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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Not aware of Trumps response thus far. As I understand it, Rex Tillerson was on his way out anyhow, to be replaced by someone who does as he's told and shares Trumps position, no matter how often it changes.


I would have thought that the US will stay well out of this considering their own shady involvement,directly and indirectly on foreign soil

Putin has now adopted the role of being the injured party because it would appear that our ultimatum was premature if we did not follow the agreed protocol.

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I would have thought that the US will stay well out of this considering their own shady involvement,directly and indirectly on foreign soil

Putin has now adopted the role of being the injured party because it would appear that our ultimatum was premature if we did not follow the agreed protocol.


If we didn’t follow the necessary protocols then Putin will hang us out to dry.

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LOL are their official protocols for killing people on other countries soil like?


No isn’t there treaties on chemical weapons that require us to make samples available for independent analysis when a chemical attack has taken place?

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No isn’t there treaties on chemical weapons that require us to make samples available for independent analysis when a chemical attack has taken place?


There are certainly treaties that make it illegal to use them

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No isn’t there treaties on chemical weapons that require us to make samples available for independent analysis when a chemical attack has taken place?


That’s what I understood.

Thought I heard there was a 10 day period for investigations,analysis etc.

I’m not pretending to know any details but the whole incident seems to have been handled poorly from a diplomatic stance.

Boris shot from the hip,seemed to have been silenced and then May issues a 24 hour ultimatum.

They have given every excuse for Putin to play his game.

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I notice that Comrade Corbyn thinks we should give a sample of the agent found to the Russians. Presumably he thinks that the scientists at Porton Down are inept and cannot use a GC or MS machine.


We had a similar PM called Chamberlain who tried appeasing people. Looks like Comrade Corbyn is going the same way.


I notice that Corbyn's attitude to the regimes in Russia and Iran is quite similar, i.e. he doesn't seem to want to publicly criticise them. I've been thinking about why this might be, and have decided that it's probably because he's spent all his political life opposed to western imperialism, a stance that I have no issue with, but has adopted the philosophy of 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' which I think is a dreadful way of looking at the world and leads people to identify or sympathise on some level with some really vile people. He needs to sort his shizzle out.

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I notice that Corbyn's attitude to the regimes in Russia and Iran is quite similar, i.e. he doesn't seem to want to publicly criticise them. I've been thinking about why this might be, and have decided that it's probably because he's spent all his political life opposed to western imperialism, a stance that I have no issue with, but has adopted the philosophy of 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' which I think is a dreadful way of looking at the world and leads people to identify or sympathise on some level with some really vile people. He needs to sort his shizzle out.


He was right on Iraq wasn’t he?


Could be this time as well.

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I notice that Corbyn's attitude to the regimes in Russia and Iran is quite similar, i.e. he doesn't seem to want to publicly criticise them. I've been thinking about why this might be, and have decided that it's probably because he's spent all his political life opposed to western imperialism, a stance that I have no issue with, but has adopted the philosophy of 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' which I think is a dreadful way of looking at the world and leads people to identify or sympathise on some level with some really vile people. He needs to sort his shizzle out.


He's from that section of the Labour movement that always admired the authoritarian, centrally planned economy approach of the old Soviet and Mao time.

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