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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Everybody should withdraw from the World Cup immediately,make a point to the Kremlin,and make a point to FIFA as well,these even lie about their own pee in sporting matters,you wouldn't trust them to run a chip shop without some kind of cheating going on.


Russia should never have been given the World Cup anyway due to the massive racism, antisemitism and basic hoolignism rife in their leagues.....but according to FIFA these things aren't "operational matters" so are of no consequence.

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It is about time our Government stood up to the Russian bully boy Putin.

In Russia its self any opposition to his election as President is met with intimidation and imprisonment .

We should withdraw from the forth coming World cup immediately it is proved beyond doubt that the Russians are responsible for this attack on our Country.

We should also start to repatriate the billionaire gangsters from that Country who have stolen their wealth from the ordinary Russian people .

These people who live in the best residential areas of London are allowed to live in this Country without any restriction on their residency due to their wealth and association with our bankers and financial sector.

we cant do that, they have donated over £800,000 to the Tory party ..erm

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Perhaps you’d prefer a full scale invasion of Moscow:cool:


It is time to stop Putin’s mates from using the London property market as a piggy bank. No more sales of high value property, confiscation of empty property. That’s the only real sanction that we have.


Ideally, we should keep the nukes safely wrapped up in their bunkers...


Putin needs to realise there will be painful consequences if he messes with us. I believe he's an intelligent and highly pragmatic person, and the only thing he will respond to is pain. What can we do that will hurt him them most, long term? That needs to be our stance with the Putin regime until they learn to play ball and respect natural boundaries.


I imagine we're more than happy to take Russian money no questions asked, in exchange for prime London real estate.


Thinking about it, I'm not sure if our problem is the Russians or that our government are a bunch of idiots....


---------- Post added 12-03-2018 at 23:58 ----------


Russia should never have been given the World Cup anyway due to the massive racism, antisemitism and basic hoolignism rife in their leagues.....but according to FIFA these things aren't "operational matters" so are of no consequence.


Yeah, FIFA and Russia, definitely no corruption going on there... :)

Edited by Waldo
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So, it seems only the Russians could have developed the 4th Generation Nerve Agent used in Salisbury, Wiltshire - the PM said that either Putin ordered it, or he's not in control of his arsenal of banned weapons.


So, the questions are:

  • Can we expect a biological attack from Russia, for the NBC hat trick?
  • Do we retaliate with nuclear weapons
  • Or do we simply say "Stop ... or I'll say 'Stop' again."


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Generally, I think saying 'please stop', would signal weakness and be counterproductive, only encouraging more of the same from the Putin regime. Question is, how do you isolate and have a prolonged attack designed to hurt the regime without hurting the Russian people?

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Generally, I think saying 'please stop', would signal weakness and be counterproductive, only encouraging more of the same from the Putin regime. Question is, how do you isolate and have a prolonged attack designed to hurt the regime without hurting the Russian people?


Kick out all the Russian London property owners...that’ll pi55 em off.

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The Russians probably think Boris is some type of Court Jester, he needs to stop talking how his hair looks, DAFT. How can anybody take seriously someone with a Mop like that. Boris get it sorted. :rant:


He might be the replacement for Sir Ken Dodd.

Borris would probably exploit those diddy men in the jam butty mines.

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If there is to be war with Russia then we will probably need help from the EU


and maybe scrapping Brexit/Remaining could be a condition for the EU to help the uk?


Strongly suspect Brexit will have been factored in to Putin's decision to carry out this attack on British soil. The timing of which makes sense, as there is already division between the U.K. and EU.


I'm thinking more in terms of a war of attrition, intelligence, propaganda, appropriation of resources etc; rather than any actual force.


Maybe Putin does actually want chaos and conflict though, Garry Kasparov thinks so, that Putin actually thrives in an environment of chaos and conflict, that he's quick to respond and react (or act) as he's not hampered by democratic processes etc.

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