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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Wikipedia - Conspiracy Theory.


The Oxford English Dictionary defines conspiracy theory as "the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties. A belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event". The word "conspiracy" derives from the Latin con- ("with, together") and spirare ("to breathe").


According to John Ayto, the phrase conspiracy theory was originally a neutral term that acquired a pejorative connotation only in the 1960s when it was deployed by the CIA to infer that the theorist was paranoid... to discredit John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.


Yes - but why do CT's assume everyone who disagrees with them has to be speaking for an organisation ? Do you think that what you're saying on SF is so important (and SF is such an important forum) that the NWO will send along a "shill" to try and influence the couple of dozen people interested in the thread?

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WRONG! It was from Off Guardian.



Thanks for pointing out that I had omitted the link.. I have now provided it on my original post, and would encourage people to open the link and watch Skripal's niece speaking to the BBC.....

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Catpus has already answered it, and even done the research for you.


'There's none so blind as those who will not see....'


Hahah oh thats a good, wait you are serious right?


Catpus hasn't done anything of the sort. If you seriously think that the drivel he posts counts as research then you really need to get a grip - I seriously expected better of you Anna.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 15:33 ----------


Hi Banjo,

Haven't you realised yet that Chalga is an attention seeking shill,


Better than an ad hominem though?


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 15:34 ----------


But...Catpus has given you this already,? She has told you what's happened, you have either ignored it or dismissed it without even looking into it..what do you think has been happening in the middle east? Can't you see that we are all being taken for a ride?




I've seen zero evidence whatsoever for catpus' frankly bizarre and rambling diatribes. Please don't tell me you are giving them any credence?

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Hi Banjo,

Haven't you realised yet that Chalga is an attention seeking shill, with a limited life experience. Sitting there longing for acknowledgement, but has NOTHING whatsoever to add to any discussion except to sneer and snide at anything that challenges his programming.. The truth is irrelevant to these people. (you only need to check out his 'previous' posts on other threads to see his metal?)

I would say he was working for the Government but it is quite clear that he would not meet the intelligence standard required... More likely he could be a 'useful idiot' in some false flag scheme or other? More fool him - he could be paid for what he does, but this mug does it for free..... Then wonders why he is unemployable?


The fact that I have spent the last twenty years cataloguing the History of the troubles of the ME, and have gone through my files to bring evidence for readers on this thread means nothing at all to the mindless.. because that would require effort and the engaging of the old grey matter which is not advanced enough to comprehend anything other than the the headlines of the Sun, or the hourly '15 minutes of hate' from the corrupt presstitute MSM.


I am sure that you and other enlightened people on this thread do not have a limited pool of associates like Chalga and Mel... so can I ask you, if you have learned anything from what I post, then please - share it with others.

It is very important that the War machine be stopped, and that false flags like the 'poisoning' of the Skripals. be exposed for what they are - A prelude to the raising of Syria and murdering of it's citizens, to enable the Oil Cabal Companies like Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Conoco, Amoco, Philips Total, to make a 'killing.'

The whole Russophobia pantomime is a cynical plot to have the International Community tie the hands of Russia when they go to Syria's assistance.

This is so transparent you would have to be blind not to see it.

''The Americans have missiles and troops completely surrounding Russia - but it Russia that is threatening us....." Can anyone see the stupidity of that sentence?

"The Americans have invaded and implemented regime change in over 75 countries - replacing the democratically elected leader with their CIA asset"

but Russia is trying to take over the world??? Duh!

Russia IS trying to sell it's oil and gas to the world....... Perfectly legitimately, it is a free market.


The US/UK funded psychopathic mercenaries (see Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden), caused complete chaos, fear and mayhem in Ukraine to enable them to get control of the Russian Gas and Oil pipelines. Russia went to assist at the request of the Russian citizens, then 'left' after securing their border in Ukraine, but troops remained in Crimea (which was Russian previously?) to prevent NATO/America controlling Sevastopol and sabotaging Russian ships from transporting Russian oil and resources to Europe..

The troubles in Georgia and Chechnya were created again by the psycho US mercenaries to create chaos.. so Russia went in to sort it out... then left leaving a minimum presence on the borders.

I can post ALL the information - but it's always more educational to research it oneself isn't it? :)


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 13:33 ----------



And you are the expert?

What are your credentials?

Who elected you the judge of what is and isn't fact.

What is a conspiracy theory website?


Another bolded bit of nonsense here,far from tying their hands,the Russians have been helping Syria murder innocents for months now,while the west has stood by and watched them do it.If the west wanted to start a war with Russia,all they had to do was just keep accidently/on purpose bombing the Russians in Syria and seeing what Putin would do about it.........nothing of the kind has happened.

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Yes - but why do CT's assume everyone who disagrees with them has to be speaking for an organisation ?


It's how they compartmentalise the world. If you are not with them you must therefore be against them and part of "the enemey" or " the NWO". Most CT seems to have a very binary viewpoint - those in their own echo chamber and "the enemy" there never seems to be a middle ground.

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Wikipedia - Conspiracy Theory.


The Oxford English Dictionary defines conspiracy theory as "the theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties. A belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event". The word "conspiracy" derives from the Latin con- ("with, together") and spirare ("to breathe").


According to John Ayto, the phrase conspiracy theory was originally a neutral term that acquired a pejorative connotation only in the 1960s when it was deployed by the CIA to infer that the theorist was paranoid... to discredit John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.


---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 15:28 ----------



UNDERSTOOD from watching and reading the MSM. Duh!


You are the one who posted it to back up your theory.:hihi:

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Stuff like this perhaps:


RAF fighters intercept two Russian bombers near UK airspace




Near UK airspace and not in it which is perfectly legal and they have been doing that for some years now. The same also goes for the USA and the UK flying near Russian air space.



Warning Issued Over Russian Military Drills in Baltic Sea



Nothing illegal or aggressive in that either especially as they have ports on the Baltic.


Russia Launches Military Exercises In Crimea, Abkhazia



Nothing wrong with that especially given the fact that NATO have also been conducting military exercises in that area.


So far all that adds up to noting that could be remotely called European aggression.

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Near UK airspace and not in it which is perfectly legal and they have been doing that for some years now. The same also goes for the USA and the UK flying near Russian air space.





Nothing illegal or aggressive in that either especially as they have ports on the Baltic.




Nothing wrong with that especially given the fact that NATO have also been conducting military exercises in that area.


So far all that adds up to noting that could be remotely called European aggression.


Wasting your time fella.

Some people cant help but fall for the msm propaganda. Leave them to it I say. Lets just hope they have no problems sending their kids to die when all this Western provocation of a major world power gets the result our politicians are after.

A nice big fat juicy war where a select few can rake in billions of £'s in the name of democracy.

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It's how they compartmentalise the world. If you are not with them you must therefore be against them and part of "the enemey" or " the NWO". Most CT seems to have a very binary viewpoint - those in their own echo chamber and "the enemy" there never seems to be a middle ground.


Now where was it I first heard this......?


Oh yes, that's right: George W. Bush, President of the United States, at the start of the Iraq War......

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Now where was it I first heard this......?


Oh yes, that's right: George W. Bush, President of the United States, at the start of the Iraq War......




I'm sure you have a point to make, rather than try and smear...?

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