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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Right - it was on both sides of the door handle? :huh:


Doesn't need to be.


First person opens the door with the outside handle, enters the house leaving the door open, perhaps wide open, for the second person following on behind.

Second person crosses the threshold grabbing the front door handle to begin pulling it shut. As the door swings around, close to being closed, the person then uses the inside handle to finally close the door.


In this scenario both have touched the outside door handle.

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Doesn't need to be.


First person opens the door with the outside handle, enters the house leaving the door open, perhaps wide open, for the second person following on behind.

Second person crosses the threshold grabbing the front door handle to begin pulling it shut. As the door swings around, close to being closed, the person then uses the inside handle to finally close the door.


In this scenario both have touched the outside door handle.


Thats certainly how my door works - I would have thought it was obvious but catpus appears to have trouble with a simple door let alone more complex stuff... :confused:

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Russia used trolls and bots to unleash disinformation on to social media in the wake of the Salisbury poisoning, according to fresh Whitehall analysis. Government sources said experts had uncovered an increase of up to 4,000% in the spread of propaganda from Russia-based accounts since the attack,– many of which were identifiable as automated bots.



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The Five Eyes Alliance consists of intelligence agencies belonging to the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand.



It was Britain’s GCHQ that drew up the documents proposing that Internet trolls be employed to “control, infiltrate, manipulate and warp online discourse,” as Greenwald writes in his article aptly titled “How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive and Destroy Reputations.”

In the article, Greenwald shares one of the documents – a manual, no less – revealing the exact tactics proposed by government agencies to hijack online discussions by trolling.


The Guardian is the OWNED by the Bankers and the Corporations who are invested in war and control of the world's resources.

You have been manipulated and can't even see it.

Take a look at OFF GUARDIAN


Do remember what Cameron said - People who have 'conspiracy theories' are extremists. In other words believe everything the British Brainwashing Corporation tell you @@, and pick up your daily celebrity/page three dominated rag every morning. Keep your head down at your machine and mind your own business???


---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 12:04 ----------


Thats (that is or that's) certainly how my door works - I would have thought it was obvious but catpus appears to have trouble with a simple door let alone more complex stuff... :confused:


Well that has just ruined my opinion of you. I did think you were a little brighter, but no, I was wrong.


Why don't you go to the door now, and try that one.

How hilarious.

My seven year old tried it and could not make it work.


First person opens the door with the handle ON THE OUTSIDE, the second person, walks in, turns around then shoves the door to by putting their hand or foot on the door (if it is wide open) or their hand on the INSIDE handle.

Unless of course they are contortionists like you two?:hihi::hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 12:09 ----------


do some thinking......IF you was trying to hurt somebody with nerve agent on a door handle.....and you was a spy, you would, and prolly could, open the door and indeed put it on both sides without anybody knowing?


Your best chance would be on both sides?

You are adept at sneaking about?


seems plausable to me?


the official news only mentioned a door handle it didnt say how much of it?


Oh dear Mel.. English really isn't your strong point is it?

'if you WERE trying to hurt SOMEONE...

and you WERE a spy, you would, and PROBABLY could, open the door and (indeed - unnecessary) put it on both sides without anyone knowing.


If you had a key? :huh:

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The Five Eyes Alliance consists of intelligence agencies belonging to the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand.



It was Britain’s GCHQ that drew up the documents proposing that Internet trolls be employed to “control, infiltrate, manipulate and warp online discourse,” as Greenwald writes in his article aptly titled “How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive and Destroy Reputations.”

In the article, Greenwald shares one of the documents – a manual, no less – revealing the exact tactics proposed by government agencies to hijack online discussions by trolling.


The Guardian is the OWNED by the Bankers and the Corporations who are invested in war and control of the world's resources.

You have been manipulated and can't even see it.

Take a look at OFF GUARDIAN


Do remember what Cameron said - People who have 'conspiracy theories' are extremists. In other words believe everything the British Brainwashing Corporation tell you @@, and pick up your daily celebrity/page three dominated rag every morning. Keep your head down at your machine and mind your own business???


---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 12:04 ----------



Well that has just ruined my opinion of you. I did think you were a little brighter, but no, I was wrong.


Why don't you go to the door now, and try that one.

How hilarious.

My seven year old tried it and could not make it work.


First person opens the door with the handle ON THE OUTSIDE, the second person, walks in, turns around then shoves the door to by putting their hand or foot on the door (if it is wide open) or their hand on the INSIDE handle.

Unless of course they are contortionists like you two?:hihi::hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 12:09 ----------



Oh dear Mel.. English really isn't your strong point is it?

'if you WERE trying to hurt SOMEONE...

and you WERE a spy, you would, and PROBABLY could, open the door and (indeed - unnecessary) put it on both sides without anyone knowing.


If you had a key? :huh:


None of which changes the facts of what Russian internet trolls and bots,plus RT,the propaganda arm of the The Kremlin,did,do,and will continue to do in their attempt to destabilise the West by spreading fake news.

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Oh dear Mel.. English really isn't your strong point is it?

'if you WERE trying to hurt SOMEONE...

and you WERE a spy, you would, and PROBABLY could, open the door and (indeed - unnecessary) put it on both sides without anyone knowing.


If you had a key? :huh:

When youre losing the arguement attack the persons spelling and grammar :roll:


As for the key......do you always lock the door when youre in?

Do you know what lock picks are?


we are talking professional spies and espionage, they have tricks, and ways and experience and knowledge of doing things discreetly

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For that matter I've picked a cylinder lock before- it's not especially tricky a skill to learn if you want....

you know, im starting to come round to Catpus's way of thinking, why didnt they just do the easy way and prick them in the street with nerve agent on the end of an umberella or walking stick?

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