.

However, that's only for countries with Orthodox religion as dominant.

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It's Christmas by Gregorian calendar on 7th of January.

However, that's only for countries with Orthodox religion as dominant.


Just pulling your chain, I know a lot of Ukrainians, Serbians and Croatians and a few Russians, here in Canada, that was where I was coming from. Note I said 12 days, that's because most the guys I know had Jan 6th off work too( Christmas Eve, I guess) :partyhat:

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i know a lot of women, who all want the same rights as men, and I agree with them they should be treated the same as men,

then the same women say they shouldn't go to the bar in a pub, its a mans role,

the same women want doors opening for them, its a mans role,

the same women want to be treated like princesses, its a mans duty to do that,

the same women want men to give up there seats on a bus or train, a mans expected to do that,

whats a woman expected to do for a man????????????


I agree with Max. Most reasonable women just want to be treated fairly. I'm over 70, I remember some employers policies where women had to give up their jobs when they got married. Women couldn't get a loan or a mortgage without their husbands signature. I'm glad those old rubbish views have disappeared!


I open doors for anyone, I'd expect any well mannered man (or woman) to do the same. I wouldn't expect a man to offer me a seat if he was as old as me, or had mobility difficulties. But it is appreciated when a healthy 20 something (male or female) offers, just as I did when young and nimble.


International Women's day is a reminder to all of us that there are some women in the world who still have far fewer rights.

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Interestingly i just found this story



A french rock star who has previously been imprisoned for killing his girlfriend has caused some controversy by being included on some festival bills.


It also states

French activists have been using the Twitter hashtag #StopAgresseurs to speak out against the glorification of domestic violence and femicide.


The backlash comes days after about 1,500 took to the streets of Paris to protest against male physical and sexual violence on International Women's Day.


In France, one woman dies on average every three days at the hands of their spouse or partner, according to government figures.


one women every 3 days dies from domestic abuse in France? Oo never knew that.

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