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Telford Scandal

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and i gave you an answer,can anybody now give me a answer,


The answer is simple scrapper. They do it because they are revolting paedophiles. Just like the gangs of perverts from every other group in society.

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Can you point us to these other examples of society.


I don’t understand the question.


If you mean, can I show you other grooming gangs, the answer is yes.


If you mean, can I show you different ways that paedophiles are organised, the answer is yes. There are white gangs, Asian gangs, pairs, rings and lone paedophiles.


Rather than waiting for me to spoon feed you, why not do a bit of research of your own?

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yes i no there vile animals but what i carnt get my head round is theres so many of them abusing 1 girl how do they get to no,how many of your mates come up to you and say ive got a 12 year old girl you can rape .has we no from the news theres hundreds of them so the majority of them must no each other. or be related .its never happened to me or anybody i no ,so how come hundreds of them no thousands all over the uk.

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I don’t understand the question.


If you mean, can I show you other grooming gangs, the answer is yes.


If you mean, can I show you different ways that paedophiles are organised, the answer is yes. There are white gangs, Asian gangs, pairs, rings and lone paedophiles.


Rather than waiting for me to spoon feed you, why not do a bit of research of your own?


But you can't pretend that these paedophile rings don't seem to be a particular problem with Pakistani men. I don't think that anyone is claiming that paedophilia doesn't happen elsewhere, or that this is anything but a tiny minority of Pakistani men, but pretending it isn't a problem doesn't help.

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But you can't pretend that these paedophile rings don't seem to be a particular problem with Pakistani men. I don't think that anyone is claiming that paedophilia doesn't happen elsewhere, or that this is anything but a tiny minority of Pakistani men, but pretending it isn't a problem doesn't help.


I wasn’t doing. You are of course correct that the gang element is strongly linked to a small number of Pakistani men. The other methods of organisation are largely, but not exclusively linked to the small number of White British offenders.


There is also the issue of reporting to take into account. The abuse of Muslim girls is thought to be hugely under-reported for mostly cultural reasons. That leads to questions like the one above “Why do they only abuse white girls”. They don’t.


It is a complicated business that is not well served by stereotyping from any angle.

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I agree, but disparity in attitudes to men and women is greater in the British Pakistani community than it is in some other communities, let's not pretend otherwise. That doesn't justify wholesale hostility to British Pakistani men of course.


You're absolutely right, it's a shame that some people seem unable to understand that concept. Authorities need also to understand that someone's ethnicity or skin colour or religion does not exempt or excuse them from behaving decently.

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I don’t understand the question.


If you mean, can I show you other grooming gangs, the answer is yes.


If you mean, can I show you different ways that paedophiles are organised, the answer is yes. There are white gangs, Asian gangs, pairs, rings and lone paedophiles.


Rather than waiting for me to spoon feed you, why not do a bit of research of your own?


I don't want to research anything I'll leave that to you learned types. I only asked a couple of questions. Your testy replies answered nothing.I am not seeking arguments you keep on your crusade of defen ding the righteous. I'm off for a few beers before my roast pork Sunday dinner good day.

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