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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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It's a description of the truth sadly. Of course you could prove me wrong and answer a simple question - it's the simplest of questions really but if you are refusing to answer as you are I can only jump to the reasonable conclusion you are scared of doing so.

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It's a description of the truth sadly. Of course you could prove me wrong and answer a simple question - it's the simplest of questions really but if you are refusing to answer as you are I can only jump to the reasonable conclusion you are scared of doing so.


What in the name of god are you waffling on about? I asked you " source of what"? You just said something like you know what...talk sense or dont waste my time..

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I just get the impression that we are being pushed towards a war; every time I see the news I just think someone is trying to build a justification for us getting involved even more in Syria (despite Parliament voting down any involvement).

After which doubtless the Iranian mullahs will become the next set of worst people in the world, ready for a war against them.

There are lots of questions our TV news should be asking politicians, but they aren't being asked, which makes me very uneasy.

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I just get the impression that we are being pushed towards a war; every time I see the news I just think someone is trying to build a justification for us getting involved even more in Syria (despite Parliament voting down any involvement).

After which doubtless the Iranian mullahs will become the next set of worst people in the world, ready for a war against them.

There are lots of questions our TV news should be asking politicians, but they aren't being asked, which makes me very uneasy.


Without a doubt, only fools would believe all this nonsense about poisoning, I dont think it even happened, its just part of the plan to get people really enraged with Russia, so enraged that we would go to war with them, only the brain dead buy into this nonsense..

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I just get the impression that we are being pushed towards a war; every time I see the news I just think someone is trying to build a justification for us getting involved even more in Syria (despite Parliament voting down any involvement).

After which doubtless the Iranian mullahs will become the next set of worst people in the world, ready for a war against them.

There are lots of questions our TV news should be asking politicians, but they aren't being asked, which makes me very uneasy.


Without a doubt, only fools would believe all this nonsense about poisoning, I dont think it even happened, its just part of the plan to get people really enraged with Russia, so enraged that we would go to war with them, only the brain dead buy into this nonsense..


1: it would be the most stupid thing to go to war with Russia

2: what has a diplomatic row with Russia got to do with Syria or Iran?

3: ask the hospital and those affected if there really was a poisoning, thats the thing its easy for us to sit here and discount things that personally doesnt affect us but those who have been affected would know.

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Without a doubt, only fools would believe all this nonsense about poisoning, I dont think it even happened, its just part of the plan to get people really enraged with Russia, so enraged that we would go to war with them, only the brain dead buy into this nonsense..


To get which people enraged?

Which people have to be enraged enough to decide they want to have a war,and the means to start it?

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