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Telford Scandal

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Is this your response ? A link to Wikipedia ?


Give it me in your own words, not a copy & paste


Oh, sorry, I didn't know I have to simplify it even more for you:


FGM is practiced also by Pakistanis.

(source: medical journals listed in my link)


This contradicts the statement "It’s the Africans that practise FGM, not the Pakistanis."

(source: your words)


Conclusion: You were wrong.


---------- Post added 15-03-2018 at 08:34 ----------


You're not the sharpest knife in the box are you? To see what he said.


Well, I'm asking because you got reasonable answer and only reaction from you was "not plausible, you're making it up" without any arguments or facts proving him wrong. Seems pretty useless from you.

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Telford. Oxford. Newcastle. Rotherham. Rochdale, etc etc

Its all the same. English men, of Pakistani heritage, raping / taking advantage of ... White, under age, English girls. Its almost old hat now, a non news story.

It washes over peoples heads unfortunately.

Yes, there are white men who are paedophiles, of that, there is no doubt.

The concern is .... to any body who is interested in the undeniable facts. a large majority (a disproportionate amount) of these acts of crime are carried out by Muslim men on white Christian girls. This figure is based purely on facts and figures. Anyone who argues the point, is part of the problem too.

Thankfully, a lot more of the historical abuse is coming in to the public to light.

One can only hope, the future abusers have second thoughts about abusing vulnerable white girls in the future.

The 'white' middle class people in the corridors of powers in Town Halls / Social Services / Education have ignored this problem for years and years. and in my mind are as equal of blame.

Whilst ever the clues and evidence is (and has been) ignored - the longer the abuse is allowed to go on. Lets pretend it will go away / ignore it.

Its political correctness gone mad. Easier to pretend its not happening (or happened)

Frightened stiff to speak up and point a finger at the suspected /main perpetrators - just in case it might upset certain communities.

Lets hope most of this abuse is historical and that people in Social Services / Education / Police - have the bravery to report their concerns in the future.

Or is that too much to ask ?

Blinkin heck , A proper well worded sound Sheffielder's view on a subject that shames us all.

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I think it's more to do with appaling misguided decisions made by small minded petty individuals in positions far above their abilities than it is to do with their political affiliation Harry.


I very much doubt that the Labour councillors, police and CPA in Rotherham are particularly left wing or progressive thinking beyond nominally voting Labour.


Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. They don't act that way because they are Labour, but because they share a belief that all political parties share; that there is no downside to diversity, that it is 100% wonderful and that it is at the heart of everything they do.


Which when you think about it is a bit silly. With the upsides of diversity there are some downs, as there are with nearly everything. Where the rough edges of different beliefs, attitudes and practices rubs together there will be problems.


But the 100% good mentality that is present in politicians, in councils and in police forces can't seem to cope with this simple concept. So when they are confronted by a problem with diversity they don't confront it, they try and deny it.


Hence the victim blaming, evidence ignoring and so on.

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Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. They don't act that way because they are Labour, but because they share a belief that all political parties share; that there is no downside to diversity, that it is 100% wonderful and that it is at the heart of everything they do.


Which when you think about it is a bit silly. With the upsides of diversity there are some downs, as there are with nearly everything. Where the rough edges of different beliefs, attitudes and practices rubs together there will be problems.


But the 100% good mentality that is present in politicians, in councils and in police forces can't seem to cope with this simple concept. So when they are confronted by a problem with diversity they don't confront it, they try and deny it.


Hence the victim blaming, evidence ignoring and so on.


Excellent post, 100% agree with this.

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No one ever blames these girls who are picked up by these men. Why can’t they just say “ NO” and walk away ?


Because they're children and often very unloved and vulnerable children; because the people raping them are clever and manipulative and are able to persuade and coerce them gradually to the point where they cannot 'just say no and walk away'.


Do you also blame adult rape victims for being raped, or is it just the vulnerable children's fault?

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Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. They don't act that way because they are Labour, but because they share a belief that all political parties share; that there is no downside to diversity, that it is 100% wonderful and that it is at the heart of everything they do.


Which when you think about it is a bit silly. With the upsides of diversity there are some downs, as there are with nearly everything. Where the rough edges of different beliefs, attitudes and practices rubs together there will be problems.


But the 100% good mentality that is present in politicians, in councils and in police forces can't seem to cope with this simple concept. So when they are confronted by a problem with diversity they don't confront it, they try and deny it.


Hence the victim blaming, evidence ignoring and so on.


Spot on harry,good post.Why can't people see this is the case ?

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