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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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International law for everyone? Except Israel that has 102 UN vetoes and resolutions against it.


Russia having 1 for Crimea.



I have attempted to open a link for the Israeli list but it has been removed???? Just happens that I had the original list saved in my files.

I can post it but it would take up the whole of the forum's page.

With a little research I'm sure you will find it.


Found another, but you have to donate to read the list?


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Funny how people keep trying to muddy the waters by bringing in other countries meddling, last time i read this thread was about russia


Leave them to it,I've nearly got a full house on my Conspiracy Theorist bingo card,just waiting for 9/11 and the moon landings now.:hihi:

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Funny how people keep trying to muddy the waters by bringing in other countries meddling, last time i read this thread was about russia


Discussions, on whatever subject, inevitably broaden, so long as it stays roughly on topic its all good.


It is worth putting "Russian meddling" in the context of western meddling, that obviously goes on, in the affairs of other parts of the world.


There is every possibility that this latest poisoning has nothing directly to do with Putin; superannuated Russian spies do often end up in underground gangland crime and rivalries and bump each other off. If it does turn out to be this then Theresa May and Boris Johnson are going to look like right berks.


Remember, for all the spouting off by the government about who did it, the Police didn't name any suspects.

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Discussions, on whatever subject, inevitably broaden, so long as it stays roughly on topic its all good.


It is worth putting "Russian meddling" in the context of western meddling, that obviously goes on, in the affairs of other parts of the world.


There is every possibility that this latest poisoning has nothing directly to do with Putin; superannuated Russian spies do often end up in underground gangland crime and rivalries and bump each other off. If it does turn out to be this then Theresa May and Boris Johnson are going to look like right berks.


Remember, for all the spouting off by the government about who did it, the Police didn't name any suspects.

because in the realm of spying and spies and covert killings its hard to find any perpetrators, thats the whole point

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Discussions, on whatever subject, inevitably broaden, so long as it stays roughly on topic its all good.


It is worth putting "Russian meddling" in the context of western meddling, that obviously goes on, in the affairs of other parts of the world.


There is every possibility that this latest poisoning has nothing directly to do with Putin; superannuated Russian spies do often end up in underground gangland crime and rivalries and bump each other off. If it does turn out to be this then Theresa May and Boris Johnson are going to look like right berks.


Remember, for all the spouting off by the government about who did it, the Police didn't name any suspects.


I concur Allan.

They didn't name any suspects because they have none.

This is not a ((carefully constructed)) drama, but hastily cobbled together kindergarten farce of unprecedented hubris leading us into conflict with the next Chemical event in Syria (Poison having already been supplied to the White Helmets as aid ready to be passed to the rebels.) which will result in a 'Duel of the Fates'- just one of the aggressive reactions to Putin's Nuclear-

State of the Nation address of March the 1st...


Time is running out for the US Empire with its beloved Nuclear 1st strike capability gone bye bye - thus something had to be done

Russia's Novichok Programme was destroyed in 2013 as verified by UN Watchdog inspectors, but America's weren't??


Q. Why is May trying to start WW3?

A. Because Britain is broke, and the Arms Industry has massive pay offs.


This will not end well. Putin is not Saddam Husain. The Russians lost

17 MILLION people in the last war. I don't think Putin will be standing back for that to happen again.


May better be very careful what she wishes for.

1.5 million collateral damage innocent victims for the last LIE..

That Madeline Albright said was ''worth the price.''






Porton Down chemical weapons has been awarded an extra £48M this year I 've learned elsewhere. I also agree with those who fear this hype is to prepare the public for a nerve gas attack in Syria to justify a full on US/UK invasion and move on Iran.

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I concur Allan.

They didn't name any suspects because they have none.

This is not a ((carefully constructed)) drama, but hastily cobbled together kindergarten farce of unprecedented hubris leading us into conflict with the next Chemical event in Syria (Poison having already been supplied to the White Helmets as aid ready to be passed to the rebels.) which will result in a 'Duel of the Fates'- just one of the aggressive reactions to Putin's Nuclear-

State of the Nation address of March the 1st...


Time is running out for the US Empire with its beloved Nuclear 1st strike capability gone bye bye - thus something had to be done

Russia's Novichok Programme was destroyed in 2013 as verified by UN Watchdog inspectors, but America's weren't??


Q. Why is May trying to start WW3?

A. Because Britain is broke, and the Arms Industry has massive pay offs.


This will not end well. Putin is not Saddam Husain. The Russians lost

17 MILLION people in the last war. I don't think Putin will be standing back for that to happen again.


May better be very careful what she wishes for.

1.5 million collateral damage innocent victims for the last LIE..

That Madeline Albright said was ''worth the price.''






Porton Down chemical weapons has been awarded an extra £48M this year I 've learned elsewhere. I also agree with those who fear this hype is to prepare the public for a nerve gas attack in Syria to justify a full on US/UK invasion and move on Iran.


sigh, so much crap with that post i dont even know where to start Oo

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oh give over, the whole of europe and the US WOULDNT all suddenly band together over "propaganda" to suddenly hate the russians, nor would the UN or Nato.

As for the propaganda, show me it is propaganda and not real, Russia for a long time now HAS BEEN a rogue state, they side with "others" like Syria, North Korea, China, they HAVE been up to no good for years.

Going back to the evidence, i presume the hospital where the injured have been know all about evidence?


So you don't think Europe and the US, who were in a power struggle the then Soviet Union for decades, would not want to band together to 'put in place' an increasingly striegthening Russia under Putins leadership?


Are you for real, nieve or just take us fools?


Besides that the UK and Europe are in a rather embarracing power stuggle ourselves that needs some distraction from due to incompetance and posturing on both sides.

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