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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Average reading speed is about 200 words per minute (with some people reading at 1000 words per minute)


You posted 189 words.


It is perfectly possible to read what you posted in less than 1minute, indeed most people could.


I did read all of what you wrote.


Wow - you are indeed a wizard!

But still a TROLL!

If we are now in fact living in a global village, it’s one where the inhabitants agree on just one thing: capitalism is the ideal model for generating economic growth. Everything else – political structure, religious and cultural values, and who gets the biggest slice of the capitalist pie – is all very much up in the air.

These ideas matter. They can bring down national governments, influence foreign policies, and even alter the geopolitical landscape of entire regions ala the ‘Arab Spring.’ In extremis they can form the logical bedrock of a ‘civilizing’ mission of war and occupation.

Politicians have sought to manipulate these ideas since the very first forums were cobbled together. The urge to control public perception, to label the heroes and villains within and without, has remained a political constant throughout our history. And for centuries the dissemination of these ideas followed a similar, top-down trajectory of some authoritative source telling us who we are and what we believe in.

But the advent of the Internet has changed all that.

The Internet is a game-changer in two ways. First there’s the nature of the medium, which allows for an escape from the top-down model and the easy scepticism it breeds.

‘Truth’ no longer issues forth from the pulpit or Dan Rather or the latest issue of Pravda; it reveals itself in fragments throughout our interconnected lives.

Second there’s the global reach of the Internet. Now all governments can dialogue directly with the populations of rival countries, even if the people don’t necessarily know who it is they’re talking to.

It should thus come as no surprise that various governments are actively engaged in moulding Internet debate. They do this simply by hiring writers, making them sign non-disclosure agreements, and having them post favourable blog updates or comments on forums and news articles.



Edited by catpus
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  1. Include a link to the article you're referring to, so people can go and read it if they choose
  2. Make a short précis of the article including the point you are trying to make, this should be no more than a couple of lines long


It would also be useful if the précis were in a quote box so it is obvious that these words come from somewhere else


Any further posts not adhering to this will be removed without warning and persistent offenders will find their accounts suspended


The thread will be reopened shortly when people have had a chance to read this.

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20 Reasons why the Skripal poisoning story is fake News - By former BBC reporter in Salisbury...


I do understand that many people on this particular discussion forum find it extremely difficult to focus for more than a minute or two but this really is a MUST listen to.

Yes, I know it is an hour long but it covers everything you thought you knew.... but didn't.

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20 Reasons why the Skripal poisoning story is fake News - By former BBC reporter in Salisbury...


I do understand that many people on this particular discussion forum find it extremely difficult to focus for more than a minute or two but this really is a MUST listen to.

Yes, I know it is an hour long but it covers everything you thought you knew.... but didn't.


This is just the usual Conspiracy Theory garbage,posted on here by the same Conspiracy Theorist that brought you,'how do you know that anybody got hurt in Salisbury'

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This is just the usual Conspiracy Theory garbage,posted on here by the same Conspiracy Theorist that brought you,'how do you know that anybody got hurt in Salisbury'


One down side of adding someone to your ignore list is that you can still see their posts when quoted by someone else!


There was a piece in the Independent a while ago saying that the UK had revealed an unprecedented amount of information to our allies so as to show them that Russia are the only people that can be responsible for the attack.


I suspect it must be pretty damning considering the strength and unity of the global response, and left them with no doubt.

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There was a piece in the Independent a while ago saying that the UK had revealed an unprecedented amount of information to our allies so as to show them that Russia are the only people that can be responsible for the attack.


As Russia are not a people what begs the question is who actually carried out this attack. The nerve agent may be Russian made but that's about all that can be determined and the actual culprit is unknown. Another important factor is if this was state sponsored and given that it would be known that this came from Russia what exactly does Russia gain by doing this? It may have just been an attempt by someone with a personal grudge but would we know?


Governments are also still having problems trying to prove that Russian actually influenced the US election and also Brexit. This all seems to me to be very convenient and another attempt to smear Russia and Putin as the other stuff has not worked. Not forgetting that some in high places and with plenty of money don't like Trump or the fact we will Brexit.

Edited by apelike
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As Russia are not a people what begs the question is who actually carried out this attack. The nerve agent may be Russian made but that's about all that can be determined and the actual culprit is unknown. Another important factor is if this was state sponsored and given that it would be known that this came from Russia what exactly does Russia gain by doing this? It may have just been an attempt by someone with a personal grudge but would we know?


Governments are also still having problems trying to prove that Russian actually influenced the US election and also Brexit. This all seems to me to be very convenient and another attempt to smear Russia and Putin as the other stuff has not worked.


We do not know what evidence has been shared, but it has been enough to convince almost everybody who has looked at it that it was the Russian state that ordered this attack.


Why do you think nothing else can be determined when you haven't see the evidence?

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