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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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None of which changes the facts of what Russian internet trolls and bots,plus RT,the propaganda arm of the The Kremlin,did,do,and will continue to do in their attempt to destabilise the West by spreading fake news.



As I showed in my last link.. ALL major countries on this Earth that have advanced technology- ear wig on others.

And Fake news regardless of source, can be disproved just by checking through the internet.

What on earth makes you think that how little country bumpkins think, affects. Russia? You silly billy.

Now listening in on MP's, officials,Royalty and such I could understand..

Here on this local discussion forum - nah! But GCHQ - yes more than likely!

The only people affected by our opinions are our psycho Government and the Israeli Lobby, because they rely on people like you to support the Occupation,Annexation and Genocide of the Palestinians. The same Israelis who believe that an appropriate response to a kid throwing stones is shoot him. Or wait while protesters are at prayer and shoot them in the back. But don't let that keep you awake at night. That isn't even worth a second thought, is it? (When you have Russia to hate, especially Putin) This has been happening under our noses for over 70 years. But none of the caring humanitarian Governments in the West ever thought of sanctioning and bombing Israel . I wonder why????

They are so certain of your ignorance and devoted acquiescence that they even elected the woman, who lost the 'Westminster Paedophile Enquiry Files' when she was Home Secretary, as their leader??? So it served her well, and they knew that she would be compliant.... and they had no problem in putting a bl888y racist baboon up for Foreign Secretary this time, knowing the people would stand for it and identify with him, because he made them look good.. And it worked, for despite Him and May LYING through their teeth... YOU and your posse still continue to make up stories to fit their narrative - and SUPPORT them...

IMO you are a disgrace to the working man, and are testament to a failed education system.

I would laugh if it weren't so tragic.

The Establishment of the West know they are on to a winner and can do just what they please regardless of the cost to life on this planet.

Why, because although the proles make up the majority in this country. Your ilk, I am sad to say, make up the majority of the cognitive dissonants, who on the one hand declare that they care for the poor people in Syria - who want to go back to living in peace under Assad, then on the other hand want the Coalition to bomb them to eternity, because the Russians, who we have been programmed to hate, are their allies and are supporting them, against 'Rebels,' that the West funded and trained with millions in a USAID budget, to 'regime change' Assad and ruin the country to get their hands on the Kirkuk Baniyas pipeline (which is leased to Russia) and the oil, and stop Russia selling cheaper oil and gas in Euro$ instead of the World Banker's favourite - the Petro$..... And Israel are so sure of the outcome they have already given GENIE OIL a contract to drill under the Golan Heights which belongs to Syria!! Open your eyes and Research Genie Oil?

The worst thing about all this is that people are too apathetic to vote... Which is probably for the best because they would probably vote more of the same - Tory!!!


What do you think has happened to the Skripals, now they have served their purpose, in the pantomime?

What would you do with expendable pawns, if you were MI5/6?

It was this false flag they were relying on you swallowing, that gave them the green light to attack Syria -again, (which incidentally they have been doing since 2012) but no war has ever been declared... and there has been NO mandate from the actual Government..... just May and her cronies.

Blair's Iraq, all over again - did we learn nothing?


What a legacy for our children/grandchildren.

Edited by catpus
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As I showed in my last link.. ALL major countries on this Earth that have advanced technology , ear wig on others.

But what makes you think that how little country bumpkins thin affects. Russia? You silly billy.

Now listening in on MP's and Royalty and such I can see that could happen.

But here on this local discussion forum - nah!

The only people affected by our opinions are our psycho Government and the Israeli Lobby, because they rely on people like you to support the Occupation,Annexation and Genocide against the Palestinians who believe that an appropriate response to a kid throwing stones is to burn him with phosphorous. Or murder all his family and friends whilst at prayer. But don't let that keep you awake at night.

That isn't even worth a second thought, is it? It has been happening under your nose for 70 years. But none of the caring humanitarian Governments in the West ever thought of sanctioning and bombing Israel . I wonder why????

They are so certain of your ignorance and devoted acquiescence that they even put a bl888y racist baboon up for Foreign Secretary. And despite Him and May LYING through their teeth... YOU and your posse still continue to make up stories to fit their narrative - and SUPPORT them... You are actually a disgrace to the working man, and are testament to a failed education system. I would laugh if it weren't so tragic.

The Establishment of the West know they are on to a winner and can do just what they please regardless of the cost to life on this planet.

Why, because the proles make up the majority in this country and your ilk, I am sad to say, make up the majority of the cognitive dissonant, who on the one hand declare that they care for the poor people in Syria who want to go back to living in peace under Assad, then on the other hand want the Coalition to bomb them to eternity, because the Russians, who we have been programmed to hate, are their allies and are supporting them against 'Rebels' that the west funded and trained with millions in USAID to topple Assad..... And the best thing about is are too apathetic to vote... probably for the best because they would vote Tory!!!

"Oh how we hate the Russians, because our MSM has programmed us to do so. The poor people of Syria are being supported by them, so lets go and bomb the **** out of them."


What do you think has happened to the Skripals, now they have served their purpose, in the pantomime?

What would you do if you were MI5/6, with expendable pawns?

It was this false flag they were relying on selling to you, that gave them the green light to attack,. Despite there being NO mandate from the whole Government.....


I hope you are proud of yourselves... The blood may as well be on your hands, and all because you couldn't be bothered to research..

You have spent more time on this forum jawing, than you ever did reading a book.

Shame on you. What a legacy for your children.

Did you know that out of 1.500 people polled by the government funded BMG researchers, only 50% of them supported May's actions....Were you polled? No? I thought not. It was the Tory intelligencia. Sod the rest of the country.

Take a look at the comments pages in the newspapers. 85% of people are sick and tired of May and the Baboon and detest what she has done. Only about 5% of people that I have followed actually believe the pantomime was real... Oh dearie me, what will you do now?.


Have a cup of tea and a bun,watch the match,then probably have another cup of tea,maybe some toast and watch another match...........does that sound OK?

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It couldnt have been that much easier because it didnt kill anyone :huh:


Don't say that Banjo... That detail hasn't even registered with some on here.


Poison Pantomime:

Act 1.

MI5/6 handler: Sergie, we have a very important job for you and your daughter when she gets here.

Skripal: Ok Boss what is it.

MI5/6 handler: We want you to pretend to have been poisoned so we can blame Russia.

Skripal: I'm not sure about that Boss. Will it hurt us?

MI5/6 handler: Look Sergie you knew we would want something eventually. No one gets a free ride in this country.

Skripal: Yes, yes, I understand that boss. What will we be given? Just so I know what to expect.

MI5/6 handler: It will just be a type of hallucagenic, that will render you a bit loose and does sometimes make people sick. So make sure you are sitting down, preferably in full view in a busy place.. But it will be a buzz, and we will look after you. Please don't worry. Meet the drop in Zizi's tomorrow. he will be wearing a moustache and red trainers.


Sergie and Yulia ended up in Salisbury Hospital, not knowing what had hit them or what was afoot.


Act 2:

The next day Yulia came round and made an unscheduled phone call to her cousin to reassure her they were OK and was discovered by the handler and told to cut the call. She continued to recover but wasn't allowed to see her Father, or receive and make calls and she began to get uneasy.

The next day she was told her Father was recovering and she would see him the following day. So Yulia asked to see the Russian ambassador to arrange a date to go home to see her boyfriend. and family But was refused. Then she realised that things were far worse than she had expected... and became very fearful.

The next day she was allowed to see her Father with the handler, who told them the plan had been a huge success and they would be rewarded well?

When Sergei was well enough to leave the hospital, he and Yulia left in a blacked out SUV and drove through the night.. They were told they were going into a Witness Protection Programme, would be paid well and given new identities, and a new place to live.

Yulia's mind went into overdrive.. Who had been feeding her father's pets?Who would sell her Fathers house? How could she get to see her boyfriend, who would sell her house and flat? She became distressed saying she really wanted to go back to her boyfriend and see her Grandmother and Cousin, and promised she would never ever speak of this incident ever again. . But was told that would not be happening. Yulia became hysterical and was distracting the driver so the handler decided to sedate her and Sergei. When they arrived at their destination. the Skripals were handed over to their assassins. They were quickly dispatched and buried in a deep grave in a remote mountain location...

A statement was read out on TV by the Establishment to the effect that the Skripals wanted to recover in Peace and quiet - until all the ballyhoo had blown over. By which time we will all have forgotten them.. But the Granny, boyfriend and cousin won't.

The once useful pawns were of no more use. They served their purpose and are now gone....




---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 21:14 ----------


Have a cup of tea and a bun,watch the match,then probably have another cup of tea,maybe some toast and watch another match...........does that sound OK?


What the good old days when my mate Ian Porterfield was manager...

Edited by catpus
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Poison Pantomime:

Act 1.

MI5/6 handler: Sergie, we have a very important job for you and your daughter when she gets here.

Skripal: Ok Boss what is it.

MI5/6 handler: We want you to pretend to have been poisoned so we can blame Russia.

Skripal: I'm not sure about that Boss. Will it hurt us?

MI5/6 handler: Look Sergie you knew we would want something eventually. No one gets a free ride in this country.

Skripal: Yes, yes, I understand that boss. What will we be given? Just so I know what to expect.

MI5/6 handler: It will just be a type of hallucagenic, that will render you a bit loose and does sometimes make people sick. So make sure you are sitting down, preferably in full view in a busy place.. But it will be a buzz, and we will look after you. Please don't worry. Meet the drop in Zizi's tomorrow. he will be wearing a moustache and red trainers.


Sergie and Yulia ended up in Salisbury Hospital, not knowing what had hit them or what was afoot.


Act 2:

The next day Yulia came round and made an unscheduled phone call to her cousin to reassure her they were OK and was discovered by the handler and told to cut the call. She continued to recover but wasn't allowed to see her Father, or receive and make calls and she began to get uneasy.

The next day she was told her Father was recovering and she would see him the following day. So Yulia asked to see the Russian ambassador to arrange a date to go home to see her boyfriend. and family But was refused. Then she realised that things were far worse than she had expected... and became very fearful.

The next day she was allowed to see her Father with the handler, who told them the plan had been a huge success and they would be rewarded well?

When Sergei was well enough to leave the hospital, he and Yulia left in a blacked out SUV and drove through the night.. They were told they were going into a Witness Protection Programme, would be paid well and given new identities, and a new place to live.

Yulia's mind went into overdrive.. Who had been feeding her father's pets?Who would sell her Fathers house? How could she get to see her boyfriend, who would sell her house and flat? She became distressed saying she really wanted to go back to her boyfriend and see her Grandmother and Cousin, and promised she would never ever speak of this incident ever again. . But was told that would not be happening. Yulia became hysterical and was distracting the driver so the handler decided to sedate her and Sergei. When they arrived at their destination. the Skripals were handed over to their assassins. They were quickly dispatched and buried in a deep grave in a remote mountain location...

A statement was read out on TV by the Establishment to the effect that the Skripals wanted to recover in Peace and quiet - until all the ballyhoo had blown over. By which time we will all have forgotten them.. But the Granny, boyfriend and cousin won't.

The once useful pawns were of no more use. They served their purpose and are now gone....




I didn't know SF were running a competition for the worst fiction plot of 2018.

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Don't say that Banjo... That detail hasn't even registered with some on here.


Poison Pantomime:

Act 1.

MI5/6 handler: Sergie, we have a very important job for you and your daughter when she gets here.

Skripal: Ok Boss what is it.

MI5/6 handler: We want you to pretend to have been poisoned so we can blame Russia.

Skripal: I'm not sure about that Boss. Will it hurt us?

MI5/6 handler: Look Sergie you knew we would want something eventually. No one gets a free ride in this country.

Skripal: Yes, yes, I understand that boss. What will we be given? Just so I know what to expect.

MI5/6 handler: It will just be a type of hallucagenic, that will render you a bit loose and does sometimes make people sick. So make sure you are sitting down, preferably in full view in a busy place.. But it will be a buzz, and we will look after you. Please don't worry. Meet the drop in Zizi's tomorrow. he will be wearing a moustache and red trainers.


Sergie and Yulia ended up in Salisbury Hospital, not knowing what had hit them or what was afoot.


Act 2:

The next day Yulia came round and made an unscheduled phone call to her cousin to reassure her they were OK and was discovered by the handler and told to cut the call. She continued to recover but wasn't allowed to see her Father, or receive and make calls and she began to get uneasy.

The next day she was told her Father was recovering and she would see him the following day. So Yulia asked to see the Russian ambassador to arrange a date to go home to see her boyfriend. and family But was refused. Then she realised that things were far worse than she had expected... and became very fearful.

The next day she was allowed to see her Father with the handler, who told them the plan had been a huge success and they would be rewarded well?

When Sergei was well enough to leave the hospital, he and Yulia left in a blacked out SUV and drove through the night.. They were told they were going into a Witness Protection Programme, would be paid well and given new identities, and a new place to live.

Yulia's mind went into overdrive.. Who had been feeding her father's pets?Who would sell her Fathers house? How could she get to see her boyfriend, who would sell her house and flat? She became distressed saying she really wanted to go back to her boyfriend and see her Grandmother and Cousin, and promised she would never ever speak of this incident ever again. . But was told that would not be happening. Yulia became hysterical and was distracting the driver so the handler decided to sedate her and Sergei. When they arrived at their destination. the Skripals were handed over to their assassins. They were quickly dispatched and buried in a deep grave in a remote mountain location...

A statement was read out on TV by the Establishment to the effect that the Skripals wanted to recover in Peace and quiet - until all the ballyhoo had blown over. By which time we will all have forgotten them.. But the Granny, boyfriend and cousin won't.

The once useful pawns were of no more use. They served their purpose and are now gone....




---------- Post added 20-04-2018 at 21:14 ----------



What the good old days when my mate Ian Porterfield was manager...


He's behind you.:hihi:

Don't you mean useful prawns?

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As I showed in my last link.. ALL major countries on this Earth that have advanced technology- ear wig on others.

And Fake news regardless of source, can be disproved just by checking through the internet.

What on earth makes you think that how little country bumpkins think, affects. Russia? You silly billy.

Now listening in on MP's, officials,Royalty and such I could understand..

Here on this local discussion forum - nah! But GCHQ - yes more than likely!

The only people affected by our opinions are our psycho Government and the Israeli Lobby, because they rely on people like you to support the Occupation,Annexation and Genocide of the Palestinians. The same Israelis who believe that an appropriate response to a kid throwing stones is shoot him. Or wait while protesters are at prayer and shoot them in the back. But don't let that keep you awake at night. That isn't even worth a second thought, is it? (When you have Russia to hate, especially Putin) This has been happening under our noses for over 70 years. But none of the caring humanitarian Governments in the West ever thought of sanctioning and bombing Israel . I wonder why????

They are so certain of your ignorance and devoted acquiescence that they even elected the woman, who lost the 'Westminster Paedophile Enquiry Files' when she was Home Secretary, as their leader??? So it served her well, and they knew that she would be compliant.... and they had no problem in putting a bl888y racist baboon up for Foreign Secretary this time, knowing the people would stand for it and identify with him, because he made them look good.. And it worked, for despite Him and May LYING through their teeth... YOU and your posse still continue to make up stories to fit their narrative - and SUPPORT them...

IMO you are a disgrace to the working man, and are testament to a failed education system.

I would laugh if it weren't so tragic.

The Establishment of the West know they are on to a winner and can do just what they please regardless of the cost to life on this planet.

Why, because although the proles make up the majority in this country. Your ilk, I am sad to say, make up the majority of the cognitive dissonants, who on the one hand declare that they care for the poor people in Syria - who want to go back to living in peace under Assad, then on the other hand want the Coalition to bomb them to eternity, because the Russians, who we have been programmed to hate, are their allies and are supporting them, against 'Rebels,' that the West funded and trained with millions in a USAID budget, to 'regime change' Assad and ruin the country to get their hands on the Kirkuk Baniyas pipeline (which is leased to Russia) and the oil, and stop Russia selling cheaper oil and gas in Euro$ instead of the World Banker's favourite - the Petro$..... And Israel are so sure of the outcome they have already given GENIE OIL a contract to drill under the Golan Heights which belongs to Syria!! Open your eyes and Research Genie Oil?

The worst thing about all this is that people are too apathetic to vote... Which is probably for the best because they would probably vote more of the same - Tory!!!


What do you think has happened to the Skripals, now they have served their purpose, in the pantomime?

What would you do with expendable pawns, if you were MI5/6?

It was this false flag they were relying on you swallowing, that gave them the green light to attack Syria -again, (which incidentally they have been doing since 2012) but no war has ever been declared... and there has been NO mandate from the actual Government..... just May and her cronies.

Blair's Iraq, all over again - did we learn nothing?


What a legacy for our children/grandchildren.


No need to drill for that,it comes straight out of the bottle.

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