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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Like saying my TV can be traced back to John Logi Baird... lol,


Fact - the lethal poison (if any) used on the Skripals came from Porton Down. Just as my TV came from John Lewis. And the Skripals lived less than three miles away.

Why were the Skripals living in Salisbury? Because they were conveniently placed stooges ripe for the picking (killing) if and when the Government needed to ramp up hatred against Russia and get the sheeple screaming for PUTIN's blood when they haven't a clue why....

It is called the Hegelian Dialectic. But then you knew that.

The Sheeple can't even grasp that the story has changed so many times even I am dizzy... All they can see is Russian Blood Lust.

1.They were poisoned in the restaurant - oh no, others would have been infected.

2.They were poisoned in their car - oh no, how did the copper manage to be poisoned.

3. They were poisoned in their home - did the copper have a bite of a half eaten sandwich?

4..They were poisoned on the bench - oh no - why did the first responder not become infected.

5..There were 40 people hospitalised with poisoning - oh no - the consultant blew that out of the water by saying NOONE was admitted with nerve agent poisoning. Only three admitted with poisoning that day?

6. There were 100 people affected by poisoning.

The poison was administered on the Skripal's door handle.

7. There were 20 affected by poisoning.

8. Ahh it was on the door handle - that's how the copper contracted it. But coppers wear leather gloves - at all times or blue rubber gloves??

9.. Yulia Skripal has recovered from the lethal poisoning.

Why has NOONE else - but the copper who came into contact with the Skripals been affected? Particularly - Why did the first responder not become infected... But then, now that question has been asked. he will probably turn up dead. If I were him I would have left the country as soon as the Tonight programme aired, or even before..


WHO GAINED from this charade.

Certainly NOT Russia. Treason May's attempt to demonise Russia has seriously backfired. The silly game only worked on the simpletons, of which we seem to a few on this site, but taken overall, if you read the comments in online newspapers like the Independent, then people are thankfully aware.

In my researching I discovered this site with irrefutable proof that the Americans are behind this and every other 'attack' on Russia, and their puppet May is jumping about like Pinocchio to please them.


Do not simply believe anything on this web site - always check for yourself.

Treat the stories and quotes in these pages as pointers to find out more.

Learn to think for yourself and check all information.

Since 1945, the USA has been responsible either directly or indirectly of helping remove dozens of governments, many democratically elected, around the world. Sometimes the events are kept secret for years and only slowly come out. Other times, the events are the cause of demonstrations, anger and resentment at the time they occur.

Whenever, an event like this occurs there are two reasons to be considered.

Reason 1: The reason given by the USA, its media and its friends around the world. Reasons like Communism, Terrorism, Human Rights, Freedom, Liberation, Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc.

Reason 2: The actual reason. This is usually hidden from the general public and has to be looked for in quotes by under-reported officials or subsequent events on the ground. Often, the victims of the change of government know the real reasons better than the populations of the Western countries. Real reasons are many but usually include Business Interests, Access to Resources, Markets, Military Bases, Strategic Value, or Political Support.



More Conspiracy theorist garbage from the same twisted mind that brought you ' how do you know anybody got hurt in Salisbury'.

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Anybody in hospital in Salisbury?

Chalga says - 'Anybody in Salisbury hospital' in reply to your post apelike,

I would say the case is proven?

''Over me ed lads''


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 15:45 ----------


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 15:46 ----------


More Conspiracy theorist garbage from the same twisted mind that brought you ' how do you know anybody got hurt in Salisbury'.
Can I hear the sound of pathetic baa baa baa ing?

Proof positive that the sheeple can't read and don't want to learn.


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 15:58 ----------



USA: Nuclear, Biological

and Chemical


Click on this page dear Chalga, I don't expect you to read any of it because I know you are challenged, but look at the photograph of what the good ole USA did in your name, and went on to do even worse in Iraq , because *erks like you have short memories.- just see what you are voting for.

I do hope you have signed your kids up to be on the front line... then perhaps you will have some idea what those desperate people feel who had nothing to do with the wheeling and dealing of the Military Industrial Complex and' Mafia' Bankers.


What has Russia EVER done to you???


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 16:07 ----------


The questions I have asked and remarkably have been asked by the Russian Consulate - are as follows:

1. What is Mr and Ms Skripal's exact diagnosis and condition?

2. What treatment are they receiving?

3. Is that treatment the same as that provided to Sgt Nick Bailey?

4. Is it true that Yulia Skripal has regained consciousness and can communicate, eat and drink?

5. Mr Bailey has been discharged, Yulia Skripal is getting better, but why is Sergei Skripal still in a critical condition????

6. Did Mr Bailey, Mr Skripal and Ms Skripal receive antidotes?

7. Which antidotes?

8. How were the right antidotes identified?

9. Did they actually help or harm?

10. The Embassy immediately informed the FCO that Mr Skripal's niece has been enquiring of her uncle's and cousin's health. Why have the authorities ignored her?

11. Why are there no photos/videos confirming that the Skripals are alive and at hospital?

12. Did the Skripals agree on Salisbury CCTV footage to be shown on TV?

13. If not, who agreed on their behalf???

14 Can that person also agree on hospital photos/videos to be published?

15. Why are consuls not allowed to see the Skripals?

16. How are doctors protected against chemical exposure?

17. Can consuls use the same protection?

18. Where, how and by whom were blood samples collected from the Skripals?

19. How was it documented?

20. Who can certify that the data is credible?

21. How can we be sure that the chain of custody was up to international standards?

22. Through what methods did experts identify the substance so quickly?

23. Had they possessed a sample against which to test the substance?

24. Where had that sample come from?

25. Nerve agents act immediately. Why was it not the case with the Skripals?

26. Leaks suggest the Skripals were poisoned at a pub, at a restaurant, in their car, at the airport, at home... Which version is the official one?

27. How to reconcile quick political moves - with Scotland Yard's statement that the investigation will take "months"?

Edited by catpus
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Chalga says - 'Anybody in Salisbury hospital' in reply to your post apelike,

I would say the case is proven?

''Over me ed lads''


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 15:45 ----------


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 15:46 ----------


Can I hear the sound of pathetic baa baa baa ing?

Proof positive that the sheeple can't read and don't want to learn.


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 15:58 ----------



USA: Nuclear, Biological

and Chemical


Click on this page dear Chalga, I don't expect you to read any of it because I know you are challenged, but look at the photograph of what the good ole USA did in your name, and went on to do even worse in Iraq , because *erks like you have short memories.- just see what you are voting for.

I do hope you have signed your kids up to be on the front line... then perhaps you will have some idea what those desperate people feel who had nothing to do with the wheeling and dealing of the Military Industrial Complex and' Mafia' Bankers.


What has Russia EVER done to you???


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 16:07 ----------


The questions to which we are awaiting answers are as follows:

1) What is Mr and Ms Skripal's exact diagnosis and condition?

2) What treatment are they receiving?

3) Is that treatment the same as that provided to Sgt Nick Bailey?

4) Is it true that Yulia Skripal has regained consciousness and can communicate, eat and drink?

5) Mr Bailey has been discharged, Yulia Skripal is getting better, but why is Sergei Skripal still in a critical condition????

6) Did Mr Bailey, Mr Skripal and Ms Skripal receive antidotes?

7) Which antidotes?

8) How were the right antidotes identified?

9) Did they actually help or harm?

10) The Embassy immediately informed the FCO that Mr Skripal's niece has been enquiring of her uncle's and cousin's health. Why have the authorities ignored her?

11) Why are there no photos/videos confirming that the Skripals are alive and at hospital?

12) Did the Skripals agree on Salisbury CCTV footage to be shown on TV?

13) If not, who agreed on their behalf???

14) Can that person also agree on hospital photos/videos to be published?

15) Why are consuls not allowed to see the Skripals?

16) How are doctors protected against chemical exposure?

17) Can consuls use the same protection?

18) Where, how and by whom were blood samples collected from the Skripals?

19) How was it documented?

20) Who can certify that the data is credible?

21) How can we be sure that the chain of custody was up to international standards?

22) Through what methods did experts identify the substance so quickly?

23) Had they possessed a sample against which to test the substance?

24) Where had that sample come from?

25) Nerve agents act immediately. Why was it not the case with the Skripals?

26) Leaks suggest the Skripals were poisoned at a pub, at a restaurant, in their car, at the airport, at home... Which version is the official one?

27) How to reconcile quick political moves - with Scotland Yard's statement that the investigation will take "months"?


The more you write,the more desperate you sound,you don't have any credibility on here,right from your first post on the thread,you can write as much as you want,it's not going to make it any more sensible,or believable.

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Catpus IF it was a british conspiracy why do you think theyd have done it so close to porton down? dont you think they wouldve thought about it? that maybe people might put two and two together?


That could be a stroke of genius or of stupidity by whoever did it.


Porton Down was prominent in the news about the attack for days, deflecting some attention from the main story and helping conspiracy theories to seed.

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That could be a stroke of genius or of stupidity by whoever did it.


Porton Down was prominent in the news about the attack for days, deflecting some attention from the main story and helping conspiracy theories to seed.

i think rather than deflecting it, it actually amplifies the details of it all and feeds peoples conspiracy theories

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Catpus IF it was a british conspiracy why do you think theyd have done it so close to porton down? dont you think they wouldve thought about it? that maybe people might put two and two together?


At last some reasonable questions - thank you Mel.


If it was a British Conspiracy... criminals always hide in plain site.


Why do you think they'd have done it so close... because it was convenient for the spooks to descend and plump up the charade.

Note they even had CCTV footage of the Skripals walking about, and an actual photo of the Skripals in the restaurant? All ready to go.


Yes I think they thought about it and reasoned that there would be many sheep who would believe the moon was made of Gruyere cheese if they said so.

People HAVE put two and two together Mell. That is why the story is constantly changing, just to try and confuse matters even more. so that the ordinary everyday proles with their ordinary everyday lives, will just give up. ignore it and let them get on with their dirty dealings..

Have you ever looked at Online Newspaper's comments? Have a look at the Independent.. which is now the only newspaper that allows free speech.

But check with Chalga first - it might be a Conspiracy newspaper. lol. ;)


Just let me ask you this - If this had happened in the Outer Hebrides, how quickly do you think the spooks would have been on it, and solved the case of who done it...


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 18:04 ----------


i think rather than deflecting it, it actually amplifies the details of it all and feeds peoples conspiracy theories


Tut tut Mel, that was what your buddy said.


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 18:35 ----------



News is often given out by government sources.

Statements, statistics and new policies are introduced in controlled press conferences. Journalists who consistently question the official line too rigorously may be excluded from access. This is bad for a newspaper which relies on fast and fresh news.

In a war (COLD WAR) situation, a process called 'POOLING' is used to control what information is given out. A small number of journalists (sometimes only one) are taken by the military to observe and the news is then shared with other journalists. Journalists who attempt to obtain news independently can be excluded from future events.

Press conferences allow the military to put out this information which cannot be verified independently.

In the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the their version of events, sometimes using edited video tape

USA and UK, this was taken one stage further. Reporters were embedded. This meant they travelled with the military, were housed, fed and protected by them. Obviously, it then becomes difficult to cover the conflict from the other side. Only a few Western journalists who valued their independence refused to be embedded, and were arrested by USA soldiers( or ISIS). Independent Arab journalists fared even worse as their offices were bombed and their members killed.

In 2004, Iraqi newspapers calling for the end of the occupation were CLOSED by the USA military.

90% of the world's news comes from just three agencies: Associated Press (USA), Reuters (UK) and Agence France Presse (France).

Associated Press (AP) and Reuters make large profits selling financial and corporate information. The "free market" view of the world is thus very profitable.

Alternate views can lose the companies money so are rarely aired. AP devotes most of its coverage to the positive USA reporting since the majority of its clients are there.....


In the UK in 1990, new laws meant that TV news had to make a profit. This has led to a decline in serious news items and more emphasis on "human interest" stories and celebrity "news". Advertisers want viewers; ratings become more important than giving information; the news companies abandon investigative journalism to "give the public what it wants".

Deregulation has meant that requirements to produce in-depth public affairs programming were removed. On most Western TV channels, only 4% of prime time programming is about the majority of the world's population.

Programs that cover "controversial" subjects are screened at late hours.

For example, in September 2002, the UK commercial television channel, ITV, broadcast a program by (brilliantly honest) journalist JOHN PILGER about the effects of the Occupation of Palestine on the population. It was shown at 11:05pm.....

Most people fail to be exposed to programs covering subjects like Western companies using local Slave Labour in poorer countries, trade practices that keep developing countries poor, wars armed by Western companies, action by the West's secret services, and studies of Western backed dictatorships.

In a 1992 survey in the UK, 150 newspaper editors stated that 90% of their advertisers had interfered with stories; 70% of the advertisers had tried to stop stories. 40% of the editors had succumbed to pressure from advertisers and made the changes requested.....


More reason to read online newspapers, then the 'advertisers' can go to h***


Read the whole of the article this came from here:



But please -Don't simply believe anything on this web site - always check for yourself.

Treat the stories in these pages as pointers and use the information to find out more.

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At last some reasonable questions - thank you Mel.


If it was a British Conspiracy... criminals always hide in plain site.


Why do you think they'd have done it so close... because it was convenient for the spooks to descend and plump up the charade.

Note they even had CCTV footage of the Skripals walking about, and an actual photo of the Skripals in the restaurant? All ready to go.


but youve just talked yourself out of the same conspiracy theory you yourself are arguing.


Why would russia do it with their own nerve agent, because they have left massive clues.

Isnt that hiding in plain sight too?


we can go round in circles with this

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At last some reasonable questions - thank you Mel.


If it was a British Conspiracy... criminals always hide in plain site.


Why do you think they'd have done it so close... because it was convenient for the spooks to descend and plump up the charade.

Note they even had CCTV footage of the Skripals walking about, and an actual photo of the Skripals in the restaurant? All ready to go.


Yes I think they thought about it and reasoned that there would be many sheep who would believe the moon was made of Gruyere cheese if they said so.

People HAVE put two and two together Mell. That is why the story is constantly changing, just to try and confuse matters even more. so that the ordinary everyday proles with their ordinary everyday lives, will just give up. ignore it and let them get on with their dirty dealings..

Have you ever looked at Online Newspaper's comments? Have a look at the Independent.. which is now the only newspaper that allows free speech.

But check with Chalga first - it might be a Conspiracy newspaper. lol. ;)


Just let me ask you this - If this had happened in the Outer Hebrides, how quickly do you think the spooks would have been on it, and solved the case of who done it...


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 18:04 ----------



Tut tut Mel, that was what your buddy said.


---------- Post added 31-03-2018 at 18:35 ----------



News is often given out by government sources.

Statements, statistics and new policies are introduced in controlled press conferences. Journalists who consistently question the official line too rigorously may be excluded from access. This is bad for a newspaper which relies on fast and fresh news.

In a war (COLD WAR) situation, a process called 'POOLING' is used to control what information is given out. A small number of journalists (sometimes only one) are taken by the military to observe and the news is then shared with other journalists. Journalists who attempt to obtain news independently can be excluded from future events.

Press conferences allow the military to put out this information which cannot be verified independently.

In the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the their version of events, sometimes using edited video tape

USA and UK, this was taken one stage further. Reporters were embedded. This meant they travelled with the military, were housed, fed and protected by them. Obviously, it then becomes difficult to cover the conflict from the other side. Only a few Western journalists who valued their independence refused to be embedded, and were arrested by USA soldiers( or ISIS). Independent Arab journalists fared even worse as their offices were bombed and their members killed.

In 2004, Iraqi newspapers calling for the end of the occupation were CLOSED by the USA military.

90% of the world's news comes from just three agencies: Associated Press (USA), Reuters (UK) and Agence France Presse (France).

Associated Press (AP) and Reuters make large profits selling financial and corporate information. The "free market" view of the world is thus very profitable.

Alternate views can lose the companies money so are rarely aired. AP devotes most of its coverage to the positive USA reporting since the majority of its clients are there.....


In the UK in 1990, new laws meant that TV news had to make a profit. This has led to a decline in serious news items and more emphasis on "human interest" stories and celebrity "news". Advertisers want viewers; ratings become more important than giving information; the news companies abandon investigative journalism to "give the public what it wants".

Deregulation has meant that requirements to produce in-depth public affairs programming were removed. On most Western TV channels, only 4% of prime time programming is about the majority of the world's population.

Programs that cover "controversial" subjects are screened at late hours.

For example, in September 2002, the UK commercial television channel, ITV, broadcast a program by (brilliantly honest) journalist JOHN PILGER about the effects of the Occupation of Palestine on the population. It was shown at 11:05pm.....

Most people fail to be exposed to programs covering subjects like Western companies using local Slave Labour in poorer countries, trade practices that keep developing countries poor, wars armed by Western companies, action by the West's secret services, and studies of Western backed dictatorships.

In a 1992 survey in the UK, 150 newspaper editors stated that 90% of their advertisers had interfered with stories; 70% of the advertisers had tried to stop stories. 40% of the editors had succumbed to pressure from advertisers and made the changes requested.....


More reason to read online newspapers, then the 'advertisers' can go to h***


Read the whole of the article this came from here:



But please -Don't simply believe anything on this web site - always check for yourself.

Treat the stories in these pages as pointers and use the information to find out more.


"that's why the story is constantly changing" . That's probably because as the investigation continues , more details are emerging

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"that's why the story is constantly changing" . That's probably because as the investigation continues , more details are emerging


And if they came out with a full story straight away the Conspiracy Theorists would say it was a ready prepared script or something similar.


They do like to have it both ways :cool:

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