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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Listen,out of all the garbage you have posted,there are 4 lines that any normal person needs to know to make up their mind about what you are:


Post 367 Lines 5 and 6

Post 384 Line 10

Post 417 Line 1


This shows that you are a twisted Conspiracy Theorist who can't even be consistant with your own lies,the lowest of the low,along with all the other twisted Conspiracy Theorists who infest social media and try to make everybody dumber.

im sure catpus is carboot too? LOL

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@ Chalga.

''This shows that you are a twisted Conspiracy Theorist who can't even be consistant with your own lies,the lowest of the low,along with all the other twisted Conspiracy Theorists who infest social media and try to make everybody dumber,''


Oh Dear Chalga, It was never my intention to make you feel dumb....

I don't know what the point of your rant was or the significance of posting 'lines' from my posts, which, taken out of context mean absolutely nothing - But does show the depth of your intransigence.


''There were no patients suffering from nerve agent poisoning'' was a line from a letter sent to the papers by MR STEVEN DAVIES - CONSULTANT IN EMERGENCY MEDICINE at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust. Who actually treated the Skripals and the Policemen... But don't let that stop you venting your frustration.

Had you read the whole post you would have been better informed.. but I am not offended. I am just so sad to see that you are limiting yourself with your bigotry, which can never affect me at all, but it will have a profound affect on your children.


As I have respectfully said before, I think it best that you ignore my posts in future and I will afford you the same courtesy. :+/


---------- Post added 23-03-2018 at 19:13 ----------


@ Chalga

I can't resist one last reposte after reading this:


Picked up directly from Chalga's post dated13/3/2018:


''Putin is into everything where he thinks he can bully and intimidate sovereign states and get some sort of power over them,it's a mindset and a very dangerous one,we've seen how they have become more and more emboldened in recent years,and why Ukraine wanted to get out of their sphere of influence,why the Baltic countries are calling for more NATO action,and why the Balkans are a target where they can sow unrest and keep agitating to destabilise regions,they are a menace to the free world,and always will be as long as Putin and his cronies use Russia as their own personal plaything. ''


Please show me where the 'evidence' is for this inflammatory statement?

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@ Chalga.

''This shows that you are a twisted Conspiracy Theorist who can't even be consistant with your own lies,the lowest of the low,along with all the other twisted Conspiracy Theorists who infest social media and try to make everybody dumber,''


Oh Dear Chalga, It was never my intention to make you feel dumb....

I don't know what the point of your rant was or the significance of posting 'lines' from my posts, which, taken out of context mean absolutely nothing - But does show the depth of your intransigence.


''There were no patients suffering from nerve agent poisoning'' was a line from a letter sent to the papers by MR STEVEN DAVIES - CONSULTANT IN EMERGENCY MEDICINE at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust. Who actually treated the Skripals and the Policemen... But don't let that stop you venting your frustration.

Had you read the whole post you would have been better informed.. but I am not offended. I am just so sad to see that you are limiting yourself with your bigotry, which can never affect me at all, but it will have a profound affect on your children.


As I have respectfully said before, I think it best that you ignore my posts in future and I will afford you the same courtesy. :+/


---------- Post added 23-03-2018 at 19:13 ----------


@ Chalga

I can't resist one last reposte after reading this:


Picked up directly from Chalga's post dated13/3/2018:


''Putin is into everything where he thinks he can bully and intimidate sovereign states and get some sort of power over them,it's a mindset and a very dangerous one,we've seen how they have become more and more emboldened in recent years,and why Ukraine wanted to get out of their sphere of influence,why the Baltic countries are calling for more NATO action,and why the Balkans are a target where they can sow unrest and keep agitating to destabilise regions,they are a menace to the free world,and always will be as long as Putin and his cronies use Russia as their own personal plaything. ''


Please show me where the 'evidence' is for this inflammatory statement?


I'll give you one good reason why I won't be ignoring your posts in future,you aren't going to be given free reign to peddle garbage on a public forum unchallenged.

Get a Putin or Russian thread up and running or one of the old ones and ask the question there,you'll get all the evidence then,this thread is primarily about poisoning in Salisbury.


---------- Post added 23-03-2018 at 19:29 ----------


im sure catpus is carboot too? LOL


Exactly the same term of address used to me in a Car boot post,now used in a catpus post..........Dear Chalga.:thumbsup:

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I'll give you one good reason why I won't be ignoring your posts in future,you aren't going to be given free reign to peddle garbage on a public forum unchallenged.

Get a Putin or Russian thread up and running or one of the old ones and ask the question there,you'll get all the evidence then,this thread is primarily about poisoning in Salisbury.


---------- Post added 23-03-2018 at 19:29 ----------



Exactly the same term of address used to me in a Car boot post,now used in a catpus post..........Dear Chalga.:thumbsup:

slagging off the BBC did it for me :P

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True. And they all emanated from the same source - The MI5 mouthpiece - British Brainwashing Corporation.

Think about all the carp that pumped incessantly about Iraq and Gadhafi - all proved to be lies? And if your memory goes back far enough take a look at the Suez crisis, Vietnam and the Cuban crisis?

The book that influenced me the most in all my researching was 'The New US/British Oil Imperialism by Norman Leveigoed' You can also get that online and it is riveting for anyone who has doubts, and questions the official narratives.


Type 'MI5 control the BBC' into your search engine and see for yourself. I use Duck Duck Go to search, because they don't bubble you and bombard you with ads, neither do they have anyone tracking your every move and directing your search like google.

Sadly. the 'majority' of the Journalists and NGO's (spies in other countries) work for MI5/6 or have been 'compromised' by them, just like Politicians.


It is so easy to research, if you have the will and time. :+)

I will post you links later, but have to prepare a meal at the moment.


Can you tell me who killed Elvis ?

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@ Chalga

''Exactly the same term of address used to me in a Car boot post,now used in a catpus post..........Dear Chalga.''


Once more - selective reading..

Actual sentence:

''OH DEAR Chalga, It was never my intention to make you feel dumb....''


You have managed this all alone. ;-))

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@ Chalga

''Exactly the same term of address used to me in a Car boot post,now used in a catpus post..........Dear Chalga.''


Once more - selective reading..

Actual sentence:

''OH DEAR Chalga, It was never my intention to make you feel dumb....''


You have managed this all alone. ;-))


How do you know I have managed it all alone? I might be part of a Zionist plot against you.

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