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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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@Banjo, Apelike and Dimple.


I can't believe you are still trying to reason with D & D.... You have a stronger constitution than I.

You ask why would 'we' want to go head to head with Russia?

The answer lies in the book The new US/UK oil imperialism by Norman Leivegood, http://oilcompanies.net/oil1.htm.

Middle Eastern oil has enchanted Global powers and Global capital (Mafia Banks) since the early twentieth century. The powerful allure for the United States began in the 1930s, when geologists working for Standard Oil of California, discovered commercial quantities of oil on the eastern shores of Saudi Arabia. (Standard Oil Owned by http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_rockefeller03.htm)

Special Relationship, began in 1933 when full diplomatic relations were established. The US and UK have been more than willing to overlook many of the kingdom’s more controversial aspects as long as it kept the oil flowing and supported US/UK international policies. The two countries remained allied in opposition to Communism, in support of stable oil prices, stability in the oil fields and oil shipping of the Persian Gulf, and stability in the economies of Western countries where Saudis have invested.

In particular the two countries were allies against the Soviets in Afghanistan and in the expulsion of Iraq from Kuwait in 1991. Prince Bandar (Bandar Bush) was the go too man in all negotiations, and provided rebel armies, uniforms, arms and hummas and even provided the gas to the rebels in ghouta with the intention of blaming Syria.. https://www.mintpressnews.com/witnesses-of-gas-attack-say-saudis-supplied-rebels-with-chemical-weapons/168135/

Rita Katz Mossad agent provided all the publicity about AlQaida/Daish/ISIS... I will leave you to investigate that one. She had the complete run of Washington and had ALL the Government jumping to her tune... God only knows how she got inside?


Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest reserves in the world, making it one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas globally.. And this is the problem...

I haven't the space or time to post everything I know, but I will give you some links:

http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2011/09/16/Wintershall-joins-South-Stream-consortium/UPI-92591316173513/#ixzz1dUq77i89 .

Gazpron/ South Sea Pipeline https://www.voltairenet.org/article196863.html

and Kirkuk Banias Pipeline. https://www.pipelinesinternational.com/2011/03/28/the-kirkuk-banias-pipeline/

If you do a little research you will see 'WHY' the West is now 'at war' in Syria and why it 'hates' Russia.

What is behind the obsessive vilification of Russia - to prevent what Saudi and US/UK see as any attempt by Russia to corner the market in gas and oil.

The psychopathic controllers of US/UK do not care how much devastation they cause or how many people they kill, including us, it is all about the money and ownership..

They know that once they get their man in control in any country they can strip all the resources then organise the rebuilding on credit and have that country in their pocket for the rest of it's existence. (US Senator Joe Bidens son is on the board of Ukraine Gas company? the President is a CIA puppet)https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/09/world/europe/corruption-ukraine-joe-biden-son-hunter-biden-ties.html

For evidence read 'The Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins' who was a hitman but gave up because he could not stand the immorality of it.

Wesley Clark told us all about the countries being set up for takeover, but not the full story.


Sorry if the post is too long, but there is so much to disclose.

Edited by catpus
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Maybe they've seen compelling evidence? Who knows...?


It may be compelling, but let’s hope it was completely truthful.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 07:55 ----------


How so?????????


Putin is cold and calculating but also one of the most cynical opportunists out there.


Give him any angle or even the slightest bit of leverage and he will punish you for it to the max.

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Quite, Europe has not been threatened in any way by Russia so why is the EU banding together and now believing May when they cant stand her. It seems they must have ulterior motives as they have quickly believed her on this and yet don't when it comes to Brexit.


Tell us what the ulterior motives are then,i'm all ears.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 08:54 ----------


@Banjo, Apelike and Dimple.


I can't believe you are still trying to reason with D & D.... You have a stronger constitution than I.

You ask why would 'we' want to go head to head with Russia?

The answer lies in the book The new US/UK oil imperialism by Norman Leivegood, http://oilcompanies.net/oil1.htm.

Middle Eastern oil has enchanted Global powers and Global capital (Mafia Banks) since the early twentieth century. The powerful allure for the United States began in the 1930s, when geologists working for Standard Oil of California, discovered commercial quantities of oil on the eastern shores of Saudi Arabia. (Standard Oil Owned by http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_rockefeller03.htm)

Special Relationship, began in 1933 when full diplomatic relations were established. The US and UK have been more than willing to overlook many of the kingdom’s more controversial aspects as long as it kept the oil flowing and supported US/UK international policies. The two countries remained allied in opposition to Communism, in support of stable oil prices, stability in the oil fields and oil shipping of the Persian Gulf, and stability in the economies of Western countries where Saudis have invested.

In particular the two countries were allies against the Soviets in Afghanistan and in the expulsion of Iraq from Kuwait in 1991. Prince Bandar (Bandar Bush) was the go too man in all negotiations, and provided rebel armies, uniforms, arms and hummas and even provided the gas to the rebels in ghouta with the intention of blaming Syria.. https://www.mintpressnews.com/witnesses-of-gas-attack-say-saudis-supplied-rebels-with-chemical-weapons/168135/

Rita Katz Mossad agent provided all the publicity about AlQaida/Daish/ISIS... I will leave you to investigate that one. She had the complete run of Washington and had ALL the Government jumping to her tune... God only knows how she got inside?


Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest reserves in the world, making it one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas globally.. And this is the problem...

I haven't the space or time to post everything I know, but I will give you some links:

http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2011/09/16/Wintershall-joins-South-Stream-consortium/UPI-92591316173513/#ixzz1dUq77i89 .

Gazpron/ South Sea Pipeline https://www.voltairenet.org/article196863.html

and Kirkuk Banias Pipeline. https://www.pipelinesinternational.com/2011/03/28/the-kirkuk-banias-pipeline/

If you do a little research you will see 'WHY' the West is now 'at war' in Syria and why it 'hates' Russia.

What is behind the obsessive vilification of Russia - to prevent what Saudi and US/UK see as any attempt by Russia to corner the market in gas and oil.

The psychopathic controllers of US/UK do not care how much devastation they cause or how many people they kill, including us, it is all about the money and ownership..

They know that once they get their man in control in any country they can strip all the resources then organise the rebuilding on credit and have that country in their pocket for the rest of it's existence. (US Senator Joe Bidens son is on the board of Ukraine Gas company? the President is a CIA puppet)https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/09/world/europe/corruption-ukraine-joe-biden-son-hunter-biden-ties.html

For evidence read 'The Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins' who was a hitman but gave up because he could not stand the immorality of it.

Wesley Clark told us all about the countries being set up for takeover, but not the full story.


Sorry if the post is too long, but there is so much to disclose.


There's no need to apologise for it being too long,baseless speculation and dot joining can go on forever,so it's great that you cut it down to this length,by all means keep the fairy stories coming,we all like a bit of doorstep gossip and fiction.........I love Hunting Hitler on History channel,all good fun.:hihi:

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What Russian aggression against Europe?:suspect:


Stuff like this perhaps:



RAF fighters intercept two Russian bombers near UK airspace



Warning Issued Over Russian Military Drills in Baltic Sea



Russia Launches Military Exercises In Crimea, Abkhazia


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Tell us what the ulterior motives are then,i'm all ears.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 08:54 ----------



There's no need to apologise for it being too long,baseless speculation and dot joining can go on forever,so it's great that you cut it down to this length,by all means keep the fairy stories coming,we all like a bit of doorstep gossip and fiction.........I love Hunting Hitler on History channel,all good fun.:hihi:

Thats a pretty poor response even by your standard..no attempt at proving her wrong, no attempt at correcting her with evidence, all you can offer is a lame put down....she well and truly has hung you out to dry.

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Thats a pretty poor response even by your standard..no attempt at proving her wrong, no attempt at correcting her with evidence, all you can offer is a lame put down....she well and truly has hung you out to dry.


I treat it on it's merit,and what we know from past posts,we already know the 'how do you know that anybody was injured in Salisbury' post,in my opinion,that disqualifies the poster from being taken seriously in everything they write in future.

Now,let's take this one,do you,or anybody else want to expand on


'The psychopathic controllers of US/UK do not care how much devastation they cause or how many people they kill, including us, it is all about the money and ownership..


I'll leave out the US,because the case against Trump could well be made,so,how do you feel about being under the control of psycopaths?

Edited by chalga
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I treat it on it's merit,and what we know from past posts,we already know the 'how do you know that anybody was injured in Salisbury' post,in my opinion,that disqualifies the poster from being taken seriously in everything they write in future.

Now,let's take this one,do you,or anybody else want to expand on


'The psychopathic controllers of US/UK do not care how much devastation they cause or how many people they kill, including us, it is all about the money and ownership..


I'll leave out the US,because the case against Trump could well be made,so,how do you feel about being under the control of psycopaths?

But...Catpus has given you this already,? She has told you what's happened, you have either ignored it or dismissed it without even looking into it..what do you think has been happening in the middle east? Can't you see that we are all being taken for a ride?

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But...Catpus has given you this already,? She has told you what's happened, you have either ignored it or dismissed it without even looking into it..what do you think has been happening in the middle east? Can't you see that we are all being taken for a ride?


With all due respect,would you like to answer my question please?


Anybody else want to answer it,or about being at war that the 'psycopaths' have apparently not told you that you were in?


If you do a little research you will see 'WHY' the West is now 'at war' in Syria and why it 'hates' Russia.


The inference here,is that it's not against ISIS,but against Russia.

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With all due respect,would you like to answer my question please?


Anybody else want to answer it,or about being at war that the 'psycopaths' have apparently not told you that you were in?




The inference here,is that it's not against ISIS,but against Russia.


Catpus has already answered it, and even done the research for you.


'There's none so blind as those who will not see....'

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