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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Thank you for your response perhaps we can ask the Russians to be good chaps and stop using weapons of mass destruction on British soil.


Or maybe we just be patient, follow the protocol and stop making stupid moves that play right into the Russians hands.

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When the shoe was on the other foot and the Blairites controlled the party did Jezza always toe the line and support them?


Or did he vote against them constantly?


Why if it's not good for the goose should it be good for the gander?


What a hypocrite.


correct me if i am wrong...

but we are not talking about voting?

Corbyn didnt constantly try to undermine the elected Labour leader as is happening with the Blairites.

Corbyn wasnt selling his stuff to the right wing media as is happening now.(nearly on a daily basis)

Corbyn didnt constantly try to get fellow MP's to rebel against their leader, as far as i know.

to compare the situations like for like is not really accurate as far as i understand


---------- Post added 17-03-2018 at 16:51 ----------


You said Corbyn's position gets stronger by the day, which I assumed included every day and this week. # Backpedalling


---------- Post added 17-03-2018 at 14:30 ----------


Exactly ...

Corbyns position is neither stronger nor weaker after this Russian incident


---------- Post added 17-03-2018 at 16:58 ----------


Or maybe we just be patient, follow the protocol and stop making stupid moves that play right into the Russians hands.


We know Mrs May is not the sharpest cookie, but to be honest, i think she is going to dig herself a big hole, ok the media are giving us the spiel about how well she is doing, and how strong she is, but where is she going with this? nowhere..!!, at the end of the day, when the Russians have expelled our u ts, and perhaps we expel some more of theirs, and when we say no royal family members will be going to watch a football match, where is it actually taking us? are we any safer than before? have the Russians learnt a lesson? of course not, nothing will have changed, has she said that the Tory Party are going to stop taking the Russian bribes....ooops, i mean donations

Its just all hot air for the media and general public

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Time the Tories paid back the potentially suspect donations from Russians or donated it to charity, promised not to accept any more, and promised to deal with abuses of our financial system by wealthy Russians.


Until that happens this time is just cynical politics.

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I find this whole story one of the potentially most interesting of the decade outside Brexit. May will have to demonstrate evidence beyond the pale and I don't think she can. However, her ability to drum up support from NATO allies in this instance is very interesting as it indicates the government had a potential alibi in producing this attack itself.


Without concrete evidence there is no real point in taking sides. The Russian response is perfectly logical and in a few years time this might either have been the start of a war that has been coming for a while, or a Bay of Pigs style incident that triggered a further freeze on relations.


I don't really see a positive outcome from this one unless someone backs down or creates a trump card that silences the situation.


That realistically could take years. If it isn't cut and dried it's a Russian made chemical who made it? If it Russian they'll deny their agents did it - this could go on for ever. It took 3 years to work out who put the bomb on pan am 103. If we are wanting unequivocal proof and someone to charge I'm fairly sure we'll be waiting a decade or more.


If I was Russian (and on putins radar) I'd leave the UK today.

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That realistically could take years. If it isn't cut and dried it's a Russian made chemical who made it? If it Russian they'll deny their agents did it - this could go on for ever. It took 3 years to work out who put the bomb on pan am 103. If we are wanting unequivocal proof and someone to charge I'm fairly sure we'll be waiting a decade or more.


If I was Russian (and on putins radar) I'd leave the UK today.


Think about it this way.


If somebody was on trial for a crime and the trial was expected to last months or years you wouldn’t just sentence them because the trial would take too long.


Just like there is a domestic rule of law there is also an international rule of law. We should respect it. Even though if it seems obvious that the Russians have broken or not adhered to international treaties we shouldn’t sink to the same level. Every time we do so it gives the Russians more leverage.

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Think about it this way.


If somebody was on trial for a crime and the trial was expected to last months or years you wouldn’t just sentence them because the trial would take too long.


Just like there is a domestic rule of law there is also an international rule of law. We should respect it. Even though if it seems obvious that the Russians have broken or not adhered to international treaties we shouldn’t sink to the same level. Every time we do so it gives the Russians more leverage.


The Russians are doing, and have been doing, what ever they like. I really don't know what leverage you think we have.

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That realistically could take years. If it isn't cut and dried it's a Russian made chemical who made it? If it Russian they'll deny their agents did it - this could go on for ever. It took 3 years to work out who put the bomb on pan am 103. If we are wanting unequivocal proof and someone to charge I'm fairly sure we'll be waiting a decade or more.


If I was Russian (and on putins radar) I'd leave the UK today.


How do you analyse a chemical weapon, without knowing what the chemical make-up is?

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not really fella, theres more and more in fighting between labour members because of it.

The point is, Corbyns from the hard left and as ive said before the trouble is they have always been "friends" of the enemy (supporting Russia, communism, IRA and other enemies of the "system" etc) and when it comes down to still supporting these or showing contempt its harder to drag yourself away from being friends.


Are you on the wind up mel?

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It still seems to me that diplomatically we have achieved nothing so far,and the main reason being the ultimatum issued by a Theresa May.

Putin has responded in kind to the resulting actions taken by May and added a couple extra.

The same will happen again if May ups the ante.

We have got this far and still not managed or chosen to give absolute certainty that this act was carried out by the Russian State,as oppposed to Russian agents.

Diplomatically,it has been poorly handled.

I really do feel that May has seized on this as a useful diversion from her Brexit battles.

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