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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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But...Catpus has given you this already,? She has told you what's happened, you have either ignored it or dismissed it without even looking into it..what do you think has been happening in the middle east? Can't you see that we are all being taken for a ride?


Hi Banjo,

Haven't you realised yet that Chalga is an attention seeking shill, with a limited life experience. Sitting there longing for acknowledgement, but has NOTHING whatsoever to add to any discussion except to sneer and snide at anything that challenges his programming.. The truth is irrelevant to these people. (you only need to check out his 'previous' posts on other threads to see his metal?)

I would say he was working for the Government but it is quite clear that he would not meet the intelligence standard required... More likely he could be a 'useful idiot' in some false flag scheme or other? More fool him - he could be paid for what he does, but this mug does it for free..... Then wonders why he is unemployable?


The fact that I have spent the last twenty years cataloguing the History of the troubles of the ME, and have gone through my files to bring evidence for readers on this thread means nothing at all to the mindless.. because that would require effort and the engaging of the old grey matter which is not advanced enough to comprehend anything other than the the headlines of the Sun, or the hourly '15 minutes of hate' from the corrupt presstitute MSM.


I am sure that you and other enlightened people on this thread do not have a limited pool of associates like Chalga and Mel... so can I ask you, if you have learned anything from what I post, then please - share it with others.

It is very important that the War machine be stopped, and that false flags like the 'poisoning' of the Skripals. be exposed for what they are - A prelude to the raising of Syria and murdering of it's citizens, to enable the Oil Cabal Companies like Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Conoco, Amoco, Philips Total, to make a 'killing.'

The whole Russophobia pantomime is a cynical plot to have the International Community tie the hands of Russia when they go to Syria's assistance.

This is so transparent you would have to be blind not to see it.

''The Americans have missiles and troops completely surrounding Russia - but it Russia that is threatening us....." Can anyone see the stupidity of that sentence?

"The Americans have invaded and implemented regime change in over 75 countries - replacing the democratically elected leader with their CIA asset"

but Russia is trying to take over the world??? Duh!

Russia IS trying to sell it's oil and gas to the world....... Perfectly legitimately, it is a free market.


The US/UK funded psychopathic mercenaries (see Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden), caused complete chaos, fear and mayhem in Ukraine to enable them to get control of the Russian Gas and Oil pipelines. Russia went to assist at the request of the Russian citizens, then 'left' after securing their border in Ukraine, but troops remained in Crimea (which was Russian previously?) to prevent NATO/America controlling Sevastopol and sabotaging Russian ships from transporting Russian oil and resources to Europe..

The troubles in Georgia and Chechnya were created again by the psycho US mercenaries to create chaos.. so Russia went in to sort it out... then left leaving a minimum presence on the borders.

I can post ALL the information - but it's always more educational to research it oneself isn't it? :)


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 13:33 ----------


There is a difference between research and linking to conspiracy theory websites ;)


And you are the expert?

What are your credentials?

Who elected you the judge of what is and isn't fact.

What is a conspiracy theory website?

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Hi Banjo,

Haven't you realised yet that Chalga is an attention seeking shill, with a limited life experience. Sitting there longing for acknowledgement, but has NOTHING whatsoever to add to any discussion except to sneer and snide at anything that challenges his programming.. The truth is irrelevant to these people. (you only need to check out his 'previous' posts on other threads to see his metal?)


Your use of the word "shill" gives you away - it is the most popular term of abuse used by conspiracy theorists - the old 9/11 thread on here is littered with the term.

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In the recent High Court proceedings a judgement was obtained to allow blood samples to be taken from Sergey and Yulia Skripal in order to enable the OPCW investigators to research the chemical,

The High Court Judge who heard the case – Mr. Justice Williams – granted the Official Solicitor’s request for blood samples to be taken, saying the following; "The absence of any contact having been made with the NHS Trust by any family member; the absence of any evidence of any family in the UK and the limited evidence as to the possible existence of family members in Russia. I accept that it is neither practicable nor appropriate in the special context of this case to consult with any relatives of Mr Skripal or Ms Skripal who might fall into the category identified in s.4(7)(b) of the Act


This is beyond strange given that no less a person than Sergey Skripal’s niece – who lives in Russia with the rest of Sergey Skripal’s family including his 90 year old mother – had previously been interviewed by the British media.

In fact Skripal’s niece was telling the BBC just days ago of her lack of knowledge of Sergey and Yulia Skripal’s condition, and was even being reported as saying on Wednesday that she understood that they had no more than a 1% chance of survival – this just hours before the British authorities announced that Yulia Skripal was making an impressive recovery.......

This failure to keep the Skripal family in Russia properly informed of Sergey and Yulia Skripal’s condition and the taking of blood samples from them, is matched by the refusal of the British authorities to allow the Russian authorities consular access to them - not withstanding that Yulia Skripal is a Russian citizen not a British citizen (the Russians say that Sergey Skripal has dual nationality and is also a Russian as well as a British citizen).

This is despite the fact that both a bilateral treaty – the 1965 Consular Convention between Britain and the USSR -of which Russia is legally the successor state– and an international treaty – the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations – both appear to require the British authorities to grant consular access to the Russian authorities to Russian citizens such Yulia Skripal who find themselves in difficulties in Britain.......

But the Russian Consular has been refused access.


Edited by catpus
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Catpus has already answered it, and even done the research for you.


'There's none so blind as those who will not see....'


I've already said what I think about any posts from that poster,,what i'm asking is for other peoples opinions,in their own words.

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Your use of the word "shill" gives you away - it is the most popular term of abuse used by conspiracy theorists - the old 9/11 thread on here is littered with the term.


A SHILL also called a plant or a 'stooge', is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization.

Shills carry out their operations in the areas of media; journalism; online commentaries; marketing; confidence games; and business .

A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a 'vested interest' through character assassination or other means.


So - as I said - IMO Calgon is most probably a shill speaking on behalf of the Conservative Party?.

Edited by catpus
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Hi Banjo,

Haven't you realised yet that Chalga is an attention seeking shill, with a limited life experience. Sitting there longing for acknowledgement, but has NOTHING whatsoever to add to any discussion except to sneer and snide at anything that challenges his programming.. The truth is irrelevant to these people. (you only need to check out his 'previous' posts on other threads to see his metal?)

I would say he was working for the Government but it is quite clear that he would not meet the intelligence standard required... More likely he could be a 'useful idiot' in some false flag scheme or other? More fool him - he could be paid for what he does, but this mug does it for free..... Then wonders why he is unemployable?


The fact that I have spent the last twenty years cataloguing the History of the troubles of the ME, and have gone through my files to bring evidence for readers on this thread means nothing at all to the mindless.. because that would require effort and the engaging of the old grey matter which is not advanced enough to comprehend anything other than the the headlines of the Sun, or the hourly '15 minutes of hate' from the corrupt presstitute MSM.


I am sure that you and other enlightened people on this thread do not have a limited pool of associates like Chalga and Mel... so can I ask you, if you have learned anything from what I post, then please - share it with others.

It is very important that the War machine be stopped, and that false flags like the 'poisoning' of the Skripals. be exposed for what they are - A prelude to the raising of Syria and murdering of it's citizens, to enable the Oil Cabal Companies like Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Conoco, Amoco, Philips Total, to make a 'killing.'

The whole Russophobia pantomime is a cynical plot to have the International Community tie the hands of Russia when they go to Syria's assistance.

This is so transparent you would have to be blind not to see it.

''The Americans have missiles and troops completely surrounding Russia - but it Russia that is threatening us....." Can anyone see the stupidity of that sentence?

"The Americans have invaded and implemented regime change in over 75 countries - replacing the democratically elected leader with their CIA asset"

but Russia is trying to take over the world??? Duh!

Russia IS trying to sell it's oil and gas to the world....... Perfectly legitimately, it is a free market.


The US/UK funded psychopathic mercenaries (see Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden), caused complete chaos, fear and mayhem in Ukraine to enable them to get control of the Russian Gas and Oil pipelines. Russia went to assist at the request of the Russian citizens, then 'left' after securing their border in Ukraine, but troops remained in Crimea (which was Russian previously?) to prevent NATO/America controlling Sevastopol and sabotaging Russian ships from transporting Russian oil and resources to Europe..

The troubles in Georgia and Chechnya were created again by the psycho US mercenaries to create chaos.. so Russia went in to sort it out... then left leaving a minimum presence on the borders.

I can post ALL the information - but it's always more educational to research it oneself isn't it?


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 13:33 ----------




And you are the expert?

What are your credentials?

Who elected you the judge of what is and isn't fact.

What is a conspiracy theory website?


Just the bolded part is absolute garbage with no proof whatsoever to back it up,it even falls down at the first hurdle,because Putin denied that any Russian soldiers were present in Ukraine,another lie,but this is even contradicting the lie by saying that they went at the request of Russian people,Conspiracy Theory garbage,just an opinion,embellished with fairy stories.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 13:54 ----------


In the recent High Court proceedings a judgement was obtained to allow blood samples to be taken from Sergey and Yulia Skripal in order to enable the OPCW investigators to research the chemical,

The High Court Judge who heard the case – Mr. Justice Williams – granted the Official Solicitor’s request for blood samples to be taken, saying the following; "The absence of any contact having been made with the NHS Trust by any family member; the absence of any evidence of any family in the UK and the limited evidence as to the possible existence of family members in Russia. I accept that it is neither practicable nor appropriate in the special context of this case to consult with any relatives of Mr Skripal or Ms Skripal who might fall into the category identified in s.4(7)(b) of the Act


This is beyond strange given that no less a person than Sergey Skripal’s niece – who lives in Russia with the rest of Sergey Skripal’s family including his 90 year old mother – had previously been interviewed by the British media.

In fact Skripal’s niece was telling the BBC just days ago of her lack of knowledge of Sergey and Yulia Skripal’s condition, and was even being reported as saying on Wednesday that she understood that they had no more than a 1% chance of survival – this just hours before the British authorities announced that Yulia Skripal was making an impressive recovery.......

This failure to keep the Skripal family in Russia properly informed of Sergey and Yulia Skripal’s condition and the taking of blood samples from them, is matched by the refusal of the British authorities to allow the Russian authorities consular access to them - not withstanding that Yulia Skripal is a Russian citizen not a British citizen (the Russians say that Sergey Skripal has dual nationality and is also a Russian as well as a British citizen).

This is despite the fact that both a bilateral treaty – the 1965 Consular Convention between Britain and the USSR -of which Russia is legally the successor state– and an international treaty – the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations – both appear to require the British authorities to grant consular access to the Russian authorities to Russian citizens such Yulia Skripal who find themselves in difficulties in Britain.......

But the Russian Consular has been refused access.



The bolded bit in this quote contradicts itself immediately,'lack of knowledge' turns into 'understood' within just a few words,another reason why you can't take anything this poster writes seriously.

Edited by chalga
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A SHILL also called a plant or a 'stooge', is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization.

Shills carry out their operations in the areas of media; journalism; online commentaries; marketing; confidence games; and business .

A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a 'vested interest' through character assassination or other means.


So - as I said - IMO Calgon is most probably a shill speaking on behalf of the Conservative Party?.




Why do conspiracy theorists appear to automatically assume anyone who disagrees with them is speaking on behalf of an organisation ?

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Just the bolded part is absolute garbage with no proof whatsoever to back it up,it even falls down at the first hurdle,because Putin denied that any Russian soldiers were present in Ukraine,another lie,but this is even contradicting the lie by saying that they went at the request of Russian people,Conspiracy Theory garbage,just an opinion,embellished with fairy stories.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 13:54 ----------




The bolded bit in this quote contradicts itself immediately,'lack of knowledge' turns into 'understood' within just a few words,another reason why you can't take anything this poster writes seriously.


Well parts of that text are taken verbatim from:





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Why do conspiracy theorists appear to automatically assume anyone who disagrees with them is speaking on behalf of an organisation ?


Wikipedia - Conspiracy Theory.


The Oxford English Dictionary defines conspiracy theory as "the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties. A belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event". The word "conspiracy" derives from the Latin con- ("with, together") and spirare ("to breathe").


According to John Ayto, the phrase conspiracy theory was originally a neutral term that acquired a pejorative connotation only in the 1960s when it was deployed by the CIA to infer that the theorist was paranoid... to discredit John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 15:28 ----------


Just the bolded part is absolute garbage with no proof whatsoever to back it up,it even falls down at the first hurdle,because Putin denied that any Russian soldiers were present in Ukraine,another lie,but this is even contradicting the lie by saying that they went at the request of Russian people,Conspiracy Theory garbage,just an opinion,embellished with fairy stories.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 13:54 ----------




The bolded bit in this quote contradicts itself immediately,'lack of knowledge' turns into 'understood' within just a few words,another reason why you can't take anything this poster writes seriously.


UNDERSTOOD from watching and reading the MSM. Duh!

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