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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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April 8, 2018

Portonblimp Down Episode 2 – A Tale By Boris Johnson

“Comrade Putin, we have successfully stockpiled novichoks in secret for ten years, and kept them hidden from the OPCW inspectors.

We have also trained our agents in secret novichok assassination techniques.

The programme has cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but now we are ready. Naturally, the first time we use it we will expose our secret and suffer massive international blowback. So who should be our first target? The head of a foreign intelligence agency? A leading jihadist rebel in Syria? A key nuclear scientist? Even a Head of State?”

“No, Tovarich. There is this old retired guy I know living in Salisbury. We released him from jail years ago…”

“With respect Comrade Putin, are you sure he is the most important target to reveal a programme we have put so much resource into for ten years?”

“Yes. I sit here every day and I cannot concentrate on the affairs of Russia or the World as all the time am thinking of Sergei Skripal. I should never have let him out of jail to spend his life buying lottery tickets and eating in Zizzis. But you must make absolutely certain to kill him.”

“Don’t worry Comrade Putin, we have been training in secret novichok assassination techniques for ten years. We even have a detailed manual explaining our methods. We will spread the novichok on his outside door handle (fiendish laugh).”

“Are you sure comrade? Is there not a danger it will wash off or get diluted?”

“No Comrade Putin, it never rains in England.”


That is, genuinely, in every detail the official British government version of what happened in Salisbury, including the ten year programme and the secret assassination manual......

Despite this story being one of the most improbably wild conspiracy theories in human history, it is those who express any doubt at all as to its veracity who are smeared as “conspiracy theorists” or even “traitors”.



All copyright on this article is waived. Feel free to use, translate and republish as you wish.


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April 8, 2018

Portonblimp Down Episode 2 – A Tale By Boris Johnson

“Comrade Putin, we have successfully stockpiled novichoks in secret for ten years, and kept them hidden from the OPCW inspectors.

We have also trained our agents in secret novichok assassination techniques.

The programme has cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but now we are ready. Naturally, the first time we use it we will expose our secret and suffer massive international blowback. So who should be our first target? The head of a foreign intelligence agency? A leading jihadist rebel in Syria? A key nuclear scientist? Even a Head of State?”

“No, Tovarich. There is this old retired guy I know living in Salisbury. We released him from jail years ago…”

“With respect Comrade Putin, are you sure he is the most important target to reveal a programme we have put so much resource into for ten years?”

“Yes. I sit here every day and I cannot concentrate on the affairs of Russia or the World as all the time am thinking of Sergei Skripal. I should never have let him out of jail to spend his life buying lottery tickets and eating in Zizzis. But you must make absolutely certain to kill him.”

“Don’t worry Comrade Putin, we have been training in secret novichok assassination techniques for ten years. We even have a detailed manual explaining our methods. We will spread the novichok on his outside door handle (fiendish laugh).”

“Are you sure comrade? Is there not a danger it will wash off or get diluted?”

“No Comrade Putin, it never rains in England.”


That is, genuinely, in every detail the official British government version of what happened in Salisbury, including the ten year programme and the secret assassination manual......

Despite this story being one of the most improbably wild conspiracy theories in human history, it is those who express any doubt at all as to its veracity who are smeared as “conspiracy theorists” or even “traitors”.



All copyright on this article is waived. Feel free to use, translate and republish as you wish.



Oh my lord . Is that from the new episode of Blackadder :)


---------- Post added 09-04-2018 at 22:29 ----------


Tell us,in your own words,what you think happened on 7/7.


Banjo cant play tonight , his mam says hes got a cold

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Yulia Skripal, the poisoned daughter of Russian ex-spy Sergei, has been discharged from hospital, and she has been whisked off to a secret location. probably to stop her talking to the press, if this was a genuine incident i am sure she would have been wheeled out for the cameras, there is something definitely not right with this, still its done its job, its prepared everyone for confrontation with Russia


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Yulia Skripal, the poisoned daughter of Russian ex-spy Sergei, has been discharged from hospital, and she has been whisked off to a secret location. probably to stop her talking to the press, if this was a genuine incident i am sure she would have been wheeled out for the cameras, there is something definitely not right with this, still its done its job, its prepared everyone for confrontation with Russia



I still can't see or hear any enraged people.

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thats because you dont have a clue, your in your own little bubble, you cant see whats happening, go back to sleep mate,


Well look,we've already seen on here what being outside the 'little bubble' is,with their version of what happened on 7/7,now it sounds like you are living outside 'the bubble',so you tell us your version of what happened on 7/7.

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Well look,we've already seen on here what being outside the 'little bubble' is,with their version of what happened on 7/7,now it sounds like you are living outside 'the bubble',so you tell us your version of what happened on 7/7.

its not being outside the little bubble, its called thinking for yourself, looking at things and making your own mind own, not automatically believing something that you are told to think, i bet if you did a survey, i would guess that a huge majority of the country now doubt the governments version of events

what you talking about? my version of 7/7 is the same as anyone elses, but to be honest, i havent given it a great deal of thought, why do you ask that?

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OK, let's look at the situation a week since. Trump wants to pull out of Syria, but is persuaded not to do so "immediately".



Then a few days later? Assad "launches a chemical attack" on people - the one thing guaranteed to keep America IN Syria!


All Assad has to do is keep things low and the Americans go home, sooner rather than later. But no, he does this instead.


Seriously, how stupid would he have to be to do it?


Even the New York Times is smelling a rat.


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its not being outside the little bubble, its called thinking for yourself, looking at things and making your own mind own, not automatically believing something that you are told to think, i bet if you did a survey, i would guess that a huge majority of the country now doubt the governments version of events

what you talking about? my version of 7/7 is the same as anyone elses, but to be honest, i havent given it a great deal of thought, why do you ask that?

It can't be the same as everybody elses,because one has already given us their version of what happened,and it's completely different to the official version,so what is your version?

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