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Telford Scandal

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Us good Muslims need to take charge of this problem and root out the perverts and not make excuses for them or worse protect them in our comunities.

I dont know this dimples and I don't like the fact he is stopping his daughter mixing with certain types but I do understand it and I don't blame dimples.

Attacking him instead of calling out these perverts makes you look stupid. Yes he may be going about it the wrong way but I really think dimples is acting honourably. At least he cares and be honest a lot of these poor girls fell into the hands of these animals because no on cared for them properly.


I think You are just another troll account of Dimples myself and if you were a Muslim you would realise that Dimple who once claimed to be an ex Muslim woman is a cultural racist using sf to further their racist views.

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I think You are just another troll account of Dimples myself and if you were a Muslim you would realise that Dimple who once claimed to be an ex Muslim woman is a cultural racist using sf to further their racist views.


Sure, because all Muslim must share YOUR opinion otherwise they're not real Muslims, or they're just trolls posing as Muslims, etc.. :D

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This is the 21st century. There are loads of ways to get to know someone without ever being face to face.


You're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Pathetic.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 06:48 ----------


Dimple and his ilk?

You make it sound like I have a gang.

Im not into that sort of thing, gang culture brings me out in hives so I'm pretty sure you have me confused with someone else.


Yeah - the tiny minded racist gang.


---------- Post added 14-03-2018 at 06:50 ----------


Well of course you do...it sort of supports racism as dimple has an agenda...my money is on “Ramjit” being one of the sick white racist psychos who’s reinvented himself as an Asian.


What I find obnoxious about dimple and his ilk is, rather than debate his own prejudices he’ll fall back on using an excuse to try making a valid point..point being using his daughter...it’s pathetic!!


Yeah, it has all the hallmarks of being a creation of someone with a very low IQ. I mean, Ramjit? Not even a typically Muslim name...

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You're judging religion by name? Hypocrite.


Not really. All of the “Ranjits” that I know are Indian and Sikh. Names are often a good indicator of religion.


I don’t know any “Ramjits” at all. Maybe the creator of our much quoted friend pressed the wrong key as they invented him.

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Not really. All of the “Ranjits” that I know are Indian and Sikh. Names are often a good indicator of religion.


I don’t know any “Ramjits” at all. Maybe the creator of our much quoted friend pressed the wrong key as they invented him.


Uh, ok... Then I conclude you as "Naive" must be quite simple person, Halibut probably doesn't smell really good and Mafya... Well, I don't want to have anything to do with him :D


Now can we move to more factual side of the topic?

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Uh, ok... Then I conclude you as "Naive" must be quite simple person, Halibut probably doesn't smell really good and Mafya... Well, I don't want to have anything to do with him :D


Now can we move to more factual side of the topic?


Number nine. Well done.


I wonder if it crossed your mind that I chose my username to elicit just that response from unoriginal dullards.


As I said, names can tell you a lot:wink:


We can deal with the facts after we deal with the sock puppet.

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I think there are lots of facets to the whole grooming scandal.

Before people rush headlong into discussing the religion / ethnic origin of the perpetrators (which is a factor & should be discussed); I think there is the whole issue of the behaviour of police, social workers, council bosses etc.


This is bang on. I worked for a large public sector organisation and the higher up you go, the more you have to demonstrate your increasing commitment to diversity.If you don't embrace this concept enthusiatically, you aren't getting promoted.


And a by product of this is that promotion gets politicised. Do you have right wing views? Forget promotion.


And so you get a class of people running councils, police forces, social services who support diversity (or at least say that they do) and as a consequence are opposed to right wing views.


So in they end they take a decision - could the right wing make political capital out of the grooming scandals? Yes, it could.


So instead of just applying the law, which is surely not too much to ask, they act to deny their perceived political opponents. And that's the key.


Which is where the victim blaming comes in (these girls made lifestyle choices), the looking the other way, the failure to act, and the intimidation and suppression of comment on the matter within councils, social services and the police.


And the problem is that these people are still in place, and the promotion system which enabled them is still in place, and until this changes the problem of the authorities looking the other way when they can and minimising the issue as much as possible when they can't - this is not going to change. Expect more scandals and more avoidance.

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I think it's more to do with appaling misguided decisions made by small minded petty individuals in positions far above their abilities than it is to do with their political affiliation Harry.


I very much doubt that the Labour councillors, police and CPA in Rotherham are particularly left wing or progressive thinking beyond nominally voting Labour.

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