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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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I would advise people to look in an atlas at the vast difference in size between the UK and Russia and that may indicate why they aren't really botherd about anything we have to say.


You could compare the size difference in terms of area, or in terms of population; which Russia only has approx 2.2x the population of the UK.

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We'll hear of it,because Putin will refer to it when he retaliates to it.

Putin was in the KGB he will know retaliation is coming. People in the intelligence services are pragmatic. They except that tit for tat will happen. Hopefully he will understand the futility of any more attacks and it's consequences.

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The thing that would most tick Putin off is if the UK government invested massively in renewable energy.


I was going to say that exact same thing Bob. We should be making a concerted effort with the rest of Europe, to develop and share technology in the area of renewable energy; are reduce dependency on Russian gas. That should be a clear long term strategic goal for us and our friends in the EU.

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Back in the real world, not much we can do to Russia is there, unless the Donald stands firm behind us, hopefully that might bring Putin to the table.




Bless :)


has the Trumpet made any comment on the Russian poisoning yet ?


Did Trumpet tweet any support for Britain in the face of Russian aggression ?


Trumpet can’t tweet fast enough when we have an ISIS terror attack in the UK


Has Trumpet made it clear to Putin this behaviour is unacceptable ?

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Bless :)


has the Trumpet made any comment on the Russian poisoning yet ?


Did Trumpet tweet any support for Britain in the face of Russian aggression ?


Trumpet can’t tweet fast enough when we have an ISIS terror attack in the UK


Has Trumpet made it clear to Putin this behaviour is unacceptable ?

sort of, and i think grudgingly, after sacking his secretary of state who originally attacked russia over it :roll:


he actually said, give us the facts, and IF we agree, we will condemn Russia or whoever it is LOL

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