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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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But my point is that they didn't, and that could one day land them in jail.

they wernt caught with it, they got rid, you seem to think theres some magic hole they shouldve dropped it into.

They will see the others as collateral damage, they wont care, they are experts. also you seem to underestimate the russians, they will be hidden, it will all die down, we will eventually forget, the russians will plan more attacks on dissidents.

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I think that you are missing my point.


Not disposing of the Novichok carefully is sloppy for two reasons.


First of all, the second incident not only identified the method of the attack ie a small perfume bottle presumably smuggled in on a flight from Russia but also puts the offenders in or near Amesbury which gives the investigators another avenue to look for CCTV evidence.


Secondly, and more importantly for the two perpetrators, is that Putin won't be around for ever. It is likely that at some point a regime change in Russia may put Putin out of favour and change Russia's relationship with the West. Part of this change may be some form of extradition treaty between Russia and the UK. Now this extradition treaty may specify that only certain crimes reach the threshold for extradition and it could be that murder does reach that threshold but attempted murder does not.


If they had disposed of the Novichok properly the only charge would be attempted murder. Not disposing of it properly has led to an actual death which one day could be the thing that leads to the two perpetrators facing justice.


Like I said, sloppy.

Good post.

The unused Novichok could easily have been left in the UK more safely than it was. It would have been a big risk taking it back to Russia because the Russians don't control Heathrow Airport. I suspects the two suspects will have much explaining to do to who ever told them to do the attack.

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I think Theresa May is trying to use he Skripal case to strengthen her leadership amid a challenge from the opposition.


Britain harbors a lot of Russian exiles who are actually criminals and Skripal himself may have been involved with some of them. Just to remind you: Skripal is a former GRU officer who betrayed his country, was caught, imprisoned, released under pardon and swapped in a spy swap. I can't see what the motive would be for the Russian state to go for such a mean man.


On the contrary, the new Skripal case may add rocket fuel to spending more on NATO and military here in the UK.


i agree that there may well be a hidden agenda that we know nothing about. Not saying whether that's good or bad, just that it's possible even probable.

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I can't see what the motive would be for the Russian state to go for such a mean man.



I guess the same reason that the IRA would execute informers 10-15 years after they had been spirited away and given a new identity.


Not to punish the person themselves but to warn others that they would always have to be looking over their shoulder.

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I can't see what the motive would be for the Russian state to go for such a mean man.


If he was the only one, I'd agree. But haven't there been numerous mystery deaths worldwide?


Sergei Skripal and the 14 deaths under scrutiny



Under Russian Terror, All Exiles Are Fearful and All Deaths Are Suspicious


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Apparently they were just harmless tourists visiting the Cathedral.


Yeah right.


Well the two men have come forward, and been interviewed on Russia Today. Their names are their real names apparently, and they say they are bemused and alarmed to have been singled out in this way.


I must say in the CCTV footage of them in Salisbury they do seem remarkably relaxed and cheerful to say they've supposedly just been handling a lethal nerve agent without any protective clothing.

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