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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Dead in the last 4 weeks?


Nerve attack on owners in last 4 weeks


The evidence mounting up

indeed it is...owners attacked, in hospital for four weeks, nobody checks on little furry critters...DEAD!!


the evidence has mounted

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It would have been embarrassing if our Government had done nothing and just turned a blind eye to the Russian chemical attack on UK soil. It doesn't look good for Russia because no country believe their propaganda. Looking good for the makers of Midsomer Murders after the Russian plug.


How is complying with protocol and the rule of international law doing nothing?


Surely that is better than having Putin run circles around us because of our own mistakes.


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 17:41 ----------


Your interpretation of the German interview is incorrect.

Your interpretation is irrelevant.


Boris did not say that Porton Down had confirmed the source of the material.

How many times do I have to repeat that?


He did actually say exactly those words but there was a wider context to what he was saying.


That’s the problem with Boris though....he plays fast and loose with what he says. He takes huge gambles at times. And then it frequently comes back to haunt him.

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indeed it is...owners attacked, in hospital for four weeks, nobody checks on little furry critters...DEAD!!


the evidence has mounted




They say the cat attacked the Gineau Pigs




What sent the cat into a frenzy?

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rogets was trolling as per usual.






Despite SOCA being all over Skripal's pad with a fine tooth comb, they missed two guinea pigs and a cat?????


Two die of starvation and the cat was so dehydrated they had to put it down.


But I guess Russia snuck in and left them when the spooks weren't looking. :hihi:


Heads should definitely roll for this.

It's is bad enough attempting to kill old spies who are worth nothing.. but I draw the line at wilfully starving animals.

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He did actually say exactly those words but there was a wider context to what he was saying.




No. He did not.


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 18:11 ----------


"When I look at the evidence, the people from Porton Down, the laboratory… they were absolutely categorical, I mean, I asked the guy myself, I said, 'are you sure?' and he said 'there's no doubt.' And so, we have very little alternative but to take the action that we have taken."


No doubt that it was Novichok. That's all.


Where does he say it was from Russia?

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No. He did not.


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 18:11 ----------


"When I look at the evidence, the people from Porton Down, the laboratory… they were absolutely categorical, I mean, I asked the guy myself, I said, 'are you sure?' and he said 'there's no doubt.' And so, we have very little alternative but to take the action that we have taken."


No doubt that it was Novichok. That's all.


Where does he say it was from Russia?


Yeah he did actually. It’s all explained pretty well here:



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I agree. Probably Russian, but whether it was sponsored / ordered by the Russian state is the issue. There are plenty of Russian Oligarchs, gangsters and arms dealers in London who are more than capable. And anyone who thinks only Russia and Britain have the Novichok nerve agent are being somewhat naive.


The story keeps changing and we really certainly haven't been told the whole tale. A lot more to this than meets the eye.


---------- Post added 05-04-2018 at 22:27 ----------



Let's face it, a lot of government speech writers also work for the BBC. It's like saying 'BBC English' or 'the Queen's English.' It's a way of speaking / writing. 'Lessons must be learned' etc The point I was making was that it sounded scripted to me.


Hi Anne long time no see.

You are right to think that 'all news is scripted' and I know that is it sent to every news station. They are compelled to say what MI5/6 and the CIA wants said. As was proved by the coverage of 911 and the Iraq War?



All BBC employees had a personnel file which included their basic personal details and work record. But there was also a second file. This included ‘security information' collected by Special Branch and MI5, who have always kept political surveillance on ‘subversives in the media’.

If a staff member was shortlisted for a job this second file was handed to the department head, who had to sign for it. The file was a buff folder with a round red sticker, stamped with the legend SECRET and a symbol which looked like a Christmas tree. On the basis of information in this file, the Personnel Office recommended whether the person in question should be given the job or not. A former senior BBC executive recalls seeing one journalist’s security file, stamped with a Christmas tree symbol: 'For about twelve years it had recorded notes such as "has subscription to Daily Worker” or “our friends say he associates with communists and CND activists." It is fair to say that there were contemporary memos from personnel officials adding they thought this was ridiculous. But it was still on file.‘

The names of outside job applicants were submitted directly to C Branch of MI5. They were then passed on to the F Branch ‘domestic subversion', whose F7 section looks at political ‘extremists', MP’s, lawyers, teachers and journalists. After consulting the registry of files, the names were fed into MI5’s computer, which contains the identities of about a million ‘subversives'.

Once MI5 had vetted an applicant their decision was given in writing to the BBC’s Personnel Office. MI5 never gave reasons for their recommendations. But, quite often, if they said a person was a ‘security risk', that was enough to blacklist him or her permanently. Members of board interviews were advised not to ask questions. And it was only when an executive or editor put 'pressure' on the Personnel Department that MI5's decision was overruled.


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 18:34 ----------


Your interpretation of the German interview is incorrect.

Your interpretation is irrelevant.


Boris did not say that Porton Down had confirmed the source of the material.

How many times do I have to repeat that?



What in g*ds name is he saying here then?

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No. He did not.


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 18:11 ----------


"When I look at the evidence, the people from Porton Down, the laboratory… they were absolutely categorical, I mean, I asked the guy myself, I said, 'are you sure?' and he said 'there's no doubt.' And so, we have very little alternative but to take the action that we have taken."


No doubt that it was Novichok. That's all.


Where does he say it was from Russia?

what country were they talking about?? they were talking about Russia..!!!..Jeeez, its like pulling teeth.

you can wriggle all you want, Bozo led everyone to believe that he believed he had categorical evidence that the Russians poisoned them...

lets take it step by step if we have to, Bozo said...."I said, 'are you sure?' and he said 'there's no doubt.' And so, we have very little alternative but to take the action that we have taken."

what action was he talking about, and to what country was he referring..??

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