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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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I'm far from rushing headlong into this and can see how the media are being manipulated and how the circumstances of this ordeal keep changing relatively quickly when the facts are questioned. Unfortunately since the Iraq war I no longer trust governments or their so called security experts to tell the truth. Just because I question the events also does not make me a conspiracy nut.




The circumstances are not changing. More information and more accurate information doesnt mean a change nor does it mean there is some grand conspiracy going on, depite you apparant fervent wish it were so.

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Here is the latest from the BBC with now a change in how it was administered.




Notice this bit:


"The nerve agent does not evaporate or disappear over time, experts said, and intense cleaning with caustic chemicals is required to get rid of it."


Given that, could it then have been diluted with rain?


And also now it is also emphasised that it was military grade when I dont think it would have been made any other way.




From what I have been lead to understand moth to mouth is now no longer taught as it has been found to be ineffective. If you say that's how you have been taught then fair enough.






Police officers would definitely not be carrying a defibrillator but normally carry latex gloves.






I agree.





I didn't say it wasn't done, I said it must have been done otherwise Porton Down would not be able to confirm what it was. Because of that and given the above it should be fairly easy to determine how it was administered but that of course does not tell you who administered it. Basically we have guilt by association in blaming Russia, they made it so it must be them.





I'm far from rushing headlong into this and can see how the media are being manipulated and how the circumstances of this ordeal keep changing relatively quickly when the facts are questioned. Unfortunately since the Iraq war I no longer trust governments or their so called security experts to tell the truth. Just because I question the events also does not make me a conspiracy nut.

sight youre still arguing the toss, grasping at straws.


nerve agents like other compounds vary due to environmental differentials. im not sure why you fail / or refuse to grasp this.


if its solid, what happens when it rains? it disolves slightly and runs off, maybe weakening it.

if its a liquid, what happens when it rains? it will wash off slightly, maybe weakening it.

Whether its weak or strong it will affect the body differently, ive also read depending how it enters the body depends how long it takes to affect you and how strongly it affects you, on the skin is a long, slow way, if its on a door handle that means its on the skin.

also im not sure why youre surprised at military grade, that was one of the first things mentioned, but the link i read a week ago states even that term doesnt always mean what you think it means, it can vary

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The circumstances are not changing. More information and more accurate information doesnt mean a change nor does it mean there is some grand conspiracy going on, depite you apparant fervent wish it were so.


So was it administered by the door handle or not, a fairly simple question.

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So was it administered by the door handle or not, a fairly simple question.


A door handle doesn't sound a very precise way to administer it, when you consider the number of people who might have touched it by accident; postmen, leaflet deliverers, random callers etc.

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A door handle doesn't sound a very precise way to administer it, when you consider the number of people who might have touched it by accident; postmen, leaflet deliverers, random callers etc.

A reckless way to administer it, which the Russians are guilty of.

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A door handle doesn't sound a very precise way to administer it, when you consider the number of people who might have touched it by accident; postmen, leaflet deliverers, random callers etc.


How many postmen or leaflet deliverers open your door? Like I said, he might not get any visitors in a couple of days, he's a former spy, they tend to keep themselves to themselves

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A door handle doesn't sound a very precise way to administer it, when you consider the number of people who might have touched it by accident; postmen, leaflet deliverers, random callers etc.


From experience, professional postal delivery people tend to wear thin work gloves to prevent fingers being caught in strong sprung letterboxes or snapping dogs. It also keeps the ink off your fingers.

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So according to Sky "sources" are saying that the novichok was administered in liquid form on the door handle. And that Sergei "may" have washed his hands after touching the handle, which "might possibly" explain why he isn't dead.

I've never heard the phrases "may have", " could have", "might possibly" and "could explain" used so much.

Anyway, I look forward to the next revision of the tale.

I've got a tenner on the poison being smeared on Sergei's hot water bottle which Julia had filled for him, which may go some way to explaining why etc etc etc....

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So was it administered by the door handle or not, a fairly simple question.


Why on earth do you think I know the answer. And why the combatative approach? You've advanced reasons why you think there is something dodgy going on - I've advanced explanations. If you don't like that, tough.


---------- Post added 18-04-2018 at 11:39 ----------


A door handle doesn't sound a very precise way to administer it, when you consider the number of people who might have touched it by accident; postmen, leaflet deliverers, random callers etc.


Generally speaking they dont try and open the door though...


Also I doubt that the Russians would care overly much. I would have thought a door handle on the front door or a car door would have been a good choice to target a particular person.

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