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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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But the point is people keep saying it didnt happen, but the technology companies do say it happened and where most of the bots originated from


I think there is now enough evidence to say some form of advertising did happen but just to iterate again, it is not illegal. Unless targeted ads on social media sites are banned then this will keep happening.

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Apparently now, according to the Russians The West is now doing these things to get the world cup taken off them


They've even started Conspiracy Theories about their mall fire,sickos:




“There are many questions,” a Kemerovo businessman Artyom Nikiforov, with a large social media following, said in a video he posted on Facebook, which has since gone viral. “I want to draw your attention to this — I do not believe this is a coincidence. This tragedy occurred on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Passover.” Nikiforov noted that several Russian disasters took place around Jewish holidays. “For me, this is clearly ritual sacrifice of the Chosen People. I do not believe in these coincidences.”


“40 children were not burned,” Elena Gushina, a bookkeeper in Moscow, posted on her Facebook. “They disappeared without a trace. We must immediately search for them before the holiday of Passover, when they will be bled, as sacrifices.”
Edited by chalga
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Jesus, this is like drawing teeth. I believe that the Skripals were attacked, are ill and are in hospital in Salisbury.


lol Join the club Harry. There are 5 or 6 of us on here who have been attempting to educate D & D but sadly this isn't going to happen because they are thoroughly entrenched and invested in what the headlines of the Sun and MSM tell them, as if their whole lives depended on them sticking to the Government line. That their opinions cannot be changed by facts tells me that unfortunately for them - they are truly the dumbest of the dumb.

It was I who asked the question - how do WE know that anyone was injured in Salisbury. Expecting to receive the answer - 'Because Treason May and Boris the Buffoon told us.' In point of fact, we were not there so we cannot say for certain....


But then I posted another piece from an article in the Tap:


The London Times reported on March 14th that 40 people in Salisbury needed treatment because of poisoning.

A reader’s letter to the paper written by “Steven Davies – Consultant in emergency medicine, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust” disputes that report. The letter seems to say that none of the hospital’s patients were effected by “nerve agents” at all:

Sir, Further to your report "Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment”, Mar 14." May I clarify that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only been ever been three patients with significant poisoning.


The wording of the letter is not 100% clear.

Does the “no patients” refer to only the 40 the Times mentioned or to all patents including the Skripals?

Are the three patients with “significant poisoning” the Skripals and the affected policeman?

Commentator Noirette had suggested that the Skripal case was about food poisoning or a food allergy, not nerve agents.

The Skripals had visited a fish restaurant one hour before they were found. The letter points into a similar direction.

I have yet to see a follow up on the letter by any media. Why is there no interview with the doctor? All medical personal involved are astonishingly silent. Since day one there has been no medical update on the health status of the Skripals. Has the government issued a gag order. Why?



Now this is where it gets tricky, because Chalga and Mel can't do comprehensive reading. They cherry pick bits to highlight their muddled thinking. without using the sentences in any real context - as you have already experienced.

Myself - I am holding back on the 'believe' stuff until I see concrete evidence myself, if that is OK?


I am in the process of collating all the facts first, and then we will see how it pans out. I have nothing to lose only my self respect if I blindly believe and then it transpires that this was in fact a big False Flag to demonise Russia and take attention away from what the US/UK have in store for Syria under orders from the Oil /Gas Cartels/Mafia 'B'ankers and The Military Industrial Complex.. Added to that of course we must not look too closely at the sabotaging of the Russian South Sea gas lines?????

I am sure you will have heard about this? More post later if you need it?

Such a pity that those with the flapping mouths, banging the war drums, are not going to be on the front line?


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 14:38 ----------


They've even started Conspiracy Theories about their mall fire,sickos:





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lol Join the club Harry. There are 5 or 6 of us on here who have been attempting to educate D & D but sadly this isn't going to happen because they are thoroughly entrenched and invested in what the headlines of the Sun and MSM tell them, as if their whole lives depended on them sticking to the Government line. That their opinions cannot be changed by facts tells me that unfortunately for them - they are truly the dumbest of the dumb.

It was I who asked the question - how do WE know that anyone was injured in Salisbury. Expecting to receive the answer - 'Because Treason May and Boris the Buffoon told us.' In point of fact, we were not there so we cannot say for certain....


But then I posted another piece from an article in the Tap:


The London Times reported on March 14th that 40 people in Salisbury needed treatment because of poisoning.

A reader’s letter to the paper written by “Steven Davies – Consultant in emergency medicine, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust” disputes that report. The letter seems to say that none of the hospital’s patients were effected by “nerve agents” at all:

Sir, Further to your report "Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment”, Mar 14." May I clarify that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only been ever been three patients with significant poisoning.


The wording of the letter is not 100% clear.

Does the “no patients” refer to only the 40 the Times mentioned or to all patents including the Skripals?

Are the three patients with “significant poisoning” the Skripals and the affected policeman?

Commentator Noirette had suggested that the Skripal case was about food poisoning or a food allergy, not nerve agents.

The Skripals had visited a fish restaurant one hour before they were found. The letter points into a similar direction.

I have yet to see a follow up on the letter by any media. Why is there no interview with the doctor? All medical personal involved are astonishingly silent. Since day one there has been no medical update on the health status of the Skripals. Has the government issued a gag order. Why?



Now this is where it gets tricky, because Chalga and Mel can't do comprehensive reading. They cherry pick bits to highlight their muddled thinking. without using the sentences in any real context - as you have already experienced.

Myself - I am holding back on the 'believe' stuff until I see concrete evidence myself, if that is OK?


I am in the process of collating all the facts first, and then we will see how it pans out. I have nothing to lose only my self respect if I blindly believe and then it transpires that this was in fact a big False Flag to demonise Russia and take attention away from what the US/UK have in store for Syria under orders from the Oil /Gas Cartels/Mafia 'B'ankers and The Military Industrial Complex.. Added to that of course we must not look too closely at the sabotaging of the Russian South Sea gas lines?????

I am sure you will have heard about this? More post later if you need it?

Such a pity that those with the flapping mouths, banging the war drums, are not going to be on the front line?


---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 14:38 ----------





Has anybody got any theories on why Commentator Noirette has not been given extensive media coverage as an expert witness above and beyond any authority medical or government figure,or why somebody is asking and answering their own question in the space of 8 words?,or even why they have lied about medical updates?

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A site that contains links to online casino's, sites that will write your college assignments, flags up on Malwarebytes as a malware risk..........lovely reliable source of information :cool:


If you didn't bother to protect your PC with a firewall?? I don't have ANY pop ups, but then I use Duck Duck

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That's a bit like saying your lover is rotten with clap, scabies, crabs and stinks of BO and dead rats - but it's ok because you use a heavy duty condom and a nose clip.


i.e. It's probably sensible, but we question your judgement.


That is a risk everyone takes when they turn on their PC - so shall we just not use them?

There was no malware threat to my PC - I checked with my Security Provider... so I don't know what is wrong with yours.

My Son is in Computer Design and set mine up...

Maybe you need an expert to install some protection for you?

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That is a risk everyone takes when they turn on their PC - so shall we just not use them?

There was no malware threat to my PC - I checked with my Security Provider... so I don't know what is wrong with yours.

My Son is in Computer Design and set mine up...

Maybe you need an expert to install some protection for you?

Is that Russian security provider safe to install;)

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