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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Well exactly. After killing Litvinenko so publically and brazenly with hard to obtain radionuclides, the Russian junta must have been delighted with the limp and pathetic response from the UK, and figured they could probably do a few more ex-agents in before it would become a real problem. If this follows a pattern, the next one will by assasination using a bioweapon.


If British agents aren't planning to kill Putin in an egregiously obvious and unmistakeably British way - i.e. force feeding him marmite until he expires from hypernatremia, sticking a thousand Union Jack cocktail sticks into his arse, dumping his body into an IBC full of earl grey tea and leaving it on the steps of the Kremlin - then they aren't really doing their jobs.


Another bout of diplomatic hand wringing and sanctions on the part of the EU and UK will make Putin even stronger in Russia.


Quite why the UK didn't invoke Article 5 at the time is beyond me. It might have jsut sent the needed message out in an unequivocal fashion.

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I've no idea whether they are or not, but if they are they're pretty sloppy ones! :suspect:

not really, they did what they had to do and got away. chucking it away, they dont care, sneak it into the country, without getting it found. Do the deed, get rid of the offending article so A: you dont get sick, B: get rid of the article so you can get away.


they succeeded on all counts, thats not sloppy it was succesful

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just seen on twitter that they used the Sunday rail service from Waterloo to Salisbury then back to Heathrow, surprised they didn't need a hotel, no Brit would take that gamble

This really makes me suspicious.


Surely one or both of those trains would be cancelled or replaced by a bus that takes ten hours? And then the plane leaves on time? Pull the other one.


Very far fetched and that story smacks of a cover up.

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This really makes me suspicious.


Surely one or both of those trains would be cancelled or replaced by a bus that takes ten hours? And then the plane leaves on time? Pull the other one.


Very far fetched and that story smacks of a cover up.





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It is not "an act of war against our country". If the Russians did try and kill Skripal it is the Russian government trying to knock off a double agent, maybe because they thought he was up to his old tricks.

And that is if it was them.

And what about the poor lass who has been murdered by these despicable Putin gangsters.

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This really makes me suspicious.


Surely one or both of those trains would be cancelled or replaced by a bus that takes ten hours? And then the plane leaves on time? Pull the other one.


Very far fetched and that story smacks of a cover up.


You're assuming that GRU haven't infiltrated Network Rail and arranged that no engineering work would affect the train lines they used on just that weekend. ;)

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they succeeded on all counts, thats not sloppy it was succesful


I think that you are missing my point.


Not disposing of the Novichok carefully is sloppy for two reasons.


First of all, the second incident not only identified the method of the attack ie a small perfume bottle presumably smuggled in on a flight from Russia but also puts the offenders in or near Amesbury which gives the investigators another avenue to look for CCTV evidence.


Secondly, and more importantly for the two perpetrators, is that Putin won't be around for ever. It is likely that at some point a regime change in Russia may put Putin out of favour and change Russia's relationship with the West. Part of this change may be some form of extradition treaty between Russia and the UK. Now this extradition treaty may specify that only certain crimes reach the threshold for extradition and it could be that murder does reach that threshold but attempted murder does not.


If they had disposed of the Novichok properly the only charge would be attempted murder. Not disposing of it properly has led to an actual death which one day could be the thing that leads to the two perpetrators facing justice.


Like I said, sloppy.

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I think that you are missing my point.


Not disposing of the Novichok carefully is sloppy for two reasons.


First of all, the second incident not only identified the method of the attack ie a small perfume bottle presumably smuggled in on a flight from Russia but also puts the offenders in or near Amesbury which gives the investigators another avenue to look for CCTV evidence.


Secondly, and more importantly for the two perpetrators, is that Putin won't be around for ever. It is likely that at some point a regime change in Russia may put Putin out of favour and change Russia's relationship with the West. Part of this change may be some form of extradition treaty between Russia and the UK. Now this extradition treaty may specify that only certain crimes reach the threshold for extradition and it could be that murder does reach that threshold but attempted murder does not.


If they had disposed of the Novichok properly the only charge would be attempted murder. Not disposing of it properly has led to an actual death which one day could be the thing that leads to the two perpetrators facing justice.


Like I said, sloppy.

eh, a perfume bottle leads to CCTV?? that would be their first port of call, checking all CCTV from all the airports and towns in the vicinity, and spotting the same people.

as for manslaughter, murder, attempted murder? they wont be bothered, they did what they were asked to do, they will be under assumed names and stolen passports.

again, a perfume bottle is the perfect way of A: getting it into the country, B: applying the dose on the handle.


again for the disposal they wont be bothered, like i said once its over and they make their getaway they just get rid.

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