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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Such as...?


i dont know, i just get a bad feel for it....

For one thing, we have had months and months of anti Russia propaganda shoved down our throats.

but the main reason is, if we have evidence that Russia has made this chemical that was used, and Russia have been asking to see the proof, then why are we not giving it them? what have we to hide?

Why dont we just say "here you are, thats our evidence, now you prove us wrong, that is what you have used" what have we to be lose? why are we shying away from it?

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So why didn't they snuff him out before now? Why wait 8 years?

Had they wanted to kill him they could have ice darted him to bring on a heart attack or organised a robbery in his home and shot him?


Have you ever read about False Flags? Stick it in Google and have a read.

CIA/MI5/6 did it........

Just as they did the guy in the holdall......


As I said before - most likely the daughter has been passing information to the Russian Secret Service boyfriend she has been seeing every month - who knows? But Russia had absolutely NOTHING TO GAIN.


I get the impression that as long as the talking heads are flapping their mouths, you will hang on their every word, instead of researching for yourself.

Time to worry when you start saying baa baa.


Please read:

The New US/British Oil Imperialism by Norman Leveigoed.

You can read it online and don't have to go to the library.


You will never make a copper.. lol.


Conspiracy Theorist garbage.

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i dont know, i just get a bad feel for it....

For one thing, we have had months and months of anti Russia propaganda shoved down our throats.

depends how you define propaganda?


have russia interefered and annexed ukraine?

have russia killed russian ex spies and opponants before?

have russia interefered in trumps election and brexit (some sources say yes very much so)?

have russian atheletes been caught doping?

have russia been heavily involved in helping the opposite forces to our allies in syria etc and actually been a hinderence?

do russia do anything they want to, which normally isnt in the interest of the world as a whole?

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i dont know, i just get a bad feel for it....

For one thing, we have had months and months of anti Russia propaganda shoved down our throats.

but the main reason is, if we have evidence that Russia has made this chemical that was used, and Russia have been asking to see the proof, then why are we not giving it them? what have we to hide?

Why dont we just say "here you are, thats our evidence, now you prove us wrong, that is what you have used" what have we to be lose? why are we shying away from it?

The UK have already passed the evidence to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, who are based in the Hague. The UK are shying away from nothing.

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There is something fishy about this saga, it doesn't add up to me


Tell that to the father and daughter who will probably never fully recover.

And the police officer released today. Or are you suggesting our own security services poisoned them with a Russian nerve agent?

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There were no patients in Salisbury suffering nerve agent poisoning. Repeat zero.

20 Mar 2018

The Skripal poisoning case stinks. The British government is obviously not telling the truth about it. It uses the script of a recent spy drama to allege a ‘Novichok’ attack to implicate Russia and to raise anti-Russian sentiment.

Information about the case is evidently held back.

The media is mostly complicit.

Foreign countries have noticed that the story stinks and are tracking back on their support.


The British government’s standing on the issue is getting worse as more inconsistencies and doubts on its statements come to light.



On March 4 the Skripals collapsed on a public bench in Salisbury in England after they had visited a pub and a restaurant. They were brought to the local hospital. A local policemen was said to be affected.

A week later, on March 12, the British government said,

''Mr Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with Novichok—a military-grade nerve agent developed by Russia. Based on this capability, combined with Russia’s record of conducting state-sponsored assassinations—including against former intelligence officers whom it regards as legitimate targets—the UK Government concluded it was highly likely that Russia was responsible for this reckless and despicable act.''

Novichok is not a nerve agent but supposedly a group of chemical substances investigated in the Soviet Union for their nerve agent potential. Only recently have some of these substances been synthesized.

Former ambassador Craig Murray reported ''The formulation … a military-grade nerve agent, 'of a type developed by Russia', was a compromise negotiated between the British government and its chemical weapon specialists in its PORTON DOWN laboratory,'' Note that the statement does not implicate at all that Russia is involved in the current case.

The British government demanded a Russian response within 24 hours without presenting any evidence of Russian involvement.

Russia rightly pointed out that such a demand is in breach of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) procedures as supervised by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and rejected it.

The U.S, Britain, France and Germany issued a common supporting statement which repeated the British script:

This use of a military-grade nerve agent, of a type developed by Russia, constitutes the first offensive use of a nerve agent in Europe since the Second World War.

Since then many questions and doubts about the British government’s Noviochok drama have been raised. Bit by bit the case is falling apart.


Consider for example this picture which shows Mr. Skripal and his daughter Julia presumably in the pub or the restaurant they visited before they collapsed. Who is the third person, visible in the mirror between them, who took the picture?

Is this third person the former MI6 agent Pablo Miller who once recruited Skripal as British double agent. Pablo Miller who like Sergej Skripal lives in Salisbury and is still his friend?

The same Pablo Miller who worked with former MI6 agent Christopher Steele at Orbis to create the ‘dirty dossier’ about Donald Trump?

How much were the Skripals involved in creating the fake stories in the anti-Trump dossier for which the Clinton campaign paid more than $100,000 dollars.

Did the Skripals threaten to talk about the issue? Is that why the incident happened?

So far no information about the third person that took the above picture has been coming forward.

On March 16 the British government was still preening with the success of the drama it constructed from a movie script around the Skripal incident.

The headline and intro of the BBC story:Russian spy: UK government response going to plan so far


According to senior government Ministers and Officials source, “The Russian crisis seems to be going according to plan, and gone at least as well as we’d hoped. Maybe even better”.

That may end soon.

The London Times reported on March 14th ''40 people in Salisbury needed treatment because of poisoning.''

However “Steven Davies – Consultant in emergency medicine, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust 's” letter to the paper disputes that report. The letter appears to say that none of the hospital’s patients were effected by ''nerve agents'' at all:

Sir, Further to your report 'Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment', March 14. May I clarify that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only been ever been three patients with significant poisoning.''


The wording of the letter is not 100% clear. Does the ''no patients'' refer to the 40 mentioned in the Times or to all patents including the Skripals? Are the three patients with “significant poisoning” the Skripals and the affected policeman?

Commentator Noirette suggested here that the Skripal case was about food poisoning or a food allergy, not nerve agents, because the Skripals had visited a fish restaurant one hour before they were found. The letter appears to point into a similar direction.

I have yet to see a follow up on the letter by any media.

Why is there no interview with the doctor? All medical personal involved are astonishingly silent. Since day one there has been no actual medical update on the health status of the Skripals. Has the government issued a gag order. Why?

By writing the above letter Steven Davies, the Salisbury emergency consultant, probably circumvented it.

The UK has since folded on its unilateral demand outside of the OPCW procedures. It has now, as Russia demanded, involved the OPCW and OPCW specialist are expected to visit the British chemical weapon laboratory in Porton Down, which is near Salisbury, to investigate the case.

The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson used a less hedged wording:

“We actually have evidence within the last 10 years that Russia has not only been investigating the delivery of nerve agents for the purposes of assassination, but has also been creating and stockpiling Novichok,” Boris (the clown)Johnson told the BBC.

Craig Murray took his statement apart.... If the UK really had or has such information why did it not, as the CWC demands, inform the OPCW of Russia’s potential breach of its obligations? Why is this coming out only now????


The British allies seem to be unimpressed by Boris Johnson’s show.

The people and the British opposition should urgently demand more and better answer from May’s failing government.


Instead of swallowing anti Putin propaganda wholesale without any research at all.....

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There were no patients in Salisbury suffering nerve agent poisoning. Repeat zero.

20 Mar 2018

The Skripal poisoning case stinks. The British government is obviously not telling the truth about it. It uses the script of a recent spy drama to allege a ‘Novichok’ attack to implicate Russia and to raise anti-Russian sentiment.

Information about the case is evidently held back.

The media is mostly complicit.

Foreign countries have noticed that the story stinks and are tracking back on their support.


The British government’s standing on the issue is getting worse as more inconsistencies and doubts on its statements come to light.



On March 4 the Skripals collapsed on a public bench in Salisbury in England after they had visited a pub and a restaurant. They were brought to the local hospital. A local policemen was said to be affected.

A week later, on March 12, the British government said,

''Mr Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with Novichok—a military-grade nerve agent developed by Russia. Based on this capability, combined with Russia’s record of conducting state-sponsored assassinations—including against former intelligence officers whom it regards as legitimate targets—the UK Government concluded it was highly likely that Russia was responsible for this reckless and despicable act.''

Novichok is not a nerve agent but supposedly a group of chemical substances investigated in the Soviet Union for their nerve agent potential. Only recently have some of these substances been synthesized.

Former ambassador Craig Murray reported ''The formulation … a military-grade nerve agent, 'of a type developed by Russia', was a compromise negotiated between the British government and its chemical weapon specialists in its PORTON DOWN laboratory,'' Note that the statement does not implicate at all that Russia is involved in the current case.

The British government demanded a Russian response within 24 hours without presenting any evidence of Russian involvement.

Russia rightly pointed out that such a demand is in breach of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) procedures as supervised by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and rejected it.

The U.S, Britain, France and Germany issued a common supporting statement which repeated the British script:

This use of a military-grade nerve agent, of a type developed by Russia, constitutes the first offensive use of a nerve agent in Europe since the Second World War.

Since then many questions and doubts about the British government’s Noviochok drama have been raised. Bit by bit the case is falling apart.


Consider for example this picture which shows Mr. Skripal and his daughter Julia presumably in the pub or the restaurant they visited before they collapsed. Who is the third person, visible in the mirror between them, who took the picture?

Is this third person the former MI6 agent Pablo Miller who once recruited Skripal as British double agent. Pablo Miller who like Sergej Skripal lives in Salisbury and is still his friend?

The same Pablo Miller who worked with former MI6 agent Christopher Steele at Orbis to create the ‘dirty dossier’ about Donald Trump?

How much were the Skripals involved in creating the fake stories in the anti-Trump dossier for which the Clinton campaign paid more than $100,000 dollars.

Did the Skripals threaten to talk about the issue? Is that why the incident happened?

So far no information about the third person that took the above picture has been coming forward.

On March 16 the British government was still preening with the success of the drama it constructed from a movie script around the Skripal incident.

The headline and intro of the BBC story:Russian spy: UK government response going to plan so far


According to senior government Ministers and Officials source, “The Russian crisis seems to be going according to plan, and gone at least as well as we’d hoped. Maybe even better”.

That may end soon.

The London Times reported on March 14th ''40 people in Salisbury needed treatment because of poisoning.''

However “Steven Davies – Consultant in emergency medicine, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust 's” letter to the paper disputes that report. The letter appears to say that none of the hospital’s patients were effected by ''nerve agents'' at all:

Sir, Further to your report 'Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment', March 14. May I clarify that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only been ever been three patients with significant poisoning.''


The wording of the letter is not 100% clear. Does the ''no patients'' refer to the 40 mentioned in the Times or to all patents including the Skripals? Are the three patients with “significant poisoning” the Skripals and the affected policeman?

Commentator Noirette suggested here that the Skripal case was about food poisoning or a food allergy, not nerve agents, because the Skripals had visited a fish restaurant one hour before they were found. The letter appears to point into a similar direction.

I have yet to see a follow up on the letter by any media.

Why is there no interview with the doctor? All medical personal involved are astonishingly silent. Since day one there has been no actual medical update on the health status of the Skripals. Has the government issued a gag order. Why?

By writing the above letter Steven Davies, the Salisbury emergency consultant, probably circumvented it.

The UK has since folded on its unilateral demand outside of the OPCW procedures. It has now, as Russia demanded, involved the OPCW and OPCW specialist are expected to visit the British chemical weapon laboratory in Porton Down, which is near Salisbury, to investigate the case.

The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson used a less hedged wording:

“We actually have evidence within the last 10 years that Russia has not only been investigating the delivery of nerve agents for the purposes of assassination, but has also been creating and stockpiling Novichok,” Boris (the clown)Johnson told the BBC.

Craig Murray took his statement apart.... If the UK really had or has such information why did it not, as the CWC demands, inform the OPCW of Russia’s potential breach of its obligations? Why is this coming out only now????


The British allies seem to be unimpressed by Boris Johnson’s show.

The people and the British opposition should urgently demand more and better answer from May’s failing government.


Instead of swallowing anti Putin propaganda wholesale without any research at all.....

and where have you copied this conspiracy theory from?

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There were no patients in Salisbury suffering nerve agent poisoning. Repeat zero.

20 Mar 2018

The Skripal poisoning case stinks. The British government is obviously not telling the truth about it. It uses the script of a recent spy drama to allege a ‘Novichok’ attack to implicate Russia and to raise anti-Russian sentiment.

Information about the case is evidently held back.

The media is mostly complicit.

Foreign countries have noticed that the story stinks and are tracking back on their support.


The British government’s standing on the issue is getting worse as more inconsistencies and doubts on its statements come to light.



On March 4 the Skripals collapsed on a public bench in Salisbury in England after they had visited a pub and a restaurant. They were brought to the local hospital. A local policemen was said to be affected.

A week later, on March 12, the British government said,

''Mr Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with Novichok—a military-grade nerve agent developed by Russia. Based on this capability, combined with Russia’s record of conducting state-sponsored assassinations—including against former intelligence officers whom it regards as legitimate targets—the UK Government concluded it was highly likely that Russia was responsible for this reckless and despicable act.''

Novichok is not a nerve agent but supposedly a group of chemical substances investigated in the Soviet Union for their nerve agent potential. Only recently have some of these substances been synthesized.

Former ambassador Craig Murray reported ''The formulation … a military-grade nerve agent, 'of a type developed by Russia', was a compromise negotiated between the British government and its chemical weapon specialists in its PORTON DOWN laboratory,'' Note that the statement does not implicate at all that Russia is involved in the current case.

The British government demanded a Russian response within 24 hours without presenting any evidence of Russian involvement.

Russia rightly pointed out that such a demand is in breach of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) procedures as supervised by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and rejected it.

The U.S, Britain, France and Germany issued a common supporting statement which repeated the British script:

This use of a military-grade nerve agent, of a type developed by Russia, constitutes the first offensive use of a nerve agent in Europe since the Second World War.

Since then many questions and doubts about the British government’s Noviochok drama have been raised. Bit by bit the case is falling apart.


Consider for example this picture which shows Mr. Skripal and his daughter Julia presumably in the pub or the restaurant they visited before they collapsed. Who is the third person, visible in the mirror between them, who took the picture?

Is this third person the former MI6 agent Pablo Miller who once recruited Skripal as British double agent. Pablo Miller who like Sergej Skripal lives in Salisbury and is still his friend?

The same Pablo Miller who worked with former MI6 agent Christopher Steele at Orbis to create the ‘dirty dossier’ about Donald Trump?

How much were the Skripals involved in creating the fake stories in the anti-Trump dossier for which the Clinton campaign paid more than $100,000 dollars.

Did the Skripals threaten to talk about the issue? Is that why the incident happened?

So far no information about the third person that took the above picture has been coming forward.

On March 16 the British government was still preening with the success of the drama it constructed from a movie script around the Skripal incident.

The headline and intro of the BBC story:Russian spy: UK government response going to plan so far


According to senior government Ministers and Officials source, “The Russian crisis seems to be going according to plan, and gone at least as well as we’d hoped. Maybe even better”.

That may end soon.

The London Times reported on March 14th ''40 people in Salisbury needed treatment because of poisoning.''

However “Steven Davies – Consultant in emergency medicine, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust 's” letter to the paper disputes that report. The letter appears to say that none of the hospital’s patients were effected by ''nerve agents'' at all:

Sir, Further to your report 'Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment', March 14. May I clarify that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only been ever been three patients with significant poisoning.''


The wording of the letter is not 100% clear. Does the ''no patients'' refer to the 40 mentioned in the Times or to all patents including the Skripals? Are the three patients with “significant poisoning” the Skripals and the affected policeman?

Commentator Noirette suggested here that the Skripal case was about food poisoning or a food allergy, not nerve agents, because the Skripals had visited a fish restaurant one hour before they were found. The letter appears to point into a similar direction.

I have yet to see a follow up on the letter by any media.

Why is there no interview with the doctor? All medical personal involved are astonishingly silent. Since day one there has been no actual medical update on the health status of the Skripals. Has the government issued a gag order. Why?

By writing the above letter Steven Davies, the Salisbury emergency consultant, probably circumvented it.

The UK has since folded on its unilateral demand outside of the OPCW procedures. It has now, as Russia demanded, involved the OPCW and OPCW specialist are expected to visit the British chemical weapon laboratory in Porton Down, which is near Salisbury, to investigate the case.

The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson used a less hedged wording:

“We actually have evidence within the last 10 years that Russia has not only been investigating the delivery of nerve agents for the purposes of assassination, but has also been creating and stockpiling Novichok,” Boris (the clown)Johnson told the BBC.

Craig Murray took his statement apart.... If the UK really had or has such information why did it not, as the CWC demands, inform the OPCW of Russia’s potential breach of its obligations? Why is this coming out only now????


The British allies seem to be unimpressed by Boris Johnson’s show.

The people and the British opposition should urgently demand more and better answer from May’s failing government.


Instead of swallowing anti Putin propaganda wholesale without any research at all.....


More Conspiracy Theorist garbage.

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Our Foreign Secretary is a loose cannon.

His utterances comparing Putin’s use of The World Cup to Hitler’s Olympics is either thoughtless or calculated to escalate a difficult situation.

Once again he gives the opportunity to Russia to muddy the waters.

It’s all about Boris .The joke has gone on too long.

Yes he is a "loose cannon".


Putin may not be bothered, but many of the Russian people who care about those millions of Russians who were killed in WW2 will be.

That's why I was rather shocked to hear such a tactless comment from a Foreign Secretary.

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*have russia interefered and annexed ukraine?

NO. Ukraine was taken over by the Americans who have their man in residence, and Joe Biden's son is director of their Gas Company.

*have russia killed russian ex spies and opponants before?

Who knows.. James Bond does it all the time. lol

*have russia interefered in trumps election and brexit (some sources say yes very much so)?

NO I have given you the evidence, which no one want to read - for some strange reason. baa baa baa

*have 'some' russian atheletes been caught doping?

Yes, so have some British and American athletes.

*have russia been heavily involved in helping the opposite forces to our allies in syria etc and actually been a hinderence?

Duh! Our allies being the CIA funded rebels and ISIS that the Russians made short shrift of in two weeks... something the US and Britain haven't managed in 7 years. Will you be so eager when Rebels attack our Government because they don't like what they are doing?

*do russia do anything they want to, which normally isnt in the interest of the world as a whole?

Like what? Be specific and then I will try and answer.



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