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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Wasting your time fella.

Some people cant help but fall for the msm propaganda. Leave them to it I say. Lets just hope they have no problems sending their kids to die when all this Western provocation of a major world power gets the result our politicians are after.

A nice big fat juicy war where a select few can rake in billions of £'s in the name of democracy.


The Syria situation which I just described,is directly opposite to what Conspiracy Theorists are claiming.

Western response to Russian actions is quite legitimate and in proportion.

There is a perfectly good reason why 'you won't find that in the MSM',and it's being proved on this thread on a daily basis.

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The Syria situation which I just described,is directly opposite to what Conspiracy Theorists are claiming.

Western response to Russian actions is quite legitimate and in proportion.

There is a perfectly good reason why 'you won't find that in the MSM',and it's being proved on this thread on a daily basis.


Whatever makes you happy fella :thumbsup:

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Oh dear, the FO has been forced to delete a tweet in which they claimed Porton Down had confirmed the never agent as being of Russian origin, when in fact Porton Down did no such thing.


The ability of this Government to shoot itself in the foot over any issue is something to be cherished. Russia is now wanting to join the UK in a joint investigation, they're taking the phish.

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Yes - but why do CT's assume everyone who disagrees with them has to be speaking for an organisation? Do you think that what you're saying on SF is so important (and SF is such an important forum) that the NWO will send along a "shill" to try and influence the couple of dozen people interested in the thread?


Are you saying the people on Sheffield Forum are dim and inconsequential enough not to attract the attention of GCHQ?

Have you any idea what Countelpro did during the Miner's strike and Ireland?


Fact - ANY forum where Politics is being discussed is tracked by Government agents. There are even City Council workers on here paid to watch the comments about their plans..... aren't they Government employees?





MPs' report outlines Spooks' take on the draft Communications Data Bill

It shows they are keen to implement nationwide surveillance regime

They want ISPs to install 'black boxes' that can inspect all internet traffic

Spies claim they are only interested in 'communications data'

Campaigners warn it will give spies unprecedented surveillance powers

By Damien Gayle

6 February 2013


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2274388/MI5-install-black-box-spy-devices-monitor-UK-internet-traffic.html#ixzz5BikCEII0


2013 - "they were keen to implement"

2018 - They sure as he** have already.

Edited by catpus
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Are you saying the people on Sheffield Forum are of no consequence and would not attract the attention of GHQ?


Fact - ANY forum where Politics is being discussed is tracked by Government agents. There are City Council workers paid to watch the comments about their plans..... aren't they Government employees?


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Lol - so anyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill from GCHQ now :cool:


City Council workers are employed by Sheffield City Council, not the Government.


People using "Fact" to start a sentence are rarely right.

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I've already said what I think about any posts from that poster,,what i'm asking is for other peoples opinions,in their own words.


Catpus has already told you...

but i will give you my two peneth as well, just so you can call me a conspiracy theorist as well...

As Catpus said, America has been destabilising and overthrowing governments for years, you will not want to believe that tho, its not what the media have fed you, its as plain as the nose on your face that you believe everything that you are told by the media,

Havent you ever thought how odd it is that America and us always seem to have an enemy? we always need to be fighting someone.

The truth about Syria is, its a power struggle, we are all fighting for the last remaining gas and oil reserves in that area, why do you think we are there? go on tell me, why do you honestly think we are there? do you think we are spreading democracy and freedom? of course we're not, its all about destabilising the area and controlling it, hasn't it occurred to you how many countries we seem to have a problem with over there? hasn't it occurred to you that we make out that they are all the bad guys and we are he good guys? of course it hasn't, your not bright enough to think for yourself, you cant take the blinkers off, you are programmed not to think beyond following anything that you are told....

I bet you believe all the nonsense about good rebels and bad rebels, all the ones we are funding in Syria are supposed to be the good ones, they are trying to overthrow their democratically elected leader of Syria, but unfortunately for us in the west they are getting their arses kicked, Americas plan to pay the good rebels to overthrow the government isnt working, because Russia is helping Assad to stay in power..its a proxy war between the USA and Russia, nothing more, nothing less..

Do you remember when David Cameron used to stand up in parliament and declare that Assad must go (whilst using that silly clenched fist with his thumb over the top to make him look more powerful like all the tories are taught to do) he wasnt bothered about any human rights abuse by Syria, he was only bothered about backing up the USA to get control of the area, as for ISIS, didnt you think it was odd that they were also in the equation? didnt you think that it was strange that they were there and we had to fight them? didnt you think it was just a convenient excuse to get involved in that area? and who were ISIS? and who funded them? doesnt that ring any alarm bells?

So whats the plan now then? well this is what i think will happen, everyone is getting ramped up a gear to hate the Russians, everyone has been drip fed hatred of Putin for months and months, we have all of Europe and America hating the Russians, as Americas plan to overthrow Assad with rebels didnt work, Assad has to go one way or another, and with it Russia as well, wait for the next chemical attack in Syria on those poor people (supposedly by Russia and Syria) then we will have to get involved, we will have to do something, we have already seen that Putin is capable of using nerve gas in this country ( supposedly but no proof has been offered), so it looks like there is going to be one hell of a punch up, i just hope that all the people doing the punching are the sheep that have fell for all the nonsense.....

I await your response Chalga

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Are you saying the people on Sheffield Forum are of no consequence and would not attract the attention of GHQ?


Fact - ANY forum where Politics is being discussed is tracked by Government agents. There are City Council workers paid to watch the comments about their plans..... aren't they Government employees?


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Planner 1 ;)

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Catpus has already told you...

but i will give you my two peneth as well, just so you can call me a conspiracy theorist as well...

As Catpus said, America has been destabilising and overthrowing governments for years, you will not want to believe that tho, its not what the media have fed you, its as plain as the nose on your face that you believe everything that you are told by the media,

Havent you ever thought how odd it is that America and us always seem to have an enemy? we always need to be fighting someone.

The truth about Syria is, its a power struggle, we are all fighting for the last remaining gas and oil reserves in that area, why do you think we are there? go on tell me, why do you honestly think we are there? do you think we are spreading democracy and freedom? of course we're not, its all about destabilising the area and controlling it, hasn't it occurred to you how many countries we seem to have a problem with over there? hasn't it occurred to you that we make out that they are all the bad guys and we are he good guys? of course it hasn't, your not bright enough to think for yourself, you cant take the blinkers off, you are programmed not to think beyond following anything that you are told....

I bet you believe all the nonsense about good rebels and bad rebels, all the ones we are funding in Syria are supposed to be the good ones, they are trying to overthrow their democratically elected leader of Syria, but unfortunately for us in the west they are getting their arses kicked, Americas plan to pay the good rebels to overthrow the government isnt working, because Russia is helping Assad to stay in power..its a proxy war between the USA and Russia, nothing more, nothing less..

Do you remember when David Cameron used to stand up in parliament and declare that Assad must go (whilst using that silly clenched fist with his thumb over the top to make him look more powerful like all the tories are taught to do) he wasnt bothered about any human rights abuse by Syria, he was only bothered about backing up the USA to get control of the area, as for ISIS, didnt you think it was odd that they were also in the equation? didnt you think that it was strange that they were there and we had to fight them? didnt you think it was just a convenient excuse to get involved in that area? and who were ISIS? and who funded them? doesnt that ring any alarm bells?

So whats the plan now then? well this is what i think will happen, everyone is getting ramped up a gear to hate the Russians, everyone has been drip fed hatred of Putin for months and months, we have all of Europe and America hating the Russians, as Americas plan to overthrow Assad with rebels didnt work, Assad has to go one way or another, and with it Russia as well, wait for the next chemical attack in Syria on those poor people (supposedly by Russia and Syria) then we will have to get involved, we will have to do something, we have already seen that Putin is capable of using nerve gas in this country ( supposedly but no proof has been offered), so it looks like there is going to be one hell of a punch up, i just hope that all the people doing the punching are the sheep that have fell for all the nonsense.....

I await your response Chalga




As we speak,Russia,Iran and Turkey are carving up/deciding what's

best for Syria,without the prescence of the Syrian government,Russia is now the mouthpiece for Syria,and Trump,if he can be trusted,is wanting to pull all American military out of Syria ASAP,so that's ISIS done with presumably.

Trump has also said to 'leave it to others' to rebuild Syria.

What are the big oil companies who have been waiting in the wings,and what the fighting has been all about,according to Conspiracy Theorists,going to do now?...........The West is nowhere to be seen at the negotiating table,so we await your gas attack..


It was Putin himself that invited the West to jointly fight terrorism,including ISIS in Syria,so that is the reason why the Americans are in Syria,directly contradicting the Conspiracy Theorists theory.Putin wanted to work together,so how does that fit in with America wanting to start a war with Russia?..........is Putin in on it as well?




Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his address on Monday to the United Nations General Assembly, called for a new global effort to fight ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Putin called for the UN Security Council to meet and draft a resolution that would coordinate this effort. He said it should be "similar to the anti-Hitler coalition," the point being that the US and Russia should get over their differences and work together against ISIS.

Edited by chalga
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