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no comment mel ... just some childish emoji .... well thanks be for that


---------- Post added 12-11-2018 at 14:53 ----------


its not Tommy Robinson that worries me


its the lengths some people are and will go to in fear of what he says. they dismiss what he says but do all they can between them to deny his right to say it.. i imagine its a bit like living in fascist germany or communist russia or red china.


all that would silence him to protect their views are the enemies of everyone


so far and to be honest i have not given all of this much attention but so far i have not seen any references in which people have been able to refute anything he has said as being untruthful


ignoring his constant name changes of course which he says have been necessary and i have seen shown no evidence which would contradict that.


i suppose the ignorant and mindless will continue to harass him till he stops or dies, and then the real thugs wil have won


it adds up to very little in the scheme of things but for getting itself involved in the persecution of an individual and politics in general i will not be using paypal until they change their attitude

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its not Tommy Robinson that worries me


its the lengths some people are and will go to in fear of what he says. they dismiss what he says but do all they can between them to deny his right to say it.. i imagine its a bit like living in fascist germany or communist russia or red china.


Your imagination is a bit rubbish if you think little Tommy's trouble are in any way comparable to any of those countries.


so far and to be honest i have not given all of this much attention but so far i have not seen any references in which people have been able to refute anything he has said as being untruthful


Yeah, but you probably think Donald Trump is honest too.


ignoring his constant name changes of course which he says have been necessary and i have seen shown no evidence which would contradict that.


Criminals often use false names. No surprises there then.


i suppose the ignorant and mindless will continue to harass him till he stops or dies, and then the real thugs wil have won


He could just stop breaking the law...


it adds up to very little in the scheme of things but for getting itself involved in the persecution of an individual and politics in general i will not be using paypal until they change their attitude


I'm sure Paypal will be quaking in their boots.:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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its not Tommy Robinson that worries me


its the lengths some people are and will go to in fear of what he says. they dismiss what he says but do all they can between them to deny his right to say it.


He has nothing to say, just the same tired old rhetoric he has been boring us with since 2009.


He is just an unreconstructed racist who has happened upon a much safer way of making money than dodgy sunbed shops, mortgage fraud or dealing.


Attempting to make martyrs of unsavoury characters with a criminal history seems to be a trope of the far right. Let's not forget the hero worshipping of Raul Moat on EDL, BNP and other right wing facebook pages after he shot one person dead, blinded a policeman then shot himself dead in Rothbury.

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Slightly off topic, but I think sufficiently related, it's great that these freadish ghouls were convicted yesterday.


Look at these people. Just look at the full-faced tattoo freaks who espoused white supremacy at the EDL march recently in manchester, or the crass stupidity of those who can't see through Yaxley-Lennon's efforts to enrich himself at their stupidity.


And then we have the people featured in the story. What strikes me about them is how sad and pathetic they are, with their adolescent arming with cross-bows, dressing up in KKK robes behind closed doors, and jackets with swastikas. They come across as frightened children, and not very bright ones either.


At least the far right in the US have some intelligence and seem a bit sinister; here they are generally all lager-swilling fat lads too old to fight on football terraces anymore.




---------- Post added 13-11-2018 at 11:16 ----------


Good to see also that the US has refused a visa for Yaxley Lennon, prior to a fund-raising trip.


Of course they won't let him in; he's a convicted criminal with numerous convictions for assault, fraud and god knows what.

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