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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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@ Albert re Litivenko:

Why did Sir Robert Owen conduct a SECRET ENQUIRY into the assassination of Alexandre Litivenko in 2016?

Could it have been to keep quiet that the Russian Oligarch Boris Berezovski (who employed Litivenko) gave the Queen's cousin Prince Michael £320.000 through offshore countries between 2002-2008?



Why would Russia have used a very rare, expensive, easily traceable, 10 million dollar Polonium instead of some cheaper substance or secretly shooting him.

Why risk smuggling radioactive material into Britain which is AN ACT OF WAR?

Why poison someone on the exact day that Britain signed 'the accord' to make it easier for Russia to extradite high profile criminals


The amount is too expensive to purchase and too large to go unnoticed if it were stolen. The only way to obtain such a quantity would be on a well organized black market that had a connection to a nuclear facility.

It would certainly help organized crime if the nuclear powered supplier that sold the Polonium was NOT subjected to international inspections or part of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and denied they even built nuclear weapons for decades, and would certainly also deny selling their Polonium by-product as well.

For example - it is an open secret that Israel has nuclear weapons – and is the only place without nuclear safeguarding or any inspections.... So they would have the means, and location, and the timing fits – but hey, lets just blame Putin – the new Hitler according to the Neocons. This was the quick line in mass media, and it was on all the typical war propaganda channels. Thanks in large part to Alexander Goldfarb, a stooge of exiled oligarch Boris Berezovskiy, who twisted the tale of the poisoning into a ‘Putin did it’ cover up for a botched smuggling operation, by declaring this was Litvinenko’s belief expressed in a death bed letter that he allegedly signed.* Really? And why would he have wanted Goldfarb a biologist who worked for the Oligarch, not a lawyer, to witness this letter and read it to the media?

Boris Berezovski, employed Alexandre Litivenko who died from exposure to Polonium in a botched smuggling operation...Therefore his death was an accident. So - Why was he moving such a dangerous substance? Did he need fast cash? Were they planning to create a dirty bomb?

Litivenko's and his associates Dimiitry Kovitar and Andre Livgovi met the day before the poisoning and they were also HOSPITALISED, and left traces of Polonium in Hamburg where they were 'before' meeting Litivenko.

Traces of Polonium were also found in Berezovsky's home and in the office of Berezovsky & Erinzhey Ltd (Britain's own Blackwater?), It was also found on the plane that Litivenko used to travel to and from Israel where he went to visit Yukos Oil's CEO shortly before he died...

As a matter of interest - Zionist Isreali-Russian Boris Berezovsky who was a business partner/invester in IGNITE the computer software company of Neil Bush - brother of George W Bush, As well as being the owner of YUKOS OIL.

Would it be possible to hide that from the press? Of course not, but the media would ignore this for the same reason the media ignores the stealing of nuclear secrets and building hundreds of nuclear weapons in Dimona, then throwing whistle blowers who took pictures of their warheads, in jail.


The most troubling part of this story for me is;

What was the purpose for this much Polonium and why was it in the UK?




---------- Post added 21-03-2018 at 20:07 ----------


Post script:

Boris Berezovsky found dead in his home March 2013 ?????

Edited by catpus
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“According to French Security Expert Paul Barril, Litvinenko was himself working for the late Boris Berezovsky [a Russian fugitive oligarch that made London his home] who, according to Barril, was in turn working for and with the British intelligence service MI6. Barril said, ‘Litvinenko has betrayed his employers, Berezovsky and the MI6, and has pocketed large sums of money, millions of US dollars, that were destined for agent provocateurs within the Berezovsky clan.

The sole goal was to globally discredit Putin and the Russian Federation. This Western intelligence operation was directed from Washington DC and London.


(Don't believe me - research it yourself.)


So here we have the answer to the deaths of Litvinenko and Berezovsky..


And most probably one of the reasons for the death of Skripal, only in this case they used a cheaper poison?

Plus they couldn't find a hold all big enough to get them both in??? LOL!


CIA/MI5/6 modus operandi?

Edited by catpus
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“According to French Security Expert Paul Barril, Litvinenko was himself working for the late Boris Berezovsky [a Russian fugitive oligarch that made London his home] who, according to Barril, was in turn working for and with the British intelligence service MI6. Barril said, ‘Litvinenko has betrayed his employers, Berezovsky and the MI6, and has pocketed large sums of money, millions of US dollars, that were destined for agent provocateurs within the Berezovsky clan.

The sole goal was to globally discredit Putin and the Russian Federation. This Western intelligence operation was directed from Washington DC and London.


(Don't believe me - research it yourself.)


So here we have the answer to the deaths of Litvinenko and Berezovsky..


And most probably one of the reasons for the death of Skripal, only in this case they used a cheaper poison?

Plus they couldn't find a hold all big enough to get them both in??? LOL!


CIA/MI5/6 modus operandi?



Fake news,Skripal isn't even dead,the rest are conspiracy theories from Putin sympathisers.


---------- Post added 21-03-2018 at 21:13 ----------


@ Albert re Litivenko:

Why did Sir Robert Owen conduct a SECRET ENQUIRY into the assassination of Alexandre Litivenko in 2016?

Could it have been to keep quiet that the Russian Oligarch Boris Berezovski (who employed Litivenko) gave the Queen's cousin Prince Michael £320.000 through offshore countries between 2002-2008?



Why would Russia have used a very rare, expensive, easily traceable, 10 million dollar Polonium instead of some cheaper substance or secretly shooting him.

Why risk smuggling radioactive material into Britain which is AN ACT OF WAR?

Why poison someone on the exact day that Britain signed 'the accord' to make it easier for Russia to extradite high profile criminals


The amount is too expensive to purchase and too large to go unnoticed if it were stolen. The only way to obtain such a quantity would be on a well organized black market that had a connection to a nuclear facility.

It would certainly help organized crime if the nuclear powered supplier that sold the Polonium was NOT subjected to international inspections or part of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and denied they even built nuclear weapons for decades, and would certainly also deny selling their Polonium by-product as well.

For example - it is an open secret that Israel has nuclear weapons – and is the only place without nuclear safeguarding or any inspections.... So they would have the means, and location, and the timing fits – but hey, lets just blame Putin – the new Hitler according to the Neocons. This was the quick line in mass media, and it was on all the typical war propaganda channels. Thanks in large part to Alexander Goldfarb, a stooge of exiled oligarch Boris Berezovskiy, who twisted the tale of the poisoning into a ‘Putin did it’ cover up for a botched smuggling operation, by declaring this was Litvinenko’s belief expressed in a death bed letter that he allegedly signed.* Really? And why would he have wanted Goldfarb a biologist who worked for the Oligarch, not a lawyer, to witness this letter and read it to the media?

Boris Berezovski, employed Alexandre Litivenko who died from exposure to Polonium in a botched smuggling operation...Therefore his death was an accident. So - Why was he moving such a dangerous substance? Did he need fast cash? Were they planning to create a dirty bomb?

Litivenko's and his associates Dimiitry Kovitar and Andre Livgovi met the day before the poisoning and they were also HOSPITALISED, and left traces of Polonium in Hamburg where they were 'before' meeting Litivenko.

Traces of Polonium were also found in Berezovsky's home and in the office of Berezovsky & Erinzhey Ltd (Britain's own Blackwater?), It was also found on the plane that Litivenko used to travel to and from Israel where he went to visit Yukos Oil's CEO shortly before he died...

As a matter of interest - Zionist Isreali-Russian Boris Berezovsky who was a business partner/invester in IGNITE the computer software company of Neil Bush - brother of George W Bush, As well as being the owner of YUKOS OIL.

Would it be possible to hide that from the press? Of course not, but the media would ignore this for the same reason the media ignores the stealing of nuclear secrets and building hundreds of nuclear weapons in Dimona, then throwing whistle blowers who took pictures of their warheads, in jail.


The most troubling part of this story for me is;

What was the purpose for this much Polonium and why was it in the UK?




---------- Post added 21-03-2018 at 20:07 ----------


Post script:

Boris Berezovsky found dead in his home March 2013 ?????



More of this B/S available on every Conspiracy Theory site.

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Our Foreign Secretary is a loose cannon.

His utterances comparing Putin’s use of The World Cup to Hitler’s Olympics is either thoughtless or calculated to escalate a difficult situation.

Once again he gives the opportunity to Russia to muddy the waters.

It’s all about Boris .The joke has gone on too long.

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Boris is ramping up the pressure on the bully putin


Boris is showing us how to deal with bullies. Bullies are cowards at heart and will run away if you stand up to them


Cat (Putin) meet Pigeon (Johnson)


One of them will end up in shreds and it won’t be the cat.

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Our Foreign Secretary is a loose cannon.

His utterances comparing Putin’s use of The World Cup to Hitler’s Olympics is either thoughtless or calculated to escalate a difficult situation.

Once again he gives the opportunity to Russia to muddy the waters.

It’s all about Boris .The joke has gone on too long.

I agree. There is no need to mention Putin by name. Blame the Russian state for the chemical attack rather than directing the blame at Putin personally. President Trump was correct to ignore his advisers and congratulate Putin for his election victory. President Trump knows you have to work with people you might not like, if you want to make a deal or change things.

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