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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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I've no idea whether they are or not, but if they are they're pretty sloppy ones! :suspect:

They enter our Country from Russia ,get a train to Salisbury poison five people, put a whole English CITY in fear for there lives ,one person is murdered and so on.

They then return to Heath Row get the next flight back to Russia and disappear ..

I seems as though the only sloppy ones are our security services as this was an act of war against our Country Putin and his gangsters (some of them living in London) have got away with it.

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They enter our Country from Russia ,get a train to Salisbury poison five people, put a whole English CITY in fear for there lives ,one person is murdered and so on.

They then return to Heath Row get the next flight back to Russia and disappear ..

I seems as though the only sloppy ones are our security services as this was an act of war against our Country Putin and his gangsters (some of them living in London) have got away with it.


And what do you suggest could have been done to prevent it?

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They enter our Country from Russia ,get a train to Salisbury poison five people, put a whole English CITY in fear for there lives ,one person is murdered and so on.

They then return to Heath Row get the next flight back to Russia and disappear ..

I seems as though the only sloppy ones are our security services as this was an act of war against our Country Putin and his gangsters (some of them living in London) have got away with it.

Their passports were genuine and they had left the UK before the crime was identified as a chemical attack. A minister on the news this morning stated it is very difficult to prevent such an attack when it has the backing of the Russian state. Surely our own security services should be praised for the good work in identifying the two suspects.

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Sergei Skripal is a British citizen and was at the time of the attack. That makes the attack - by foreign nationals of a soverign power acting on the behalf of and with knowledge of that power - a clear case of causus belli or an act of war. It matters not that he was Russian too or what he did. British citizens being attacked in the UK? By the Russian government? Innocent bystanders dying? Quite literally wars have been fought over less provocation.

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Sergei Skripal is a British citizen and was at the time of the attack. That makes the attack - by foreign nationals of a soverign power acting on the behalf of and with knowledge of that power - a clear case of causus belli or an act of war. It matters not that he was Russian too or what he did. British citizens being attacked in the UK? By the Russian government? Innocent bystanders dying? Quite literally wars have been fought over less provocation.


Well exactly. After killing Litvinenko so publically and brazenly with hard to obtain radionuclides, the Russian junta must have been delighted with the limp and pathetic response from the UK, and figured they could probably do a few more ex-agents in before it would become a real problem. If this follows a pattern, the next one will by assasination using a bioweapon.


If British agents aren't planning to kill Putin in an egregiously obvious and unmistakeably British way - i.e. force feeding him marmite until he expires from hypernatremia, sticking a thousand Union Jack cocktail sticks into his arse, dumping his body into an IBC full of earl grey tea and leaving it on the steps of the Kremlin - then they aren't really doing their jobs.


Another bout of diplomatic hand wringing and sanctions on the part of the EU and UK will make Putin even stronger in Russia.

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