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Russian Chemical Weapon attack in Salisbury

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I just get the impression that we are being pushed towards a war; every time I see the news I just think someone is trying to build a justification for us getting involved even more in Syria (despite Parliament voting down any involvement).

After which doubtless the Iranian mullahs will become the next set of worst people in the world, ready for a war against them.

There are lots of questions our TV news should be asking politicians, but they aren't being asked, which makes me very uneasy.


True Harry.. I think that you and I, and a few others have seen it all before and are able to remember far better than the air heads who spend all their time glued to the box and the Sun newspaper?


Here is a very excellent article I came upon whilst researching. I know it is from 2013 but how relevant is it to today?


The CIA, the Press and Black Propaganda

by Douglas Valentine

September 2013.

As soon as Kevin Drum at Mother Jones absolved the CIA of spewing poison gas as a provocation, many on the Liberal Left cautiously threw their weight behind Obama and the thrill of waging a punitive war on Syria.

“Perhaps regime change is a good idea,” Tom Hayden speculated in The Nation.

Left paterfamilias Noam Chomsky ( turned gatekeeper?) who generally shows an appreciation for the subtleties of covert action, claimed that America is not supplying its Al Qaeda mercenary army with arms – (he knew that for a fact??)

Eric Schmidt at The New York Times reported over a year ago that CIA officers in Turkey (Psycho SAS man James le Mesurier) were "helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms" (and gas?)

Which raises the question, what are the facts about the CIA’s penchant for “provoked responses” like the one in the Tonkin Gulf that started the Vietnam War? (or the false flag poisoning of the Skripals to provoke a 'war' with Russia?)

BLACK PROPAGANDA is one of many criminal things the CIA does.* It often involves committing a heinous crime and blaming it on an enemy by planting false evidence, and then getting a foreign newspaper to print the 'CIA’s scripted version of events', which sympathetic (compromised) journalists in America broadcast to the gullible public. (Sheeple)

In the case of Syria, the CIA is using cooked Israeli “intelligence” as a catalyst – which is why, as Johnstone and Bricmont explain, the “intelligence” is so “dubious.”

Black propaganda has other “intelligence” applications as well, and is often used to recruit informants, and create deserters and defectors.


In his autobiography, Soldier Anthony Herbert told how he reported for duty in 1965 in Saigon at the joint CIA-military Specials Operations Group where the spooks asked him to join a secret psywar program. “What they wanted me to do was to take charge of execution teams that wiped out entire families and tried to make it look as though the VC themselves had done the killing. The rationale being that other Vietnamese would see that the VC had killed another VC and would be frightened away from becoming VC themselves. Of course, the villagers would then be inclined to some sort of allegiance to our side.”


As counter-terror guru David Galula explained, “Pseudo insurgents are a way to get intelligence and sow suspicion at the same time between the real guerrillas and the population.”

In a similar case in 1964, a famous CIA propaganda officer organized three armed “survey teams” which operated in neighbouring hamlets simultaneously.* When Vietcong propaganda teams departed from a hamlet, his cut-throat cadre would move in and 'speak to one person' from each household, so the VC “would have to punish everyone after we left.”

In other words the CIA’s mercenaries (like the CIA’s mercenaries in Syria) were provocateurs, setting people up for recriminations, for intelligence and 'publicity' purposes.


The sheep ask questions but do not want to know the answers.

Or they would research???

Listen to this guy?

ex CIA officer Ralph McGehee



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True Harry.. I think that you and I, and a few others have seen it all before and are able to remember far better than the air heads who spend all their time glued to the box and the Sun newspaper?


Here is a very excellent article I came upon whilst researching. I know it is from 2013 but how relevant is it to today?


The CIA, the Press and Black Propaganda

by Douglas Valentine

September 2013.

As soon as Kevin Drum at Mother Jones absolved the CIA of spewing poison gas as a provocation, many on the Liberal Left cautiously threw their weight behind Obama and the thrill of waging a punitive war on Syria.

“Perhaps regime change is a good idea,” Tom Hayden speculated in The Nation.

Left paterfamilias Noam Chomsky ( turned gatekeeper?) who generally shows an appreciation for the subtleties of covert action, claimed that America is not supplying its Al Qaeda mercenary army with arms – (he knew that for a fact??)

Eric Schmidt at The New York Times reported over a year ago that CIA officers in Turkey (Psycho SAS man James le Mesurier) were "helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms" (and gas?)

Which raises the question, what are the facts about the CIA’s penchant for “provoked responses” like the one in the Tonkin Gulf that started the Vietnam War? (or the false flag poisoning of the Skripals to provoke a 'war' with Russia?)

BLACK PROPAGANDA is one of many criminal things the CIA does.* It often involves committing a heinous crime and blaming it on an enemy by planting false evidence, and then getting a foreign newspaper to print the 'CIA’s scripted version of events', which sympathetic (compromised) journalists in America broadcast to the gullible public. (Sheeple)

In the case of Syria, the CIA is using cooked Israeli “intelligence” as a catalyst – which is why, as Johnstone and Bricmont explain, the “intelligence” is so “dubious.”

Black propaganda has other “intelligence” applications as well, and is often used to recruit informants, and create deserters and defectors.


In his autobiography, Soldier Anthony Herbert told how he reported for duty in 1965 in Saigon at the joint CIA-military Specials Operations Group where the spooks asked him to join a secret psywar program. “What they wanted me to do was to take charge of execution teams that wiped out entire families and tried to make it look as though the VC themselves had done the killing. The rationale being that other Vietnamese would see that the VC had killed another VC and would be frightened away from becoming VC themselves. Of course, the villagers would then be inclined to some sort of allegiance to our side.”


As counter-terror guru David Galula explained, “Pseudo insurgents are a way to get intelligence and sow suspicion at the same time between the real guerrillas and the population.”

In a similar case in 1964, a famous CIA propaganda officer organized three armed “survey teams” which operated in neighbouring hamlets simultaneously.* When Vietcong propaganda teams departed from a hamlet, his cut-throat cadre would move in and 'speak to one person' from each household, so the VC “would have to punish everyone after we left.”

In other words the CIA’s mercenaries (like the CIA’s mercenaries in Syria) were provocateurs, setting people up for recriminations, for intelligence and 'publicity' purposes.


The sheep ask questions but do not want to know the answers.

Or they would research???

Listen to this guy?

ex CIA officer Ralph McGehee




I think your so wrapped up in conspiracys and "research" youre starting to get confused, NONE of this (from 1965 etc) can be twisted to fit into this topic, plus it doesnt make sense, its like loads of various sentences thrown together. Youre pasting any old babble to "prove" its a conspiracy

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I think your so wrapped up in conspiracys and "research" youre starting to get confused, NONE of this (from 1965 etc) can be twisted to fit into this topic, plus it doesnt make sense, its like loads of various sentences thrown together. Youre pasting any old babble to "prove" its a conspiracy


Why do conspiracy theorists always call watching youtubes and reading random CT websites "research".


Catpus has already linked to websites that cause my malware blocker to go crazy and push holocaust denial. Seems completely blinkered rather than "aware".

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Why do conspiracy theorists always call watching youtubes and reading random CT websites "research".


Catpus has already linked to websites that cause my malware blocker to go crazy and push holocaust denial. Seems completely blinkered rather than "aware".

they like to sound intellectual when in reality they are just obsessional

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IF it was a lie dont you think theyd have done it better? why would they leave loose ends for conspiracy theorists to pick up on? IF they said a deadly nerve agent was used and they didnt want them to recover youd think theyd do it properly?

Theres questions about that Russian phonecall which cant be validated and im not sure whats happening with the visits, but a lot of it is eminating from Russia, and theyve told enough porkies themselves


Please show us the PROOF that this is emanating from Russia?

In what way are they gaining 'anything?'

As you say - you are not sure of anything, and MI5/6 are counting on that. Just keep watching the box and reading the presstitute news.


They tried to get us all fired up against Muslims by creating the

7/7 false flag which was a 'terrorist drill that went wrong' and murdered a few innocent by standers to make a point. Which didn't go down very well with some in the know.

So we had the Woolwich False Flag, Britain could not organise a *** up in a brewery. This didn't create the backlash they had hoped for - there was only 'one victim?' and the perps waited around to be arrested after the farsical shoot out at the OK coral.... lol.

They went that bit further with the Manchester job... where many more innocents were murdered (it worked in France, why not here?) Have you ever been to a concert where they locked the doors at the end of a concert to stop the people getting out?? Every concert I have ever been to (and there have been MANY) open the doors half an hour before the end, to let those wanting to avoid the rush to get out quietly.... But I think that sickened some of the COBRA team who lost the stomach for killing innocents and not only that but some of the general public were becoming 'aware'............

So lastly we have the attempted killing of an old Russian defector....which backfired, but don't let that distract you... Russia IS the boggy man - Job done.

Now - in your ignorance you can support your Government in invading Syria and killing many more millions of innocents.

Well done!

Ooops - I forgot - our Black Ops are already in there......


Had you bothered to read one third of what I have posted Mel you would be on the road to awareness. That you choose to be a slave to the MSM and remain ignorant, is your prerogative, and affects my life not one jot..


Mel says "they like to sound intellectual when in reality they are just obsessional "

Intellectual - Yes.

Obsessional - about the Truth - Yes....


Not a gullible sheep who takes all her information from the presstitutes fed by the CIA/MI5/6

Edited by catpus
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Please show us the PROOF that this is emanating from Russia?

In what way are they gaining 'anything?'

As you say - you are not sure of anything, and MI5/6 are counting on that. Just keep watching the box and reading the presstitute news.


They tried to get us all fired up against Muslims by creating the

7/7 false flag which was a 'terrorist drill that went wrong' and murdered a few innocent by standers to make a point. Which didn't go down very well with some in the know.

So we had the Woolwich False Flag, Britain could not organise a *** up in a brewery. This didn't create the backlash they had hoped for - there was only 'one victim?' and the perps waited around to be arrested after the farsical shoot out at the OK coral.... lol.

They went that bit further with the Manchester job... where many more innocents were murdered (it worked in France, why not here?) Have you ever been to a concert where they locked the doors at the end of a concert to stop the people getting out?? Every concert I have ever been to (and there have been MANY) open the doors half an hour before the end, to let those wanting to avoid the rush to get out quietly.... But I think that sickened some of the COBRA team who lost the stomach for killing innocents and not only that but some of the general public were becoming 'aware'............

So lastly we have the attempted killing of an old Russian defector....which backfired, but don't let that distract you... Russia IS the boggy man - Job done.

Now - in your ignorance you can support your Government in invading Syria and killing many more millions of innocents.

Well done!

Ooops - I forgot - our Black Ops are already in there......


Had you bothered to read one third of what I have posted Mel you would be on the road to awareness. That you choose to be a slave to the MSM and remain ignorant, is your prerogative, and affects my life not one jot..


dont you think its odd, that EVERYTHING is a false flag operation? dont you think theyve got other things to do like running a country rather than devising false flag after false flag operations? :suspect:


shortly the only people left in Syria killing innocents will be the Syrian regime and guess who? yup Russia ;)


---------- Post added 09-04-2018 at 12:24 ----------


Talking of Syria its just like the wild west with attacks left right and centre from the likes of US, Israel, Russia, Syria, Iran




and then they all blame each other

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I think your so wrapped up in conspiracys and "research" youre starting to get confused, NONE of this (from 1965 etc) can be twisted to fit into this topic, plus it doesnt make sense, its like loads of various sentences thrown together. Youre pasting any old babble to "prove" its a conspiracy


Loads of various sentences thrown together, tells me that Mel is possibly Dyslexic, in which case I am sorry for taxing you too much.


What has Vietnam got to do with now?

What has Iraq got to do with now?

What has Libya to do with now?

What has Nicaragua to do with now?

What has Egypt to do with now?

What has Yemen to do with now?

What has Somalia to do with now?

The list is 75 countries long.... to date...



I see that Mell is a speed listener?

This monologue is only 1 hour 19 minutes long??? But he listened to it in ten?

And made the judgement that it is just babble?????

What does that tell us about Mell?

Edited by catpus
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Loads of various sentences thrown together, tells me that Mel is possibly Dyslexic, in which case I am sorry for taxing you too much.


What has Vietnam got to do with now?

What has Iraq got to do with now?

What has Libya to do with now?

What has Nicaragua to do with now?

What has Egypt to do with now?

What has Yemen to do with now?

What has Somalia to do with now?

The list in 75 countries long....



I see that Mell is a speed listener?

This monologue is only 1 hour 19 minutes long??? But he read it in ten?

What does that tell us about Mell?


i didnt view the video at all, i speed read through your sentences and they were just random pieces of nonsense thrown together in no order. so why dont you tell me, in one sentence (of your own, and no youtube link) why those 75 countries have any bearing on the russian spy poisoning

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