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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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I must say in the CCTV footage of them in Salisbury they do seem remarkably relaxed and cheerful to say they've supposedly just been handling a lethal nerve agent without any protective clothing.


The Novichok was sealed in a perfume spray bottle and I assume that they used gloves while handling it.


That struck me as a very Soviet era interview with very little attempt to make their stories look credible on the assumption that as it was the government saying this, it would be automatically believed.


It is interesting that these crude propagandists were so able to easily fool so many US and UK citizens over the Brexit and Trump elections.

Edited by Top Cats Hat
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Well the two men have come forward, and been interviewed on Russia Today. Their names are their real names apparently, and they say they are bemused and alarmed to have been singled out in this way.


I must say in the CCTV footage of them in Salisbury they do seem remarkably relaxed and cheerful to say they've supposedly just been handling a lethal nerve agent without any protective clothing.


What are you suggesting?


The interview is absolutely laughable, it would have been much better to just keep quiet than concoct this ridiculous story.


They travelled to Salisbury twice because the first time was to ‘check a timetable’ - because that makes total sense! If they went to Salisbury to see the cathedral, why did they go via the Skripal’s house, which is nowhere on route (CCTV has captured them near the Skripal house).

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What are you suggesting?


The interview is absolutely laughable, it would have been much better to just keep quiet than concoct this ridiculous story.


They travelled to Salisbury twice because the first time was to ‘check a timetable’ - because that makes total sense! If they went to Salisbury to see the cathedral, why did they go via the Skripal’s house, which is nowhere on route (CCTV has captured them near the Skripal house).


I'm not suggesting anything, but the interview struck me as natural rather than staged. Maybe that's just me.


The key bit I think is the derogatory tone of the interviewer/interpreter who says "Salisbury, A wonderful town?" in such a way as to infer 'why would anybody go there (except to poison people?') This is the only bit I've seen repeated on news broadcasts.


There's a slightly longer version here:


But I would like to see the whole interview, not just bits taken out of context to support a view, before I made up my mind whether I thought they were genuine or not. It's too easy to jump to conclusions.

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I'm not suggesting anything, but the interview struck me as natural rather than staged.


You are kidding right?


Their description of Salisbury cathedral is so wooden, its almost as if they're reading it from Wikipedia.


Petrov said: 'Our friends had been suggesting for a long time that we visit this wonderful town.'


Boshirov said: 'There's the famous Salisbury Cathedral, famous not only in Europe but in the whole world. It's famous for its 123-metre spire, it's famous for its clock, the one of the first-ever created in the world that is still working.'


If you're passionate about something you certainly don't act like that.


If someone recommended New York to you they wouldn't say "you must visit The Empire State Building because its famous for being 443 metres tall."

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You are kidding right?


Their description of Salisbury cathedral is so wooden, its almost as if they're reading it from Wikipedia.


As I said earlier, this is pure Soviet era propaganda where people believe it because the state media are feeding you the story rather than because it is credible.


Sadly many folk in the west are now developing that very same susceptibility to fake news. :suspect:

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