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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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And another thing that doesn't add up, how come we have not had any info on what actually happened? There was talk about it may have been in their suitcase or something, but its all rather vague to me, the story has more holes than a colander

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One of my favourite sites at the moment is CRAIG MURRAY - Historian, Former Ambassador and Homan Rights Activist. One of the things he said was ''I cannot in fact conceive of a more outlandish conspiracy theory than that the Russian government secretly manufactured and stockpiled Novichoks, hidden from the OPCW, and secretly trained assassins, only to blow the whole operation on a retired spy they let out of jail ages ago. Yet nobody calls Boris Johnson a “conspiracy theorist” for positing that.''

I also make a point of reading Also UK COLUMN which at present is the best News source in this country imho.

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And May said...."I welcomed the agreement last night from the European Council that they accepted, they agreed with the UK Government's assessment that it was highly likely that Russia was responsible for the attempted murder that took place on the streets of Salisbury and that there was no other alternative explanation."

Highly likely????

Would that stand up in court?

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And May said...."I welcomed the agreement last night from the European Council that they accepted, they agreed with the UK Government's assessment that it was highly likely that Russia was responsible for the attempted murder that took place on the streets of Salisbury and that there was no other alternative explanation."

Highly likely????

Would that stand up in court?

highly likely...by looking at all the evidence, you cant be 100% sure since theres no perpetrator

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One of my favourite sites at the moment is CRAIG MURRAY - Historian, Former Ambassador and Homan Rights Activist. One of the things he said was ''I cannot in fact conceive of a more outlandish conspiracy theory than that the Russian government secretly manufactured and stockpiled Novichoks, hidden from the OPCW, and secretly trained assassins, only to blow the whole operation on a retired spy they let out of jail ages ago. Yet nobody calls Boris Johnson a “conspiracy theorist” for positing that.''

I also make a point of reading Also UK COLUMN which at present is the best News source in this country imho.


You mean Craig Murray,the Conspiracy Theorist?





A Russian spy who sold secrets to the West turns up half dead in Salisbury, a victim of a Russian nerve agent and this genius thinks it’s the Israelis? Seriously?


Yes seriously. Here he is arguing MI5 vandalised an SNP office as a false flag operation in the run up to the Scottish Independence referendum:


“I warned that the security services will turn to false flag events to discredit the SNP. I said this in my talk to Edinburgh SNP Club on 6 March, and repeated it on this blog last week. Well, it is starting.”





The very last line of this link is the one that normal people need to take note of.

Edited by chalga
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You mean Craig Murray,the Conspiracy Theorist?





The very last line of this link is the one that normal people need to take note of.

LOL so Russia cant have done it cos it wouldnt want to damge its standing in the world, but Israel did it to destroy russias standing in the world because it didnt like them meddling in syria, so mossad found some novichek and an old russian spy just near porton down. thats one convoluted conspiracy theory

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LOL so Russia cant have done it cos it wouldnt want to damge its standing in the world, but Israel did it to destroy russias standing in the world because it didnt like them meddling in syria, so mossad found some novichek and an old russian spy just near porton down. thats one convoluted conspiracy theory


Hey,there are dozens of these wackos infesting the internet with their twisted world,'you'll not find this in the mainstream media' is their catch phrase,of course you won't,there's a good reason for keeping wackos out of the mainstream media.:hihi:

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And another thing that doesn't add up, how come we have not had any info on what actually happened? There was talk about it may have been in their suitcase or something, but its all rather vague to me, the story has more holes than a colander

It's not usual for the police not to make pubic all the information and knowledge they have regarding a crime. Normally the full facts only come to light during a criminal trial.

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And another thing that doesn't add up, how come we have not had any info on what actually happened? There was talk about it may have been in their suitcase or something, but its all rather vague to me, the story has more holes than a colander


Why would we be telling all and sundry what we know at the moment?

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And May said...."I welcomed the agreement last night from the European Council that they accepted, they agreed with the UK Government's assessment that it was highly likely that Russia was responsible for the attempted murder that took place on the streets of Salisbury and that there was no other alternative explanation."

Highly likely????

Would that stand up in court?


Definitely not! Conjecture? Uncorroborated opinion?.

Although it is 'highly likely' that May and the Clown are liars.

She looks petrified of saying the wrong thing. Thus the broken record at every opportunity.

The woman is a joke.

Note all the obfuscations now - 'We must feel sorry for her because she didn't manage to have children?' Jees, neither did billions of women, and men but it didn't turn them into liars.

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