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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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Wouldn't make any difference,nobody in their right minds believes a word that comes out of the Kremlin,we saw that when they poisoned Litvinenko and lied that they had nothing to do with it.


There we go again, the Litvinenko red herring. Was the subject ever discussed here? Or is it just a' red herring' to be thrown in to muddy the water?


Operation Beluga:

A US-UK Plot to Discredit Putin and Destabilize the Russian Federation

Friday, Apr 1, 2016

Renowned French security expert Paul Barril let loose a bombshell: the existence of Operation Beluga, a covert Western intelligence scheme intended to undermine Russia and its leaders.

"According to Paul Barril, Litvinenko was himself working for the late Boris Berezovsky [a Russian fugitive oligarch that made London his home] who, according to Barril, was in turn working for and with the British intelligence service MI6.

Barril said, 'Litvinenko had betrayed his employers, Berezovsky and the MI6, and had pocketed large sums of money, millions of US dollars, that were destined for 'agent provocateurs' within the Berezovsky clan. And was killed by an Italian CIA asset.

The sole goal was to globally discredit Putin and the Russian Federation. This Western intelligence operation was directed from Washington DC and London. Its code name is Beluga."



Now, That is a new angle, and something definitely smells fishy to me.


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 19:27 ----------


sadly. i think we are already there :mad:


Yup. Instead of being a nation of shopkeepers we are now a nation of sheep ready for the slaughter... well some of us are. :roll:


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 19:49 ----------


sadly. i think we are already there :mad:


Hi there Banjo,


I think you will appreciate this from the film Network.

"We're in a lot of trouble."


And this says everything.

"The world's a business."

Edited by catpus
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There we go again, the Litvinenko red herring. Was the subject ever discussed here? Or is it just a' red herring' to be thrown in to muddy the water?


Operation Beluga:

A US-UK Plot to Discredit Putin and Destabilize the Russian Federation

Friday, Apr 1, 2016

Renowned French security expert Paul Barril let loose a bombshell: the existence of Operation Beluga, a covert Western intelligence scheme intended to undermine Russia and its leaders.

"According to Paul Barril, Litvinenko was himself working for the late Boris Berezovsky [a Russian fugitive oligarch that made London his home] who, according to Barril, was in turn working for and with the British intelligence service MI6.

Barril said, 'Litvinenko had betrayed his employers, Berezovsky and the MI6, and had pocketed large sums of money, millions of US dollars, that were destined for 'agent provocateurs' within the Berezovsky clan. And was killed by an Italian CIA asset.

The sole goal was to globally discredit Putin and the Russian Federation. This Western intelligence operation was directed from Washington DC and London. Its code name is Beluga."



Now, That is a new angle, and something definitely smells fishy to me.


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 19:27 ----------



Yup. Instead of being a nation of shopkeepers we are now a nation of sheep ready for the slaughter... well some of us are. :roll:


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 19:49 ----------



Hi there Banjo,


I think you will appreciate this from the film Network.

"We're in a lot of trouble."


And this says everything.

"The world's a business."


Have a look at post 384,then you can answer your own question.....again.:hihi:

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Why are some people on here determined to pull our country down ? :mad:


It’s not the country ,it’s the politicians representing our country.

There might yet be a final outcome that proves that Putin and the Kremlin were responsible.

But why did May allow Johnson to go off at half **** .All that has followed was completely predictable to most people as evidenced by post 1 onwards on this thread.


**** rhymes with lock

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because its corrupt, unfair, and run by a brutal government bent on keeping the poor poorer and the rich richer

A: you need to look at places like Iraq, Russia, North korea then

B: none of what you said means you can lie, or make things up, or look for the alternatives just because

C: like it or not we have had more brutal governments

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A: you need to look at places like Iraq, Russia, North korea then

B: none of what you said means you can lie, or make things up, or look for the alternatives just because

C: like it or not we have had more brutal governments


without a doubt there are worse places, far far worse places, but that doesnt mean we should accept a government that is corrupt and cares for the few, not the many, it doesnt mean we should let the millionaires pay no tax whilst i have to pay exactly what i owe, you may be happy to accept that, but i am not.

what have i lied about or made up Mell??

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