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Britain First banned by Facebook

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Facebook has decided that BF is a hate group, and therefore is banned.


I've seen arguments that it's the right thing to do, as they are clearly inciting racial hatred, but also contrary arguments that they're just exercising freedom of speech.


I'm personally on the former view. I think they're filth, desperate to cause hatred amongst their ranks of mouth breathers.


Any views on this?

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On the one hand, its brilliant. I hate seeing people recirculate their posts as truth.


But on the other, does it force them underground where we can't see what they're up to and ridicule them in public? Or are their followers too stupid to use any medium other than Facebook?


They certainly won't use the "dark net" because it has the word dark in it!

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A precedent has been set

Namely that politicians can pressure internet providers to censor views they don't agree with.

So no problem with Britain First, but who will Yvette Cooper et all decide is going to be banned next?


Which politicians were involved?

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A precedent has been set

Namely that politicians can pressure internet providers to censor views they don't agree with.

So no problem with Britain First, but who will Yvette Cooper et all decide is going to be banned next?

They already set that when they drew up the list of proscribed organisations? we've had that years.

It was mainly pro palastinian and islamic extremists on it for years tho so well done to Britain first and national action for making it.


also theres been news about national action videos on youtube not being taken off fast enough this week too.


Dont forget the "leaders" of britain first also got jailed recently for inciting hate...just like our hooky friend et al ;)

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This wasnt the UK politicians putting them on a proscribed list. This was FB getting so jacked off with the flood of reports about them that they decided they were going against commuinity standards and they unilaterally booted them

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