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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Originally Posted by Chalga

These links provided are to Conspiracy Theorist sites.

Originally posted by Mellthebell.

and you expect anything other?


I rest my case - they walk amongst us.


The Site`she referred to was an article written by - Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy to Ronald Reagan who was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate. From 1975 to 1978.

So don't believe a word Dr. Roberts says.. Just keep listening to empty vessles calling for harder measures against Russia for some unproved theory that Putin poisoned the Skripals. Don't look away, keep your eyes on the pendulum.. @@


---------- Post added 29-03-2018 at 14:55 ----------


oh we can think of much worse names to call your posts :hihi:


At least you are reading them ducks, and perhaps some things might sink in - but I am not holding my breath. I fear you are too old in the tooth to learn, and I`m guessing have never experienced or had anyone in your family experience the true horror of war and killing innocent people.


---------- Post added 29-03-2018 at 14:56 ----------


I thought we had agreed to ignore each other`s posts? I knew you couldn`t stay away. :hihi:

Edited by catpus
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In the column, paleoconservative crank and Reagan administration Treasury Department official Paul Craig Roberts cast doubt on the notion that the Paris attack truly stemmed from Muslim anger over Charlie Hebdo's cartoons lampooning Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. Roberts, a notorious 9/11 truther, speculated that the U.S. government executed the attack to punish France for its independent foreign policy, citing its vote at the United Nations to recognize Palestine as a state and French President Francois Hollande's recent call to ease sanctions on Russia.




While the majority of the public may not be as as gullible as he suggests, there is still a large and easily duped minority. They seem to agree with Roberts and buy his pack of bizarre suppositions and improbable connections. A recent Zogby poll determined that 42% of those polled think the 9/11 Commission was a coverup and a recent Scripps/Howard poll found that 36% think the government was involved in the planning of the attacks. Despite Roberts’ efforts those are still minority opinions, but that they are so high is indeed a matter for concern.

What I find more troubling than any gullibility of the American people is that there are people like Roberts who prey on that foolishness to promote conspiracy theories which are designed to deceive and mislead the segment of the public which lacks a certain, basic common sense. Some people see a huge event like 9/11 and want it to have a grand and fanciful explanation, and Roberts and his cohorts play to that insecurity. Their opportunistic promotion of these fantasies is far more dangerous than the common and familiar mendacity of politicians.



Edited by chalga
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In the column, paleoconservative crank and Reagan administration Treasury Department official Paul Craig Roberts cast doubt on the notion that the Paris attack truly stemmed from Muslim anger over Charlie Hebdo's cartoons lampooning Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. Roberts, a notorious 9/11 truther, speculated that the U.S. government executed the attack to punish France for its independent foreign policy, citing its vote at the United Nations to recognize Palestine as a state and French President Francois Hollande's recent call to ease sanctions on Russia. ]


Actual transcript from the Craig Roberts column, showing how the hyenas can change the context....by taking Chinese whispers as the truth. And the dumb and dumbers on this forum will believe it...


Charlie Hebdo Shooting: False flag?

The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation.

The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional.

It is like two different sets of people.


Usually Muslim terrorists are prepared to die in the attack; yet the two professionals who hit Charlie Hebdo were determined to escape and succeeded, an amazing feat.

Their identity was allegedly established by the claim that they conveniently left for the authorities their ID in the getaway car....

Such a mistake is inconsistent with the professionalism of the attack and reminds me of the undamaged passport found miraculously among the ruins of the two WTC towers that served to establish the identity of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.


It is a plausible inference that the ID left behind in the getaway car was the ID of the two Kouachi brothers, convenient patsies, later 'killed by police', and from whom we will never hear anything - and not the ID of the professionals who attacked Charlie Hebdo.

An important fact that supports this inference is the report that the third suspect in the attack, Hamyd Mourad, the alleged driver of the getaway car, when seeing his name circulating on social media as a suspect realized the danger he was in and quickly turned himself into the police for protection against being murdered by security forces as a terrorist.


Hamyd Mourad says he has an iron-clad alibi. If so, this makes him the despoiler of a false flag attack.

Authorities will have to say that despite being wrong about Mourad, they were right about the Kouachi brothers.

Alternatively, Mourad could be coerced or tortured into some sort of confession that supports the official story......


The American and European media have ignored the fact that Mourad turned himself in for protection from being killed as a terrorist as he has an alibi...



---------- Post added 29-03-2018 at 16:25 ----------



Thanks for posting this....


"speculated that the U.S. government executed the attack to punish France for its independent foreign policy, citing its vote at the United Nations to recognize Palestine as a state and French President Francois Hollande's recent call to ease sanctions on Russia."


I hadn't realised this and will research it thoroughly now.


---------- Post added 29-03-2018 at 16:27 ----------


As detectives do when investigating, I will begin with the question 'Who Gained.'

Edited by catpus
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The good news is the daughter is starting to recover pretty well apparently


Pleased to hear it. Took my daughter two weeks in hospital to recover when she had e coli poisoning from Prawns.

Shrimp/prawn contaminated with bacteria or other toxins causes food poisoning, but you might not realise you ate tainted food until afterward, when you develop a 'headache', 'diarrhoea' or other symptoms. Specific symptoms depend on which exact bacteria contaminated the shrimp. In general, however, additional signs of shrimp food poisoning include 'dizziness', 'stomach-ache' and 'muscle weakness'. You could experience 'paralysis', 'tremor' or a 'numb sensation' in the lips, tongue, arms or legs. The toxins in the shrimp also might cause you to have problems swallowing or talking. Food poisoning also can cause blood in the stool, as well as problems with your sight, including double vision or blurred vision. Symptoms of shrimp food poisoning could emerge anywhere from a half hour to several days after you eat contaminated shrimp. Most commonly, the signs will start to appear within 4/12 to 72 hours. Depending on the strength of the bacteria.


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 01:10 ----------



Porton Down experimented on our own people.....

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I've said it once, and i'll say it again, this doesn't add up to me, i can smell a rat...

Now the deadly nerve agent was placed on a door handle? it was supposedly touched by the victims, they then went and drove their car and had a meal in a packed restaurant, , then they were walking in a park and got taken ill??

What an absolute load of tosh, we were told this was one of the worlds worst nerve agents, and now the daughter is up and about talking to visitors, the whole story will come out and some people are going to look very stupid

keep believing the nonsense sheeple

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The good news is the daughter is starting to recover pretty well apparently

That really is good news and must be a testament to the authorities identifying the chemical used in the attack to help the medical people give the best treatment to the victims.


It seems the most likely place where the attack took place was the door handle of the house, which is very reckless to say the least.

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I've said it once, and i'll say it again, this doesn't add up to me, i can smell a rat...

Now the deadly nerve agent was placed on a door handle? it was supposedly touched by the victims, they then went and drove their car and had a meal in a packed restaurant, , then they were walking in a park and got taken ill??

What an absolute load of tosh, we were told this was one of the worlds worst nerve agents, and now the daughter is up and about talking to visitors, the whole story will come out and some people are going to look very stupid

keep believing the nonsense sheeple


Do you know how long the agent take to act, once a person has come in to contact with it?


Is it possible a person could be exposed to a small enough dose, such that it would make them seriously ill, but not kill them?

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That really is good news and must be a testament to the authorities identifying the chemical used in the attack to help the medical people give the best treatment to the victims.


It seems the most likely place where the attack took place was the door handle of the house, which is very reckless to say the least.

or incompetent....if Putin wanted him dead, he would be dead


---------- Post added 30-03-2018 at 09:38 ----------


Do you know how long the agent take to act, once a person has come in to contact with it?


Is it possible a person could be exposed to a small enough dose, such that it would make them seriously ill, but not kill them?


and what would be the point? if Putin wanted him dead, he would be...

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I've said it once, and i'll say it again, this doesn't add up to me, i can smell a rat...

Now the deadly nerve agent was placed on a door handle? it was supposedly touched by the victims, they then went and drove their car and had a meal in a packed restaurant, , then they were walking in a park and got taken ill??

What an absolute load of tosh, we were told this was one of the worlds worst nerve agents, and now the daughter is up and about talking to visitors, the whole story will come out and some people are going to look very stupid

keep believing the nonsense sheeple

An expert on the news last night said the chemical used and how it was constructed was designed to not act quickly and most likely whoever carried out the attack had left the UK before the victims became ill.

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