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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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This is what I don't get. The Russians seem to be pretty good at knocking people off so if the KGB (or whoever it is these days) wanted to send a message then they haven't done a very good job.


I honestly don't know what to think about this.


The Americans and the Israelis are also good at knocking people off when they want, its not exclusively a Russian thing.

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The Americans and the Israelis are also good at knocking people off when they want, its not exclusively a Russian thing.


Well, it looks like everyone will survive. This wasn’t the typical precision hit the Russians tend to get blamed for.


I saw a news clip the other night where they had a demo of somebody firing nerve agent using an air pistol. What a joke. And now they are saying the attack happened on their doorstep.


So they were attacked on their doorstep. Possibly with an air pistol and nerve agent pellets. And then they went to the pub and enjoyed some casual dining afterwards. Really?


The government’s whole narrative on this is a mess.


Something fishy. And it isn’t the seafood pizza they had at Zizzi.

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Well, it looks like everyone will survive. This wasn’t the typical precision hit the Russians tend to get blamed for.


I saw a news clip the other night where they had a demo of somebody firing nerve agent using an air pistol. What a joke. And now they are saying the attack happened on their doorstep.


So they were attacked on their doorstep. Possibly with an air pistol and nerve agent pellets. And then they went to the pub and enjoyed some casual dining afterwards. Really?


The government’s whole narrative on this is a mess.


Something fishy. And it isn’t the seafood pizza they had at Zizzi.

yeah, we are definitely not getting the truth..

but if you dont stand up and start shouting ITS THE RUSSIANS...ITS THE RUSSIANS...

then you are either called a conspiracy theorist or a traitor

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yeah, we are definitely not getting the truth..

but if you dont stand up and start shouting ITS THE RUSSIANS...ITS THE RUSSIANS...

then you are either called a conspiracy theorist or a traitor


We need to know which restaurant stood to gain the most from the food poisoning.

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Well, it looks like everyone will survive. This wasn’t the typical precision hit the Russians tend to get blamed for.


I saw a news clip the other night where they had a demo of somebody firing nerve agent using an air pistol. What a joke. And now they are saying the attack happened on their doorstep.


So they were attacked on their doorstep. Possibly with an air pistol and nerve agent pellets. And then they went to the pub and enjoyed some casual dining afterwards. Really?


The government’s whole narrative on this is a mess.


Something fishy. And it isn’t the seafood pizza they had at Zizzi.


This whole thing should be a police matter, not for politicians to speculate on. Perhaps I've missed it but I haven't heard the police name any suspects yet.

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The government’s whole narrative on this is a mess.


Something fishy. And it isn’t the seafood pizza they had at Zizzi.


It could have been the fish tank...





But, just to go back a bit about a Government mess..


When Blair was in power and he was consulting? with Bush about the prospect of invading Iraq he allowed Bush to cite a Ricin attack in the UK to boost his speech. At that time Blair already knew that the whole thing was fake, no Ricin or toxic substances were ever found and the detainees were subsequently released without charge.

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It could have been the fish tank...





But, just to go back a bit about a Government mess..


When Blair was in power and he was consulting? with Bush about the prospect of invading Iraq he allowed Bush to cite a Ricin attack in the UK to boost his speech. At that time Blair already knew that the whole thing was fake, no Ricin or toxic substances were ever found and the detainees were subsequently released without charge.


Anybody in hospital in Salisbury?

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come on, if Putin wanted him dead, then he would be, why even use a chemical that has its origins in Russia?

why not a bomb under his car? why not a bullet to the back of the head?

its too convenient to use a chemical that can supposedly traced back to Russia


Like saying my TV can be traced back to John Logi Baird... lol,


Fact - the lethal poison (if any) used on the Skripals came from Porton Down. Just as my TV came from John Lewis. And the Skripals lived less than three miles away.

Why were the Skripals living in Salisbury? Because they were conveniently placed stooges ripe for the picking (killing) if and when the Government needed to ramp up hatred against Russia and get the sheeple screaming for PUTIN's blood when they haven't a clue why....

It is called the Hegelian Dialectic. But then you knew that.

The Sheeple can't even grasp that the story has changed so many times even I am dizzy... All they can see is Russian Blood Lust.

1.They were poisoned in the restaurant - oh no, others would have been infected.

2.They were poisoned in their car - oh no, how did the copper manage to be poisoned.

3. They were poisoned in their home - did the copper have a bite of a half eaten sandwich?

4..They were poisoned on the bench - oh no - why did the first responder not become infected.

5..There were 40 people hospitalised with poisoning - oh no - the consultant blew that out of the water by saying NOONE was admitted with nerve agent poisoning. Only three admitted with poisoning that day?

6. There were 100 people affected by poisoning.

The poison was administered on the Skripal's door handle.

7. There were 20 affected by poisoning.

8. Ahh it was on the door handle - that's how the copper contracted it. But coppers wear leather gloves - at all times or blue rubber gloves??

9.. Yulia Skripal has recovered from the lethal poisoning.

Why has NOONE else - but the copper who came into contact with the Skripals been affected? Particularly - Why did the first responder not become infected... But then, now that question has been asked. he will probably turn up dead. If I were him I would have left the country as soon as the Tonight programme aired, or even before..


WHO GAINED from this charade.

Certainly NOT Russia. Treason May's attempt to demonise Russia has seriously backfired. The silly game only worked on the simpletons, of which we seem to a few on this site, but taken overall, if you read the comments in online newspapers like the Independent, then people are thankfully aware.

In my researching I discovered this site with irrefutable proof that the Americans are behind this and every other 'attack' on Russia, and their puppet May is jumping about like Pinocchio to please them.



Do not simply believe anything on this web site - always check for yourself.

Treat the stories and quotes in these pages as pointers to find out more.

Learn to think for yourself and check all information.

Since 1945, the USA has been responsible either directly or indirectly of helping remove dozens of governments, many democratically elected, around the world. Sometimes the events are kept secret for years and only slowly come out. Other times, the events are the cause of demonstrations, anger and resentment at the time they occur.

Whenever, an event like this occurs there are two reasons to be considered.

Reason 1: The reason given by the USA, its media and its friends around the world. Reasons like Communism, Terrorism, Human Rights, Freedom, Liberation, Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc.

Reason 2: The actual reason. This is usually hidden from the general public and has to be looked for in quotes by under-reported officials or subsequent events on the ground. Often, the victims of the change of government know the real reasons better than the populations of the Western countries. Real reasons are many but usually include Business Interests, Access to Resources, Markets, Military Bases, Strategic Value, or Political Support.


Edited by catpus
trying to box the quote
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