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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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You can’t - you need to understand the compounds required for each variety. If you know those, you could recreate it as well... see where I’m going with that thought? Nothing is clearcut here.


I agree. What would Putin's motive for this crime be? I'm not sayig that the Russians aren't capable of murder in this country - they most certainly are. But i don't understand the motive.


Whereas the other way, I do understand the motive. There has been a campaign to cast Putin as the wicked Sir Jasper ever since he kicked George Soros's NGO's out of Russia, and more importantly since he put a spoke in the West's foreign policy of smashing up the middle east when he backed Assad.


The narrative of Putin getting Trump elected, of Putin interfering in Brexit, of Putin being behind the rise of populism in Europe hasn't really gathered any momentum, so now we have Putin using nerve gas in the UK.


I'm not convinced.

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Just for clarification,at this stage,I am pretty sure in my own mind that this chemical warfare was carried out by Russian agents and sanctioned by Putin.

My only concern ,and as I stated at the start of this thread is that firstly Boris started very early with his accusations,and May has not played her game very well.

The whole situation escalated into a stand off too rapidly which is not good diplomacy.

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Just seen Boris on Andrew Mart saying he played tennis with a Russian lady for £160k,what's all that about?

Boris Johnson made the point that the UK doesn't have a problem with the Russian people. The reason why many rich Russian people live in London is because they prefer to live there rather than their home country. It would be unfair to assume all rich Russian people living in London have acquired their money dishonestly. There are many rich people living in London who are not British or Russian.


I believe the £160K was for Tory party fund raising. The Tory party who are the current ruling party have hardly given Russia any special treatment or turned a blind eye to Russian chemical weapon attacks on British soil because of the donation. I agree though, it does seem strange someone would pay £160K to play tennis with Boris Johnson rather than Andy Murray. The Russian lady clearly has too much money.

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Because the odds of any immigrant being taken out by the U.K. government will be infinitesimal. If the economic advantages of being here far outweigh any risk why would they leave?


We live in a democracy with free speech, and that allows anybody here to voice their opinion about anything whether they are a citizen or not.


Your attitude is dangerous. You want to shut down dissent. And you want people to blindly believe a government full of people with a strong track record of misleading the public.


---------- Post added 18-03-2018 at 09:22 ----------



Like I said before if they are responsible and the evidence is so strong then nailing them using the correct protocols will be a formality.


What correct protocols aren't the UK following?


The UK’s Permanent Representative to the OPCW rejected the main tenets of Russia’s response when he updated the Executive Council on 14 March 2018.


The Ambassador said: “Article IX does not oblige states which are the victims of chemical weapons to refrain from seeking rapid response to their immediate and urgent concerns”. He also argued “there are no provisions in the Convention that require the UK to share its samples collected as part of a criminal investigation with Russia in this type of scenario”.

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What correct protocols aren't the UK following?


The UK’s Permanent Representative to the OPCW rejected the main tenets of Russia’s response when he updated the Executive Council on 14 March 2018.


The Ambassador said: “Article IX does not oblige states which are the victims of chemical weapons to refrain from seeking rapid response to their immediate and urgent concerns”. He also argued “there are no provisions in the Convention that require the UK to share its samples collected as part of a criminal investigation with Russia in this type of scenario”.


Where have I said we are not following protocols?


It’s the domestic political nonsense and amateur geopolitics from the Tories I have a big problem with.

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boris was the one on that classic poster with his knickers showing Oo

More likely to be Boris' sister unless there is another classic poster I haven't seen.


---------- Post added 18-03-2018 at 10:54 ----------


Where have I said we are not following protocols?

It’s the domestic political nonsense and amateur geopolitics from the Tories I have a big problem with.

You implied that was all we should do. Expelling diplomats is part of the protocol process and hardly domestic political nonsense and amateur geopolitics.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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