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Minimum Wage dodgers names and shamed

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The Governemnt has published a list of 179 companies that have been fined & forced to pay back pay for 9,200 workers for not paying the basic minimum wage.

These firms included Wagamama, TGI Fridays and hotel giants Marriott.


"Failing to pay workers for travelling between jobs, not paying overtime, and deducting money for uniforms were some of the reasons for the underpayments.

The seven staff left out of pocket at Stoke City will be particularly galled, given the club's billionaire owner Denise Coates paid herself more than £200 million in 2016 through her ownership of Bet365."

https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/wagamama-tgi-fridays-marriot-hotels-12152315 (for full list)


I'm glad these companies have been names and shamed. Serves them right.

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Wow, there are some people owed a lot of money.


'Bridge End House Nursery Limited, Calderdale HD6, failed to pay £41,938.73 to 2 workers.'


I think that this list of 179 companies will be just the tip of the iceberg.

Whether or not this will encourage other employees to come forward remains to be seen.

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When it gets to those sorts of levels it has to be intentional. It's not hard, it's all done by computers - put in hours worked, tax code etc, hourly rate. Done. Pay people for the hours they work, at minimum wage if that's what they're supposed to be paid.

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I can't stand tight arse gits, and companies underpaying staff are the worst, I wonder how many of these took on EU nationals so they could exploit them :suspect:


One of the sectors, hospitality and catering, is well represented in the 'named and shamed' list; and the hospitality and catering sector employs many EU nationals....


When it gets to those sorts of levels it has to be intentional. It's not hard, it's all done by computers - put in hours worked, tax code etc, hourly rate. Done. Pay people for the hours they work, at minimum wage if that's what they're supposed to be paid.


I have to agree. 'Administrative errors', 'an oversight', or 'inadvertent misunderstandings' just doesn't cut it for me.

I think these companies thought they could get away with it, and chanced their luck. Reading the mealy mouthed apologies from the companies, sound like those issued from people who knew exactly what they were doing, but have just been found out.

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