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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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i dont personally know that man, but if we are to believe what we are told about him, then yes he is well capable, but on the other hand, i wouldnt put it past our own country doing such an evil deed


I'm thinking if we wanted to get tough with Russia, we would have done so in response to clear Russia aggression, like the invasion of the Crimea. We don't need to construct a false pretext to get tough on Russia, there are enough genuine ones that we could respond to.

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come on, if Putin wanted him dead, then he would be, why even use a chemical that has its origins in Russia?

why not a bomb under his car? why not a bullet to the back of the head?

its too convenient to use a chemical that can supposedly traced back to Russia

they did it with Litvinenko and the radioactive substance, a bomb is a lot messier, more collateral damage and announces it more.

As somebody said it could be longer before the effects start so the perpetrator can get out of the country, theres also supposedly no cure, that i heard by one of the scientists that made it.

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Imagine a lot depends on how much of a substance you're exposed to. I'm not sure what a leathal dose of Novichok is, but was reading about one substance that (if I recall correctly) a gram of it is enough to kill 10 million people.


Looks like Polonium is pretty bad-ass...


Edited by Waldo
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come on, if Putin wanted him dead, then he would be, why even use a chemical that has its origins in Russia?

why not a bomb under his car? why not a bullet to the back of the head?

its too convenient to use a chemical that can supposedly traced back to Russia


Using a nerve agent that was made and used by Russians sends a clear message to others in a way that a more general method wouldn't. I suspect that was the entire point.

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come on, if Putin wanted him dead, then he would be, why even use a chemical that has its origins in Russia?

why not a bomb under his car? why not a bullet to the back of the head?

its too convenient to use a chemical that can supposedly traced back to Russia


You can make an argument either way...


The west uses a particular nerve agent, or says it is a particular agent, in order to implicate Russia.




Russia uses it to make clear to its own dissidents that there's no escaping its reach. It also shows its supporters it is strong. Conversely, those Russians who are less sure of Putin can be swayed by the argument that the west are ganging up on little Russia, so it's important that we all fight together against the evil west.


A strong man rose in a Germany that felt emasculated following the treaties that ended WW1.


It is no surprise that Russia would support a strong man following the feelings of emasculation associated with the end of the (Russian led) Soviet Union.


"Let's make Russia great again."

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come on, if Putin wanted him dead, then he would be, why even use a chemical that has its origins in Russia?

why not a bomb under his car? why not a bullet to the back of the head?

its too convenient to use a chemical that can supposedly traced back to Russia


The Russians want everyone to know they are responsible for a murder of a former spy for obvious reasons, but they don't want to leave any evidence behind that can prove they are responsible. The Russians in my opinion didn't expect the UK authorities to be able to identify the chemical used in the Salisbury attack. The UK authorities in the past have proved they are much smarter than the Russians. The most recent example before this incident was after the Russian passenger plane came down in Egypt. It was the UK authorities who alerted Russia and the World it was a terrorist incident, which the Russians mocked before they eventually worked out for themselves it was a terrorist attack.

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At its height, says Volodarsky, the Soviet Union had the largest biological warfare program in the world. Sources have claimed there were 40,000 individuals, including 9,000 scientists, working at 47 different facilities. More than 1,000 of these experts specialized in the development and application of deadly compounds. They used lethal gasses, skin contact poisons that were smeared on door handles and nerve toxins said to be untraceable. The idea, at all times, was to make death seem natural — or, at the very least, to confuse doctors and investigators. “It’s never designed to demonstrate anything, only to kill the victim, quietly and unobtrusively,” Volodarsky writes in The KGB’s Poison Factory. “This was an unbreakable principle



Edited by chalga
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You can make an argument either way...


The west uses a particular nerve agent, or says it is a particular agent, in order to implicate Russia.




Russia uses it to make clear to its own dissidents that there's no escaping its reach. It also shows its supporters it is strong. Conversely, those Russians who are less sure of Putin can be swayed by the argument that the west are ganging up on little Russia, so it's important that we all fight together against the evil west.


A strong man rose in a Germany that felt emasculated following the treaties that ended WW1.


It is no surprise that Russia would support a strong man following the feelings of emasculation associated with the end of the (Russian led) Soviet Union.


"Let's make Russia great again."


Regarding the latter, and specifically, this being a device for Putin to rally support; as I said before, it's important that we make a clear differentiation between the Putim regime and Russia. This may sound like a trivial point, but I feel it's important because we don't want to breed general animosity between British and Russian citizens. People can be led down all kinds of undesirable paths under the banner of a nations flag.

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Also one of the main parts of the conspiracy theories is that its pretty close to the main chemical weapons lab, like with the view taken about Russia, isnt that too obvious? too convenient? wouldnt the government have thought through and noticed that if they had done it?

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As somebody said it could be longer before the effects start so the perpetrator can get out of the country, theres also supposedly no cure, that i heard by one of the scientists that made it.


apparently, daughter is recovering and able to converse with hospital staff.


according to todays papers!!!!!!!

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