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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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To get which people enraged?

Which people have to be enraged enough to decide they want to have a war,and the means to start it?

i think he means us, one day the government will go right we need to invade Russia, and everybody will be so enraged we will pick up pitchforks, cheer and agree

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i think he means us, one day the government will go right we need to invade Russia, and everybody will be so enraged we will pick up pitchforks, cheer and agree


I don't know that they would go that far Mel, but justifications for sanctions and regime change in Russia, absolutely.


Remember when David Cameron was busting to get us involved in the war in Syria before Miliband (to his eternal credit) put a spoke in his wheel by refusing to support it?


For whatever reasons, the west seems determined to destroy countries in the middle east and further seems to think that we have the absolute right to overthrow rulers we don't like.


I don't think we do and I think most British people would agree with that.


What's going on is a massive campaign to justify our part in foreign wars, to get people's opinion behind that. I don't think we are stupid enough to star an actual war against Russia but with the current inhabitant of the White House, who knows?

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Without a doubt, only fools would believe all this nonsense about poisoning, I dont think it even happened, its just part of the plan to get people really enraged with Russia, so enraged that we would go to war with them, only the brain dead buy into this nonsense..


How many people do you estimate are now,in on 'the plan'?

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I don't know that they would go that far Mel, but justifications for sanctions and regime change in Russia, absolutely.


Remember when David Cameron was busting to get us involved in the war in Syria before Miliband (to his eternal credit) put a spoke in his wheel by refusing to support it?


For whatever reasons, the west seems determined to destroy countries in the middle east and further seems to think that we have the absolute right to overthrow rulers we don't like.


I don't think we do and I think most British people would agree with that.


What's going on is a massive campaign to justify our part in foreign wars, to get people's opinion behind that. I don't think we are stupid enough to star an actual war against Russia but with the current inhabitant of the White House, who knows?


I'm not buying the whole regime change, for Syria or Russia. Russia is too powerful, Putin too well entrenched and is backing Assad. Neither or us or the Americans are going to invade anyone -maybe air strikes - backed by the UN -but that would be it. Neither country has the stomach or funds for another open ended war with boots on the ground in serious numbers. We don't have serious numbers.


Now it's not beyond the realm of possibility that AN Other group has some gas nabbed from Assad and used it - but territory and loyalties shift a lot out there it's more or less impossible to say who used it and how. Given the crap both May and trump have on their desks at the moment, it's a useful distraction I don't think they have much control out there than you or I.

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1: it would be the most stupid thing to go to war with Russia

2: what has a diplomatic row with Russia got to do with Syria or Iran?

3: ask the hospital and those affected if there really was a poisoning, thats the thing its easy for us to sit here and discount things that personally doesnt affect us but those who have been affected would know.


you are right, it would be the most stupidest thing to do,

but this isnt just about the poisoning of the Skripals, it goes much deeper than that, this is very much linked to Syria, The west wants the removal of Assad, its all about control of the middle east, and they cant get rid of Assad until they get Russia out of the way....yeah its that crazy..

You cant have failed to notice the campaign of hatred against Russia, its Russia did this and Russia did that, they are feeding us hated to gear us up for war, after the Skripals poisoning, there were many people (myself included) saying that chemicals were going to be used in Syria again, and that Russia would get the blame...and that we have to do something about it, America is behind this, they want control of the middle east, they are already funding the rebels to try and overthrow Assad and are failing, now they are going for a more direct approach.

lets look at the Skripals facts....


they were supposed to have been poisoned with a nerve agent, it was deadly we were told, if they survived they would be brain dead or in a coma, this was after they had been in contact with it and then gone for a meal..lol...now they have made a miracle recovery..:huh:

we have not seen any evidence, we have not shown Russia the evidence.

we will not allow their relation to come and see them, why is that? is that because the fake story will come out?

the daughter was recorded saying on the phone that they were all well and nothing to worry about :huh:

Bozo lied and said Porton Down said the poison came from Russia, then Porton Down said they didnt say that?:huh:

if anyone believes this nonsense they must be a fool


---------- Post added 08-04-2018 at 19:23 ----------


How many people do you estimate are now,in on 'the plan'?


who knows....


---------- Post added 08-04-2018 at 19:23 ----------


What a fantastic reply


cheers buddy :)


---------- Post added 08-04-2018 at 19:25 ----------



For whatever reasons, the west seems determined to destroy countries in the middle east and further seems to think that we have the absolute right to overthrow rulers we don't like.


its for America to gain control of that area

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you are right, it would be the most stupidest thing to do,

but this isnt just about the poisoning of the Skripals, it goes much deeper than that, this is very much linked to Syria, The west wants the removal of Assad, its all about control of the middle east, and they cant get rid of Assad until they get Russia out of the way....yeah its that crazy..

You cant have failed to notice the campaign of hatred against Russia, its Russia did this and Russia did that, they are feeding us hated to gear us up for war, after the Skripals poisoning, there were many people (myself included) saying that chemicals were going to be used in Syria again, and that Russia would get the blame...and that we have to do something about it, America is behind this, they want control of the middle east, they are already funding the rebels to try and overthrow Assad and are failing, now they are going for a more direct approach.

lets look at the Skripals facts....


they were supposed to have been poisoned with a nerve agent, it was deadly we were told, if they survived they would be brain dead or in a coma, this was after they had been in contact with it and then gone for a meal..lol...now they have made a miracle recovery..:huh:

we have not seen any evidence, we have not shown Russia the evidence.

we will not allow their relation to come and see them, why is that? is that because the fake story will come out?

the daughter was recorded saying on the phone that they were all well and nothing to worry about :huh:

Bozo lied and said Porton Down said the poison came from Russia, then Porton Down said they didnt say that?:huh:

if anyone believes this nonsense they must be a fool


---------- Post added 08-04-2018 at 19:23 ----------



who knows....


---------- Post added 08-04-2018 at 19:23 ----------



cheers buddy :)


---------- Post added 08-04-2018 at 19:25 ----------



its for America to gain control of that area


We've been through all this before,Trump wants out of Syria,if they wanted a war with Russia,they've all had the perfect time to do it for years now and its not happened.Trump is wanting a friendly meeting with Putin,he's not about to declare war because of the Skripals,America don't need oil from Syria,they are self sufficient through shale,Russia have exclusive rights to the oil and gas in Syria.

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lets look at the Skripals facts....


they were supposed to have been poisoned with a nerve agent, it was deadly we were told, if they survived they would be brain dead or in a coma, this was after they had been in contact with it and then gone for a meal..lol...now they have made a miracle recovery..:huh:

we have not seen any evidence, we have not shown Russia the evidence.

we will not allow their relation to come and see them, why is that? is that because the fake story will come out?

the daughter was recorded saying on the phone that they were all well and nothing to worry about :huh:

Bozo lied and said Porton Down said the poison came from Russia, then Porton Down said they didnt say that?:huh:

if anyone believes this nonsense they must be a fool

IF it was a lie dont you think theyd have done it better? why would they leave loose ends for conspiracy theorists to pick up on? IF they said a deadly nerve agent was used and they didnt want them to recover youd think theyd do it properly?

Theres questions about that Russian phonecall which cant be validated and im not sure whats happening with the visits, but a lot of it is eminating from Russia, and theyve told enough porkies themselves

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The Syrian volunteer rescue workers known as the White Helmets have become the target of an extraordinary disinformation campaign that positions them as an al-Qaida-linked terrorist organisation.


The Guardian has uncovered how this counter-narrative is propagated online by a network of anti-imperialist activists, conspiracy theorists and trolls with the support of the Russian government (which provides military support to the Syrian regime).


The White Helmets, officially known as the Syria Civil Defence, is a humanitarian organisation made up of 3,400 volunteers – former teachers, engineers, tailors and firefighters – who rush to pull people from the rubble when bombs rain down on Syrian civilians. They’ve been credited with saving thousands of civilians during the country’s continuing civil war.




They have also exposed, through first-hand video footage, war crimes including a chemical attack in April. Their work was the subject of an Oscar-winning Netflix documentary and the recipient of two Nobel peace prize nominations.


Despite this positive international recognition, there’s a counter-narrative pushed by a vocal network of individuals who write for alternative news sites countering the “MSM agenda”. Their views align with the positions of Syria and Russia and attract an enormous online audience, amplified by high-profile alt-right personalities, appearances on Russian state TV and an army of Twitter bots.


The way the Russian propaganda machine has targeted the White Helmets is a neat case study in the prevailing information wars. It exposes just how rumours, conspiracy theories and half-truths bubble to the top of YouTube, Google and Twitter search algorithms.



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